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Files posted by JKHub

  1. Flame Mandalorian

    Author: Forogorn
    There are 3 skins included, 1 gold with black and camo, 1 blue with purple, and 1 red with orange. I made these skins because of the Snow Mandalorian I made. The next Mandalorian skins that I will be releasing will be the Camo Mandalorian with different skins for blue and red instead of changing the color to blue and red. Though it is already finished, I will release it when I feel that it's ready. Maybe then you can remake the scene of the Mandalorian War.


       (2 reviews)



  2. Camo Stormtrooper

    Author: Forogorn
    There are 3 skins included, 1 green, 1 blue, and 1 brown. I made these skins to go along with the camo rebel skins that I made not long ago. I made a brown skin instead of a red skin so that you can camouflage in sandy terrains. I am sorry that my skins have no Bot Support to go along with it, I just don't know how, maybe I'll learn.


       (1 review)



  3. Antichiss

    AUTHOR: Darth Ayreon
    The Chiss fear nobody. They don't fear the lords of the Sith,
    they don't fear the republic (old or new) and they don't give a shit about clone wars.
    I give you... the Antichiss...


       (2 reviews)



  4. Rosh Customization

    AUTHOR: Darth Ayreon
    You all say you hate him, but we all know you don't! There's but a thin line between love and hate anyway.
    I give you, the Rosh Customization v1.0, for plenty more combinations of Rosh!
    5 new heads, new torso's and new lowers, combined with the old Rosh skins.
    A total of 228 combinations of ROSH!
    5 new bots and NPCs: the Pimp, the Warrior, the Latino, the Chiss and the Antichiss.
    The NPCs come with brand new soundfiles, recorded at home.
    New Pimp soundfiles, new Spanish soundfiles and a revised version of the Antichiss sounds


       (5 reviews)



  5. Anakin's ROTS Lightsaber

    Author : HapSlash
    Description : A new model of Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber hilt as used in Episode III : Return of the Sith.


       (2 reviews)



  6. The Clown Prince of Crime

    Original Author: Phonock
    This is not based on The Dark Knight Joker. But I like the idea of The Dark Knight Joker makeup..
    I want to try using that makeup style and make my own interpretation of The Joker.
    So, this is the idea of the Joker that I have in my head.
    I hope you'll enjoy my interpretation of The Joker!
    Player models list:
    playermodel the_joker
    playermodel the_joker_red
    playermodel the_joker_blue
    NPC list:
    npc spawn the_joker
    npc spawn the_joker_red
    npc spawn the_joker_blue
    A very special thanks to JORA CUSTOV for his great Agent Smith model. Thanks also goes out to JOHN TURNER for the original Agent Smith texture.
    Last, but not least, thanks to Buffy The Sith Slayer for the awesome screenshots.


       (1 review)



  7. The Joker

    Original Author: Phonock
    This is a reskin of the jedi model.It's kinda combination of upcoming Batman movie,cartoon and comic.
    Nothing much i can do with jedi model,so i make 3 versions of Joker.
    1: Mean/Cruel Joker
    2: Normal form(without makeup)
    3: Battle Joker(not related to any movie,comic or cartoon.It's just my idea...well to make a little bit interesting !)
    To use Mean/Cruel Joker model in SP type playermodel joker
    If you want use another versions,type this playermodel jack and playermodel new_joker
    Special thanks to BuffyTheSlayer for taking another great screenshots.


       (1 review)



  8. Rikimaru

    Original Author: Killjoy
    This is a reskin of the Cultist model that came with JA. We reskinned it to look like Rikimaru from Tenchu.
    This skin doesnt replace any original skins that came with the game to my knowledge. This is the first skin that me and darsc have made for JA, hopefully many more will follow.


