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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. What he wants: http://jkhub.org/topic/4348-reclutamiento/?view=findpost&p=63311 Why we should help him: http://jkhub.org/topic/4348-reclutamiento/?do=findComment&comment=63409
  2. Meh. They optimized a lot of things on the backend that is nice, but I think they failed at desktop ui.
  3. Futuza

    FPS Issue

    Windows updates are often released about every 2 weeks...just saying...
  4. I don't think it'd hurt, I say go for it.
  5. Futuza

    FPS Issue

    Is there much of a diff between base jka and ojk? Rend 2 help or hurt?
  6. K. Sharing how you fixed it might also help others in the future, plus I'm mildly curious as to what was wrong.
  7. I can probably do it while I'm at work tomorrow. By the way are you using the win 8 vers of VS or the "for desktop" version? (Desktop one would probably work if you're using the other one).
  8. You are a traitor and a member of the rebel alliance!
  9. Do or do not, there is no try.
  10. Futuza

    Great work!

    That's too bad. Internet is a rough place.
  11. Futuza

    Great work!

    You could always donate it to Jkhub's server upkeep...assuming you don't hate all of us...
  12. Deviance can take the heat, and I believe he and I have an understanding now. I think he'd be comfortable with being mentioned as an example. (If not, then I'd be more than happy to apologize to him, but I'm sure he can handle it). I'm certainty not blaming him for all hostilities, if that's what you read into my post, just as an example of one of many that caused the reaction it has. I'm not sure what you mean by "everyone involved in the debate took a more or less equal part"? This is what the PM system is for, there's rarely a need for a staff member to rebuke someone in public. Make everyone read the Sermon on the Mount? This is just part of human nature, not sure there's really a lot you can do other then reminding everyone to just be a nice person.
  13. I can teach you new unique coding practices to increase your line count.
  14. Long legal garbage are things no one wants to read or understand. It is part of what has made America so obsessed with its sue happy culture. I don't want that here. Simple, short rules are best. If someone is struggling to understand "don't be a jerk", then a staff member can explain that to them over PM and if they continue to ignore it they can be warned/banned, until they get it. We did. Several times. And he raged at us and took offense to our calm polite constructive criticism and helpful suggestions. Eventually though he got to hear the sharp side of our tongues (or rather fingers) and he finally snapped into it and realized he was being a dick. So yeah, I think most of us agree with you.
  15. EDIT: Huh that's wierd...it erased my post. What I was trying to say was that you should get on the JACoders irc and you should be able to get some help there. Also google has a lot of tutorials for how to use Github, that will probably explain it better then any of us can.
  16. I think part of your experience was soured after members like Deviance (he's cool now B) ) when he first joined made most of us grumble a bit. A lot of the members have had to endure incessant, annoying requests accompanied with rage when no one wanted to do their request for them and their advice was ignored. These types of members didn't seem to understand that everyone on here is here because of their own choice and have no obligations to help anyone, and if they aren't interested in a project/model/skin etc... that is well in their right to ignore requests for help. As a result, when a newbie enters the forums requesting (or rather demanding) things without seeming to contribute anything of their own, understandably most of us are annoyed with them. I think a few of us have become hardened and less friendly as a result. Just so you understand a bit better. I agree, a lot of people here could be a little more polite and helpful for sure; however, being 'offended' is something that person chooses to do and very much uncontrollable by anyone except the 'offended' person. As an example, I could be offended when no one wants to help me DDOS Caelum's servers, and take offense when others claim that such activities are 'rude and illegal' and proceed to blame the community for a 'hostile' atmosphere, when really the problem is me, not them. But basically I think we already have that rule about being helpful and friendly, "Don't be a jerk". I think most of the people on here are capable of being mature and friendly without needing an additional rule to tell them to do so. So, in conclusion, no I don't think we need a new rule; however, yes some of us could stand to be a little friendlier.
  17. Basically something that CrimsonStrife said is what it boils down to in my opinion Therefore, if a model is being made of a copyrighted work there is a risk of the copyright holder taking someone who makes such a thing (or endorses it, or participates in its distribution) to court and suing them. This is ultimate basis as to why sites like Youtube have to immediately take down videos when they receive take down notices, whether or not the claim is legitimate, simply because the risk that it is legitimate could mean massive amounts of lawsuit money and so forth. The area of fanart isn't really grey area, it just is risky since it is dependent on another entities opinion. If the copyright holder approves of your works, no risk, you're all good. If they don't though, you lose.
  18. Lol. Mousedroid escaped the destruction of the Death Star. I knew that devious little droid was resourceful.
  19. What? The stormtrooper is amazing at playing that keyboard.
  20. You're probably right, not sure an autoconvert tool would make them look realistic. You can ignore me and my strange ideas.
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