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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. Well its a lazy butt way to make a movie, but that's what you got to do I suppose if you don't want to take the time to make your own models or textures. I must admit though, some really hilarious results, especially with the latest video on their facebook. Kyle Katarn's smile at the end. AW GAWD, KYLES GONE PERVERTED TOO! NOOOO!
  2. But it would require taking a shot for each map...I suppose that's the only advantage to this map thing, no need to prepare a levelshot ahead of time, as long as there is a map there is a preview of it.
  3. At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi...at last we will have revenge.
  4. From my point of view the Jedi are stupid evil.
  5. This is why I try to keep telling people that they should apply for JKG since its awesome.
  6. Hmmm had another idea, if you had it load in the background and then overlay the menu on top of it, you could still use the menu even if the map hadn't finished loading (just display black or some static image until it is finished loading). This would require making some stuff using multi-threading, and would be a lot of work, but might work
  7. eezstreet is working on allowing flash videos and some various codecs such as xvid, so we can play anything with JKG, if that gets finished, I'm sure we'll share it with everyone. (Especially since...we're open source...lol)
  8. Would be nice if we could do something like this that used 100% original assets, and could be used in some sort of stand-alone openJK release.
  9. This, I think is the biggest hangup, because one shouldn't have to wait for the map to load before seeing a menu. Menu's should be quick to pull up. What might work is pre-recorded videos of the level (we have level shots, why not level motionshots?), loading would be far faster. This is I believe what the base jka menu does anyway (the video of the ship and the planet in the background). Another possibility that might make it work better, would be having some kind of fake map that acts as the preview map. This map is tiny, extremely optimized, and takes less than 10 seconds to load, it would feature only highlights you want to show off in the actual map.
  10. Well basically a tool like this allows you to turn jka into an RPG. Nice because you can trigger scripts/events using this method. For example: Talk to an npc about shuttle traveling to another planet. Then after making your selection, you could have it load a new map/level based on what you select. Etc...anything you wanna do pretty much.
  11. How long does it take to load the map if you do something like that? The usual time?
  12. Give the jawa my condolences when you see him next.
  13. Oooh I like this idea. Not sure it'd be all that interesting applied just to base, but I'm sure a lot of mods would want to implement this sort of thing.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mODgwKPKho
  15. Why do you want your own rosh npc? Can't you just use the base asset one?
  16. They are making a lot of smart choices lately, and I think this is one of them. I wonder if I should buy stock in Valve...
  17. You have drawn my attention. I have a nagging question that I haven't been able to find the answer to, is this single-player or multiplayer? NVM, found your moddb, says its singleplayer. Interesting...
  18. Ah...you mean I can't hide in the walls using prone and shoot people with the tip of my rifle sticking out?
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