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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. May your eyes never go bloodshot from giving us good stuffs.
  2. Lemmee see if I can make it more clear. I'll give you a general explanation. Once upon a time there was a video game programmer. He wanted to make single player games and multiplayer games without having to rewrite an entire new game and just be able to reuse most of his code. So he invented a thing called "netcode". The programmer designed netcode to manage the data transfer between 'client' and 'server' in a general abstract sort of way. The clever programmer realized that by designing the game like a multiplayer game with a server and a client he wouldn't have to rewrite large portions of the single-player version of the game. He would just treat different 'chunks' in memory like a server and a client and they would talk to each other using memory (RAM) as the line of communication instead of TCP/IP. This would save our clever programmer from having to reinvent the wheel, and allow changes to be made to both types of game types without too much work. Hope that helps. My description may be in need of some clarification if we want to go for accuracy, but I think its a good general summary of what netcode is. Oh, and the programmer lived happily ever after.
  3. Provide your code please, or its really hard to help you out.
  4. Futuza

    RCON Unlimited

    I do like this thing, have you a portable version so I do not need to install and I can keep it on a thumbdrive?
  5. Due to the vague wording on the poll I picked JKA, but I might be persuaded to choose JK2 were the poll worded differently.
  6. Heck yes! I love you Eeez, now I'm actually tempted to hop on board.
  7. I'd be happier I know. Besides I'm not sure there really would be performance losses if you did it cleverly enough.
  8. Well it certainty looks like him...
  9. See I think this is a positive, because being considered mature and swearing excessively is an oximoron in my opinion. I'd have to agree with what some have said, a lot of these 'cons' listed by various people are extremely debatable. This makes a lot of sense to me.
  10. ...maybe but...it might be worth ignoring that for the purpose of this backup. Since at this point...we wouldn't technically be violating the terms of use yet, since this backup won't be distributed...yet.
  11. Model thing, (unless your saving the gimp file as an xcf or something instead of as a jpg/tga, which in that case it wouldn't be overwritting the old one at all.) Sorry I haven't done skinning for a while, somebody else might be able to help you out with your other questions.
  12. I don't think JKGalaxies is quite ready for tournament at the present moment, but once we release Phase1.5 and we've made the release fairly stable, we might consider looking into doing something like this. I suppose it depends upon what the rest of the team wants to do at that point, but I'm just letting you know I think a tournament would be good for the community. Plus it'd help us balance the game out better
  13. So are you going to grab all the mods at one point as well?
  14. Well there's this: LucasArts Attention: Product Support P.O. Box 29908 San Francisco, CA 94129 'Course stamps may be required. Here's a LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/title/producer/at-lucasarts/
  15. ...the more you Khols? Err...maybe Mod? I was looking at the sand worm ai, its got some interesting settings, and has some wierd reactions with certain force powers when used in MP. Might be fun to fix, though I'm sure someone's already done it.
  16. I think if I remember right, OJP basic/enhanced had a fix for removing this limit. But its been a while and I could be mixing up things. You could try looking into that.
  17. I was never really big into single-player games that much, I bought JKA originally for the MP way way back in the day. Course, JK2 is pretty cheap, so I don't really have an excuse not to get it. But yeah, a JA port might be nice for lazy bums like me. Though we should probably let eez actually finish the jk2 part before he worries about that.
  18. Well I suppose there's a good reason for that, reverse engineering is kind of in the gray area (not that I really care). Well good luck with it, yer trying to make me buy jk2 aren't you?
  19. Would you consider doing a tournament like this, but use a mod instead of base, in the future?
  20. Impressive work, though I am curious... "Raven helped us to make this mod in various indirect ways." Who is us?
  21. I have good news for you Mug: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1041-duck/ Also, if you do find time, I'd be one for supporting a Bastila Model based off of the box cover (not the ingame one, eww...). Or even better yet: Yes, a freakin Leviathan would be awesome. Especially if you did some fancy stuff with the npc and efx.
  22. Maps, though I'll occasionally grab a skin or large mod.
  23. Well it depends on which computer I'm using and what I'm doing with it. If we're talking about JKA resolution usually I use 1024x768, so I don't suffer from fps issues too much. If we're talking about me programming at school using a fancy nice computer I don't own, I'm going to be using 1900x1080 with two screens. If we're talking about me programming at home using a lame computer, I'd be using 1280x1024.
  24. Interesting eez...so this is what you've been up to lately.
  25. If it's OJP enhanced, you'll need that. Just a guess.
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