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Files posted by JKHub

  1. Updated MP Entities

    This file by DarthG updates the entity definitions used for GTK Radiant 1.4.0 for JAMP.
    The central reason was to make it easier to understand what the meaning of keys and values are.
    A secondary reason was to add keys and values that people didnt know about because they where not listed but availible.
    The final reason was to add entities for a mod that is out there call hydroball.
    This file is intended for JKA mappers using GTK Radiant.

    File name: mp_entities.def
    File size: 381 KB
    For a default installation of GTK 1.4 and JKA you place this file:
    C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base\scripts
    If you installed it some where else then you figure it out you should know.
    Things that I did to improve this file:
    1. I cleaned up all the entity definitions and orginized them to one style.
    2. I redifined alot of Keys and their possible values.
    3. I added alot of keys and values that are availible but not before added here.
    4. I hunted down and added models for the in map view of items that there was a whole md3 for. (point is like medpack you actualy see a medpack where you used to see a blue box.
    5. There where entities that where either repeats or didnt work so I typed over them because that cant be removed. If you try to remove them and go back into a map that you worked on it will have screwed up entities. The entities must be in the same order as the map was done in before.
    For the ones that didnt work I didnt mess with them but I made the box that appears black.
    for the repeat ones I wrote these in place. (there was two of them "item_seeker" and "NPC_spawner":
    /*QUAKED Darth_G_Notes (1 .6 0) (-19 -36 0) (19 36 70)
    Version: 1.0
    From Darth G:
    This is where you will find the description of all entities.
    The spawnflags definitions (the best I could find or know).
    The possible keys and their values (the best I could find or know). I have added either through research of released MP code or original description. I may have also found it helpful to add some things of my experience.
    I have done research into the game engine to add things available normally to the Q3 game engine and added them as well.
    I added models that have no value in the BSP process and are only for your visual assistance in mapping.
    Where there is no model it is because there wasnt one md3 that fit well in JKA assets. (In other words the weapons are multiple parts that make one when used so no one md3 could be named to show to you in the mapping.)
    I have removed duplicate or error entities. Because you cant simply remove from this list I either made an entity that you cant use (like this one) or I made the box that appears in the editor black so you can recognize that it is messed up some how or another.
    If you find anything incorrect please contact me at either WWW.Map-Center.COM or at my site WWW.DarthG.COM .
    Should you need to find the file again its name is MP_entities.def just do a search for it.
    If you feel you need to alter the file it is yours to do as you wish just open it in WordPad or notepad. I simply ask that you leave this 'entity' for credit to the hours or work I put in here. If you would like me to add something to a next version just send the info to me and Ill work it in.
    The model I used for this entity would be a good reference to scale your maps to normal player size too.
    Available entities added:
    Mod Specific entities added:
    trigger_scoreboard (Hydroball)
    trigger_playarea (Hydroball)
    trigger_goal (Hydroball)
    trigger_teamchoice (Hydroball)
    trigger_weaponstrip (Hydroball)
    info_start_position (Hydroball)
    info_ball_spawn (Hydroball)
    Hope this helps!
    Happy mapping!
    Special note to non experienced moders of this file. If you want to mod the order of entities in this list on the actual file you can not change the order and go back to a map that used a different order and deleting them really messes up the old maps BAD!!
    This creates nothing in your map and will be completely disregarded in the BSP process.
    =====MODEL FOR MAPPING VISUAL ONLY================
    ======DO NOT SET AS KEY OR VALUE==================
    /*QUAKED Darth_G_Tips (1 .6 0) (-8 -8 -16) (8 8 16)
    Version: 1.0
    From Darth G:
    How to connect entities:
    Two ways to connect entities. One is automatic and the other is manual.
    Automatic: You first deselect all entities (press ESC twice) then select the triggering entity. Then select the target entity and press ctrl + K. This will cause the connection.
    Manual: You first deselect all entities and then select the trigger entity and open the entity window (N) and add key:target and value:(unique name you want). Now deselect the trigger entity and select the target entity. Open the entity window and add key:targetname and value:(the same unique name you used in the target) remember that the names can not have spaces.
    How to prevent leaks:
    Two things I will share here is; 1 Most entity leaks are caused by using the space bar to reproduce an entity as a short cut. This is what causes the leaks. Just make them from scratch.
    How and when to save:
    Save as often as you would for anything you wouldn't want to lose but my tip is to save after any major changes with another name. Sometimes the saved file can be saved corrupted.
    How to save FPS and texture work:
    There is allot that can be done to save FPS but the one tip I will share here is to work your initial brush work in caulk.
    Hope this helps!
    Happy mapping!
    This creates nothing in your map and will be completely disregarded in the BSP process.
    All else is explained in the entities I wrote.
    Special thanks to those that made this possible:
    (Between testing and actual key finding.)
    Szico VII


       (3 reviews)



  2. Burning Hand Technique

    Author : {THC}ShovelHead
    This mod will put an orb of fire around you hands instead of a saber hilt.


