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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. Almost looks like it might be from a certain final fantasy game...
  2. You could download the tutorials for use offline. Then you'd have as much time as you need to digest the information in them.
  3. He’s dangerous, he’s barefoot, and…he’s missing a model. Want to be able to say, “You just got Bossk’d” with your next headshot in the next patch of Jedi Knight Galaxies? Or maybe you’re itching to drive around IG-88 while tossing class e thermal detonators? Then participate in bringing one of your favorite bounty hunter to life! The contest will be open until January 8th, so be sure to complete your sculpt and/or normal-poly version and/or textures by then. You do not necessarily need to skin it, add sounds, or other extras, but you are welcome to if you feel the desire to, (doing so also may make us more partial to your work). If you wish to participate, simply post a WIP screenshot of your work on any canon Star Wars bounty hunter model (see a list here) in this thread on our forums before the end of November to let us know you’re in. The winner will be awarded with some special custom goodies we will announce. Good luck and may the best modeler win! Rules: 1) Must be completely original work, absolutely no Raven Assets (or anyone else’s) to be used. 2) Must be a canon bounty hunter who was alive during the time period of A New Hope 3) Must be completely submitted by January 8th 12:00 Midnight UTC 4) Must be submitted in a format we can export to JKA (acceptable formats: .fbx, .obj, .blend, .3ds (NO .max), .collada, .glm). 5) The more realistic, the better your chance of winning. (Please keep vertexes/triangles on the final model down to a limit that will fit in game though!) Do not submit styled models, such as a Clone Wars cartoon variant, or a bobble head model. When you're ready to submit your work, please post final screenshots/media in a reply to the Like a Bossk Submissions thread as well as a link to your submitted file (in a .zip format). If for some reason you don’t want to publish your work publicly, feel free to PM Pande your submitted zip. Good luck and may the best modeler win! Please note: You agree to give unconditional access to your submitted work to the JKG Development team indefinitely, including, but not limited to: modification of your work, and use of it in game and on promotional material. Don’t worry you will get credit, we just want you to understand you can’t ask for it to be removed once submitted. You may, however, continue to use it as you’d like outside of JKG.
  4. It is extremely offensive to me. ...jk, this VV
  5. I knew that Binks fellow was in cahoots with the Emperor. I just knew it. Errr.. Good morning Sion.
  6. Futuza

    We need money

    Oh. Is that what happened to his face?
  7. Why you change your name?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Circa


      Zack = Polarity

    3. spior


      I'm still going for the "Hasn't changed his name or avatar since he signed up in the beta" award.

    4. Futuza
  8. Basically adding random realistic human elements enhances any map. Well almost any map.
  9. ...sorry that's a lot. Doubt anyone will do it for you. Why don't you just use a proxy?
  10. I think he should definitely kidnap Luke Skywalker as a child and bring him before the emperor. It'll be great. Especially since cannon doesn't matter any more at this point. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
  11. Then you'll probably want some ai adjustment too since howler's are wimps.
  12. Futuza

    We need money

    Just going to add that by supporting JKHUB you also will support the mods that currently depend on it for webhosting as well. (Such as: JKG, JA++, etc...)
  13. I liked it, just hated the vehicle mechanics. Some parts of it were fun. Others not so much. Felt like the level design was mostly to blame though.
  14. Yeah...just take a screenshot. alt + printscreen, paste in mspaint, crop as you like. Save.
  15. Yeah if a mod's thread hasn't had a post in it for 6months+ chuck in an 'archived mod' folder.
  16. Yeah sounds like a bad mod installed (or two that interfere with each other). I'd cut everything out of your base folder that isn't pure jka, and see if that fixes it and then add mods one at a time until it fixes. Unless you have some obvious mods that'd cause problems (modify saber stances for example).
  17. jamp.exe / jasp.exe not ja.game
  18. Oh I thought you meant taking jka's dynamic glow out entirely. I guess when you replace the render you have to remove jka's entirely to "make room" for rd-rend2 (so to speak). In that case, carry on.
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