       (2 reviews)



  9. Sifo Dyas

    Original Author: Rodry
    This is Master Sifo Dyas skin, based on the Wookieepedia pictures.
    The pk3 includes Sifo Dyas robed, unrobed, hooded and totally hooded models.
    This skin can be selected in MP by typing in
    /model sifodyas/default
    /model sifodyas/defaultalt
    /model sifodyas/robe
    /model sifodyas/hood
    /model sifodyas/hoodtotal (This was 100% XuaN's Idea)
    This is my first skin. I've tried to make Master Sifo Dyas's skin based on the pictures on Wookieepedia (Sifo Dyas and Count Dooku Pictures).
    I'd like to thank XuaN for his help.
    I hope you enjoy it
    Model - XuaN
    Torso and Robe Textures - HapSlash
    Face & Head textures - Rodry
    Torso, legs, arms and boots modifications - Rodry
    Icons - Rodry
    Sound files supplied by
    Raven Software & Rodry


       (5 reviews)



  10. Ellen Ripley

    Original Author: Jora Custov
    Ellen Ripley...This is a woman whose deeds quaked the universe! She prevent dreadful alien menace and expose greed bosses of WY corp. She not burn on the fire and not sink on the water. Enemies may stay away from her!
    She goes now to Star Wars World ! SW goes to SW! Bugaga!
    Developed time: 1.5 months
    too much NPC files overloads the game therefore for NPC created separate .pk3 file
    Now supported "alien 1" and "alien 4" skinz
    Used soft: 3dmax 7.0, Milkshape 1.7.8, Photoshop 6.0, SDK JA
    This is my second JA model. from alien universe bugaga!


       (2 reviews)



  11. Frank Drebin

    Original Author: Jora Custov
    Frank Drebin from Police Squad!
    botfiles, command skins, sounds and npc files are included
    Thanks to you Leslie Nielsen. I will remember you forever.


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  12. JA Saber Hilts

    Original Author: cHoSeN oNe
    These are the saber hilts used by the Reborn, Desaan, and Luke and converted for use in mp mode. (created by Joseph Del Rio) I also took the Luke Saber sounds from the Cinematic Saber and Weapons SFX mod (created by Patrick) and added them to Lukes Saber Only for this hilt-pack.


       (2 reviews)



  13. Updated MP Entities

    This file by DarthG updates the entity definitions used for GTK Radiant 1.4.0 for JAMP.
    The central reason was to make it easier to understand what the meaning of keys and values are.
    A secondary reason was to add keys and values that people didnt know about because they where not listed but availible.
    The final reason was to add entities for a mod that is out there call hydroball.
    This file is intended for JKA mappers using GTK Radiant.

