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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. The models that are ported are described as so "from Star Wars Clone Wars Adventure"
  2. Does anyone call 'dibs' on Jedi Master Luke Skywalker (as he is in Episode VII once it's out)? By then, rend2 should be done so we can use normal maps for all of his wrinkles.
  3. SoF2 doesn't have its full source code available for someone to even attempt it. Best you can hope for is the port of SoF2 to OpenJK which you mentioned.
  4. I think this is pretty much how we are going to see Luke (head): http://www.superherohype.com/news/304637-mark-hamill-greets-fans-from-disney-hollywood-studios-star-wars-weekends
  5. Did you find out what caused holes in ghoul2 models?
  6. So what percentage would you say of rend2's completion? Also, is release build still bugged with that wierd lightmap stuff?
  7. Test time! https://www.dropbox.com/s/k8vn6yv88g75uc7/DT_shark.pk3 Bare in mind: - the bounding box (collision) isn't going to match the model - will need coding to grab player & eat him, so the attack animation looks out of place - doesn't "flyswim" around for some reason, probably needs coding To load as the player model: playermodel dt_shark To load the npc: npc spawn dt_shark
  8. Would that (black triangles) be due to sprites not working, or is it totally different?
  9. It's good, but doing a sculpt would produce much better quality.
  10. This sucker will require a small amount of coding to operate properly methinks. Right now, it chases you and hurts you but doesn't play the bite animation. When playing as the shark though, the bite animation works. And it doesn't seem to want to float even though I gave it CLASS_REMOTE & movetype "flyswim".
  11. Need a blender tutorial on this, only because it's easier to do simple swaps like this. Softimage & Max require more work due to no direct GLM exporters.
  12. Just don't use normalparallaxmap, use normalmap instead.
  13. Yeah, methinks just not worry about it. There's other things Xycaleth could be working on, poor guy is working on his own afaik. EDIT: @@Xycaleth: Yeah, normal maps definitely look better. I can say with 90% certainty that they are fixed. Now, back to the subject of UV seams. What exactly can be done about them for Ghoul2 & MD3? I've read a few ideas but nothing has been set as a 'solution'.
  14. Should be an "X" on his back, but it makes the whole torso shiny and the "X" moves around like an env map: models/players/kyle/kyle_torso { { map models/players/kyle/gray rgbGen lightingdiffuseEntity } { stage normalparallaxmap map models/players/kyle/kyle_torso_pn } }
  15. Parallax doesn't work on player models as it should, instead it makes the mesh uber glossy. Just an FYI, not asking for a fix.
  16. Fully agree with you about the X-wing. GIANT SPACE PIG FTW!!!!
  17. I meant like a new stage where you specify a texture to control the amount of glow. Normal maps do look better, though I haven't looked very closely yet.
  18. Maybe we could have a "glow" texture which depicts the areas of the diffuse will glow? Something like: { stage glow map textures/lava/lava_glow.jpg }
  19. The colors on just about everything look too bright and/or intense. Apart from that, great job.
  20. http://www.tmz.com/2014/06/02/star-wars-episode-7-set-photos-secret-pics-new-creature/ After seeing some set photo's, this could be good. ALL HAIL TEH LARGE SPACE PIG!!!!!!!
  21. Deleted my build folder and redid cmake, now compiles fine. Now, onto an issue I've found:
  22. Awesome work. I'll give the updated code a whirl right now. EDIT: I'm getting 2 unresolved externals LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "char const * const fallbackShader_gaussian_blur_vp" (?fallbackShader_gaussian_blur_vp@@3PBDB) \build\codemp\rd-rend2\tr_glsl.obj MP Rend2 Renderer LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "char const * const fallbackShader_gaussian_blur_fp" (?fallbackShader_gaussian_blur_fp@@3PBDB) \build\codemp\rd-rend2\tr_glsl.obj MP Rend2 Renderer
  23. Vanilla shows off the 'heat' of the lava, while rend2 looks more of a blend between no glow and vanilla. Then again, the base lava texture isn't exactly what I'd call 'hot' looking either.
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