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Status Updates posted by DT.

  1. Heh. Gotta love when people take what you've said, re-word it and say "I said that" lol

  2. Submitted Toshi's Luke V2, now the waiting game....

  3. Why.....must......I.....fail......at.....every.....attempt.....of.....scripting!

  4. Put in a request for Dark Forces II mod forum

  5. Sprucing up Narshadda, using pics from Ibanez's version as reference.

  6. Backed up DF2 to my Megacloud. With 8GB of free space, why not. :P

  7. Aussie election reminds me of this:

  8. Good night's worth of mapping. :D

  9. Tie Bomber fly-by finished, looks pretty authentic considering how it actually works is non-conventional :P

  10. Whew....the disruptor still works, just needed an entry in weapons.dat

  11. Forked a more recent version of OpenJK, going to apply my changes for DF2

  12. Gotta love SVN, a quick revert and any code I've screwed up becomes good again. :D

  13. Just compiled Modview & Assimiate's code for VS2010 while fixing Assimilate's Ghoul2 version not being 6...

  14. Submitted Max 2010/2011 64bit MD3 exporter. :)

  15. Stupid unicode adding spaces between each letter of the texture name....sucks because otherwise Max 2014 would be able to export MD3

  16. Submitted a more simpler version of the GLM importer for Max 2010/2011 and it's in english :D

  17. Route to the end of 01Nar is done, now to finish up scripting/texturing/details

  18. 01Nar is coming along nicely, just about done. Then it's back to the menus and other stuff. ;)

  19. Once rend2 is done, I wouldn't mind starting up a Terminator MP game

  20. Maya 2014 JKA skeleton submitted.

  21. Decided to buy UE4 for a test run, and see how much mischief I can cause...

  22. How shit! UE4 keeps crashing when I'm trying to make a wall.......

  23. Finished up the scope view: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iyijwevcvyh1rlr/TA_2.jpg Animated static with blue tint :D

  24. Should have DF2 mod source & build + Maul low poly uploaded in the next day or so. Will post the link when it's ready

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