    File name: mp_entities.def
    File size: 381 KB
    For a default installation of GTK 1.4 and JKA you place this file:
    C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base\scripts
    If you installed it some where else then you figure it out you should know.
    Things that I did to improve this file:
    1. I cleaned up all the entity definitions and orginized them to one style.
    2. I redifined alot of Keys and their possible values.
    3. I added alot of keys and values that are availible but not before added here.
    4. I hunted down and added models for the in map view of items that there was a whole md3 for. (point is like medpack you actualy see a medpack where you used to see a blue box.
    5. There where entities that where either repeats or didnt work so I typed over them because that cant be removed. If you try to remove them and go back into a map that you worked on it will have screwed up entities. The entities must be in the same order as the map was done in before.
    For the ones that didnt work I didnt mess with them but I made the box that appears black.
    for the repeat ones I wrote these in place. (there was two of them "item_seeker" and "NPC_spawner":
    /*QUAKED Darth_G_Notes (1 .6 0) (-19 -36 0) (19 36 70)
    Version: 1.0
    From Darth G:
    This is where you will find the description of all entities.
    The spawnflags definitions (the best I could find or know).
    The possible keys and their values (the best I could find or know). I have added either through research of released MP code or original description. I may have also found it helpful to add some things of my experience.
    I have done research into the game engine to add things available normally to the Q3 game engine and added them as well.
    I added models that have no value in the BSP process and are only for your visual assistance in mapping.
    Where there is no model it is because there wasnt one md3 that fit well in JKA assets. (In other words the weapons are multiple parts that make one when used so no one md3 could be named to show to you in the mapping.)
    I have removed duplicate or error entities. Because you cant simply remove from this list I either made an entity that you cant use (like this one) or I made the box that appears in the editor black so you can recognize that it is messed up some how or another.
    If you find anything incorrect please contact me at either WWW.Map-Center.COM or at my site WWW.DarthG.COM .
    Should you need to find the file again its name is MP_entities.def just do a search for it.
    If you feel you need to alter the file it is yours to do as you wish just open it in WordPad or notepad. I simply ask that you leave this 'entity' for credit to the hours or work I put in here. If you would like me to add something to a next version just send the info to me and Ill work it in.
    The model I used for this entity would be a good reference to scale your maps to normal player size too.
    Available entities added:
    Mod Specific entities added:
    trigger_scoreboard (Hydroball)
    trigger_playarea (Hydroball)
    trigger_goal (Hydroball)
    trigger_teamchoice (Hydroball)
    trigger_weaponstrip (Hydroball)
    info_start_position (Hydroball)
    info_ball_spawn (Hydroball)
    Hope this helps!
    Happy mapping!
    Special note to non experienced moders of this file. If you want to mod the order of entities in this list on the actual file you can not change the order and go back to a map that used a different order and deleting them really messes up the old maps BAD!!
    This creates nothing in your map and will be completely disregarded in the BSP process.
    =====MODEL FOR MAPPING VISUAL ONLY================
    ======DO NOT SET AS KEY OR VALUE==================
    /*QUAKED Darth_G_Tips (1 .6 0) (-8 -8 -16) (8 8 16)
    Version: 1.0
    From Darth G:
    How to connect entities:
    Two ways to connect entities. One is automatic and the other is manual.
    Automatic: You first deselect all entities (press ESC twice) then select the triggering entity. Then select the target entity and press ctrl + K. This will cause the connection.
    Manual: You first deselect all entities and then select the trigger entity and open the entity window (N) and add key:target and value:(unique name you want). Now deselect the trigger entity and select the target entity. Open the entity window and add key:targetname and value:(the same unique name you used in the target) remember that the names can not have spaces.
    How to prevent leaks:
    Two things I will share here is; 1 Most entity leaks are caused by using the space bar to reproduce an entity as a short cut. This is what causes the leaks. Just make them from scratch.
    How and when to save:
    Save as often as you would for anything you wouldn't want to lose but my tip is to save after any major changes with another name. Sometimes the saved file can be saved corrupted.
    How to save FPS and texture work:
    There is allot that can be done to save FPS but the one tip I will share here is to work your initial brush work in caulk.
    Hope this helps!
    Happy mapping!
    This creates nothing in your map and will be completely disregarded in the BSP process.
    All else is explained in the entities I wrote.
    Special thanks to those that made this possible:
    (Between testing and actual key finding.)
    Szico VII


       (3 reviews)



  14. CTF Empires

    Original Author: Zod
    This map was designed for gameplay, by someone who has played real CTF games for
    over 3 years. I decided on an Imperial type setting, with bridges and
    Imperial hallways, somthing with a real Star Wars feel. I incorporated the
    audio from one of the defaults, but spent alot of time choosing the right
    one that fits the map best, the stormtrooper type music fits well along with
    the theme. New to this map that I've never tried before are sound effect, steam
    effects and detailed shaders. I wanted a map that didn't rely on buggy
    elevators, narrow choke points or lack of weaponry. The design was taken
    from point of view of both the offense and defense, looking at the flag
    carriers' position to the idle offense and what would best fit in as far as
    weapons placement, ammo and spawns. I am really happy with the excellent
    frame rates, the details and texturing, the layout for professional capture
    the flag and the speed bonuses of the routes.
    Look to encounter extremly fast jedi on this map, a compliment of ammo and
    well placed weapons for offense and defense, unique well thought out
    wallruns and wallwalks and variations of speed routes that crisscross all
    over the place giving it a real fun edge. On top of that your fps will soar
    and delight in well thought out texturing and detailing, giving it that
    Imperialistic look that only Star Wars can give.
    * Special thanks to : *
    Amidala, chopshopservers for tremendous contributions to the jka community,
    the best capture the flag public server and her encouragement. Full credit
    to her for bot routing, and giving me incentives to do ffa/tffa modes, her
    server is a haven for jedi who play guns/force ctf hardcore!
    Also thanks to Cannoli and especially acdcfanbill, for their endless hours
    reviewing every detail of the map.
    Thanks also to testers: jax, bluestar, hydra, red5 and many others


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  15. Flamethrower Blaster

    Author: Rhyaan
    This is a mod, which changes the blaster rifle to a flamethrower. The damage is the same, but it fires more faster and there is more ammo.


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  16. SGEgyptJA

    Original Author: WadeV1589 (Wade)
    Original Description:
    Many many moons ago I released a map called SGEgypt for the game Elite Force.
    This map turned out to be extremely fun to play just because of it's odd style;
    it worked well. I recently was playing this map with 2 friends and one of them
    joked about remaking the map seen as I had never done a v2 and it deserved on.
    So instead of doing that...I made a totally new version, based on the original
    for Jedi Academy.
    This is a big map, not huge, but big. It took a fair amount of time to map and a
    fair amount of time to compile. FPS should be respectable at most times of the
    map due to the way it was mapped - this is not true however if you start flying
    around and I make no promises as to your FPS in the death gliders!
    Uploader's comments:
    I attempted to contact the author for his permission to upload it but it was sent back with an error. This map was extremely well made. This is absolutely one of the best stargate maps ever made for Jedi Academy. It was originally made for Elite Force but he decided to make it for Jedi Academy. There is a proper dialing system and a wormhole. This map is incredible. Many of you with old computers might experience a lag but not too much. There is also a hangar for ships and many other places to go. Since this was released on JK2Files.com I thought it should be released here since many people don't have access to that site anymore anyways.
    Map Information:
    Bot Support: No
    New Music: Yes
    Gametypes: CTF, FFA, TFFA
    New Textures: Yes
    Author: WadeV1589
    Textures: WadeV1589, Scotty79
    Sounds: WadeV1589, Scotty79
    Deathglider: Manquesa, Andy
    More Information on the map and author can be found in the readme.
    Please Note: The email address provided in the readme in which I attempted to contact the author was sent back with an error within seconds therefore I couldn't receive direct permission from him.

    Uploaded by:


    Original author may contact the staff
    here if they wish this file to be removed.


       (4 reviews)

    1 comment



    Original Author: WadeV1589 (Wade)
    Original Description:
    Originally released for Elite Force, SG4Real2 as it was known then was a
    sequal to my first map Stargate4Real, I didn't expect it to be so
    popular. Scotty asked if he could port it over to Jedi Outcast and
    started work, with the release of Jedi Academy it made more sense to
    release it for that. After several weeks of porting and updating, we got
    this map out!
    Fans of Stargate will get the most pleasure out of this map because of
    the gate and the ring transport system but it is a playable map. It works
    well for CTF and for FFA.
    Uploader's Comments:
    Another Stargate map by Wade. This map really demonstrates good worksmanship from the Stargate Movie. The gate doesn't dial but does have a wormhole ironically. If you are a roleplayer, or enjoyed the movie this is worth a download. I uploaded it here because It was uploaded to JK2Files.com and not here. Well please enjoy
    Map Information:
    Bot Support: No
    New Textures: Yes
    Gametypes: TFFA, FFA, CTF
    Author: WadeV1589 & [KOG]Scotty79
    Note: I attempted to contact the author but the email was sent back with an error.

    Uploaded by:


    Original author may contact the staff
    here if they wish this file to be removed.


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  18. Stargate Academy

    Original Author: [uSS] Industriesô
    Beta 2 of the map, it includes the CMS, a room with raptors connected to CMS through a door of stars and finally a room with a sniping war bunker and a ruined castle.
    Uploader's Comments:
    This map was not completely done but the best stargate map (aside from Sith-J-Culley's) that i've ever seen or downloaded. It has the stargate complex, and offworld. The offworld is where you spawn when you load the map and it is a jungle world with raptors and ruined temple.
    Note: I attempted to contact the author before but he didn't respond.
    Attempted Author Contact can be found here.

    Uploaded by:


    Original author may contact the staff
    here if they wish this file to be removed.


       (3 reviews)

    1 comment


  19. Lord Marka Ragnos

    Lord Marka Ragnos. Not the ghost form but a living form and body.
    *Interesting part is the animated Icon.
    To use this model, open console and type /model old_marka_ragnos

    File Uploaded by @Bacon


       (6 reviews)



  20. Korriban Arena

    Author: smc768
    An updated version of Korriban Arena; a small duel map filled with hot lava and deadly traps.


       (2 reviews)



  21. JA+ Client Side

    Author: Slider
    JA+ or JAPLus is a server side Mod for Windows, Linux, and Mac which has the possibility to get a Client side plugin with pk3 files.
    this plugin is designed to give UI, animation and feature enhancement to your client side game.
    You are not obligated to install the plugins with the JA+ server side part to run a JAplus server.
    Download Server-Side JA+ JAPlus here
    - Support for the High speed URL AutoDownload Redirect for needed pk3 when connecting a server
    -MultiTaunt Sound and Multi Custom sounds in all gametype
    - admin and clan channel autologin.
    - AutoReplier integrated working with all languages.
    - RGB sabers
    - better smoothy moves thanks to the client side prediction
    - Complete view of modelscale stystem with also scaling of sphere, shadow, saber....etc...
    - Improved effects for the new moves, forces, attacks
    - Improved UI menu
    - Capability of allow/disallow Importants new feature provided by the plugin
    - Complete Duel Non interference Code (Visual Ghost effect, smoothy player crossing)
    - support for the Alternate dimension
    - better JA+ items management ( flamethrower and grapple hook ...etc...)
    - crosshair Player name in color
    - gender support for missing skins (replaced by a default male or a female model)
    - support for the New JA+ GLA animations
    - support for new ja+ sabers and holsters models


       (12 reviews)



  22. Gulf of Souls

    Submitted by Ceres

    Title: Gulf of Souls
    Author: wedge2211
    E-Mail: 06jps@williams.edu
    Webs: http://wso.williams.edu/~jshoer
    -- General Information --
    File Name: gulfOfSouls.pk3
    File Size: 5.8 MB
    Date Released: 13 April 2004
    The strange spirit chasms on Velan Core are places of eerie mysteries and enigmas. An installation was built in the Gulf of Souls, a particularly potent spirit chasm. Three weeks after basic construction was completed...all contact with the expedition was lost. Nobody knows what became of the base inhabitants...
    Gametypes: FFA, Duel (though a bit large), Power Duel
    -- Map Information --
    Brushes: 2222
    Entities: 640
    Custom elements: Some shaders, effects, and music from Total Annihilation
    Build time: Many moons
    -- Notes --
    I've had this guy sitting around for a while, now. It's a small FFA map, mainly an experiment. Looks really wierd, but I like it. It's a good ethereal setting for a slugmatch.


       (3 reviews)



  23. Corellian Platform Encounter

    Submitted by Ceres

    Title: Corellian Platform Encounter
    Author: wedge2211
    E-Mail: 06jps@williams.edu
    Webs: http://wso.williams.edu/~jshoer
    -- General Information --
    File Name: corplat.pk3
    File Size: 1.4 MB
    Date Released: 11 April 2004
    There is a disturbance in the Force. A Jedi Master (and his apprentice) have been sent to Corellia to investigate reports of a dark presence. Their destination is an outlying landing platform outside the Corellian Space Port...
    Gametypes: Duel, Power Duel
    -- Map Information --
    Brushes: 6691
    Entities: 315
    Custom elements: A few textures (one from the JA Bonus Pack by Raven), shaders, scripts, and a bot route
    Build time: About three weeks
    -- Notes --
    This map was produced for the LevelSource Duel II contest. Incidentally, it's my first JA map (gotta work on releasing some of my WIPs).
    Special thanks goes to lassev for scripting help, rgoer and ydnar for helping with a compile bug, rgoer for some shader help, and all the guys at Map-Review.com


       (3 reviews)



  24. Tal Erulanei

    Submitted by Ceres

    Title: Tal Erulanei
    Author: wedge2211
    E-Mail: 06jps@williams.edu
    Website: http://wso.williams.edu/~jshoer
    File Name: ffa_talerulanei.pk3
    File Size: 8.5 MB
    Date Released: 20 Nov 2003
    The organic a'Tal were grown out of the lakes of the planet Jiros as warrens for their inhabitants. Even these calm, living structres have been drawn into the epic battle of good versus evil.
    Gametypes: Free-for-all only
    Brush Count: 2395 (1852 patches! That's over 75%!)
    Entity Count: 613
    Tools: GtkRadiant, q3map2, NotePad, PhotoShop
    Extras: Nonstandard models, textures, shaders, and music
    Oracle was originally created for the NRG FFA pack, but is now released as a freelance map since the NRG pack has been postponed indefinitely. I finished the map last summer, but it hasn't seen the light of day till now. I also hereby declare Tal Erulanei to be the official map of the Cult of the Patch. So there.
    Simply place ffa_talerulanei_JA.pk3 in your base folder and you're ready to go!
    *Some textures were taken from or based on the set of textures that comes with the PhotoBrush application
    *Individual model readmes have been included
    *Music is from the Myst III: Exile soundtrack ("Edanna Theme")
    *Thanks to rgoer for compile option advice, Eldritch for creative consulting as usual
    *Thanks to the NRG Team for beta testing
    *Helpful fellow mappers at LucasForums
    *All the guys at www.map-review.com
    *Thanks to GothicX and Kengo for assisting me with the conversion to JA
    Legal Mumbo-Jumbo We've All Seen Before:
    * I admit that *
    (as required by the LEC Licence Agreement about Addon Levels)
    1. My Level works only with the retail version of the
    Software, and does not work with any demo or OEM versions
    of the Software.
    2. My Level does not modify any COM, EXE, DLL or other executable files.
    3. My Level does not contain any illegal, scandalous,
    illicit, defamatory, libelous, or objectionable material
    (as may be determined by LEC in its sole discretion), or
    any material that infringes any trademarks, copyrights,
    protected works, publicity, proprietary, or other rights
    of any third party or of LEC.
    4. My Level does not include any LEC sound effects or music files or
    portions thereof.
    5. My Level identifies in every description file, on-
    line description, read-me, and in comments in the New
    Level code: (a) the name, address, and e-mail address of
    the level's creators, and ( B) the following disclaimer:
    6. My Level may not be sold, bartered, or distributed with
    any other product for which any charge is made (other than
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    must be distributed free of charge.
    7. By distributing or permitting the distribution of any New
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    to LEC an irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free, sub-
    licensable right to distribute the New Level by any means
    (whether now known or hereafter invented), and to create
    and distribute by any means (whether now known or here-
    after invented) derivative works thereof, and to charge
    for the distribution of such New Level or such derivative
    work, with no obligation to account to any creators or
    owners of the New Level in any manner.
    * Copyright / Permissions *
    You MAY distribute this level, provided you include this file, with
    no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
    format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
    intact, with NO charge (other than incidental charges for time spent on-line).


       (7 reviews)



  25. Geonosian

    Submitted by 'Ekvas'

    Author : Sebastian Barz (Sebcrea)


       (9 reviews)



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