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    1 comment


  3. New Pistol Stance

    AUTHOR: Gamemaster
    This Mod replaces that really dodgy pistol animation that comes with JKA with a more natural one. I realise that this stance is not perfect, but it's way better than the default one.
    BUGS: Not exactly a bug but, his left hand isn't quite touching the gun.


       (2 reviews)



  4. Episode 2 Obi Wan

    Original Author: Maestro Obi
    Description: We've made a reskin of Aaron Smith s Episode 2 Obi-Wan. We've changed the hair and beard textuers and colours. We've also lightened the entire model. Apart from this we've made new Botfiles, new NPCs and a SP menu. Finally we've fixed the sounds niveling the volume of all the files and deleting some of them.
    We hope you like our skin .
    Credits: Credits go to Aaron Smith for his model.


       (2 reviews)



  5. DoA Flight Arena

    Mapped by Roshi
    The official flight map of Dark Order Alliance. Aircraft are spawned by
    using the switches on each landing pad.
    The included aircraft are:
    A-Wing - Gregory (Manquesa) Birmingham
    Anakin's StarFighter - Zymotico, Neo_knight
    Snow Speeder - tFighterPilot
    Republic Gunship - AOTC:TC Team, Mars Marshall
    TIE-Advanced - RAVEN, Mars Marshall
    TIE-Interceptor - RAVEN, Mars Marshall
    Supported gametypes: FFA, TFFA
    Bot routing: yes


       (3 reviews)



  6. Tusken Raider

    Major Clod
    Fierce nomads of Tatooine, the Tusken Raiders prowl areas like the Dune Sea and the Jundland Wastes, blending invisibly into the landscape. Masters of the desert, they survive where no one else can, protected from the suns by heavy clothing. Extremely territorial and xenophobic, Tusken Raiders will attack with very little provocation.
    This includes both the Tusken Raider model and Gaderffi Stick lightsaber replacement. LOD support is not included. It was hard enough to get the clothing to animate properly with the normal level of detail, let alone a reduced version.


       (5 reviews)



  7. Corellian Platform Encounter

    Submitted by Ceres

    Title: Corellian Platform Encounter
    Author: wedge2211
    E-Mail: 06jps@williams.edu
    Webs: http://wso.williams.edu/~jshoer
    -- General Information --
    File Name: corplat.pk3
    File Size: 1.4 MB
    Date Released: 11 April 2004
    There is a disturbance in the Force. A Jedi Master (and his apprentice) have been sent to Corellia to investigate reports of a dark presence. Their destination is an outlying landing platform outside the Corellian Space Port...
    Gametypes: Duel, Power Duel
    -- Map Information --
    Brushes: 6691
    Entities: 315
    Custom elements: A few textures (one from the JA Bonus Pack by Raven), shaders, scripts, and a bot route
    Build time: About three weeks
    -- Notes --
    This map was produced for the LevelSource Duel II contest. Incidentally, it's my first JA map (gotta work on releasing some of my WIPs).
    Special thanks goes to lassev for scripting help, rgoer and ydnar for helping with a compile bug, rgoer for some shader help, and all the guys at Map-Review.com


       (3 reviews)



  8. Escape: Yavin IV - The Lost Maps

    Date Created : February 22, 2006
    Ahhhhh...  Finally done.  35 levels, 150000 brushes, 25000 lines of script,
    40000 entities and 3000 hours of blood and sweat.  EY:4 - The Lost Maps.
    Let's get this out of the way first.  I know the download is big.  Sorry.
    I've made every effort to keep the mod as small as possible.  There are
    20-30 hours of gameplay here, so it will be worth the download, I hope.
    If you played my first conversion, Escape: Yavin IV, then hold on to your
    hats.  This is an extension of the first conversion, but includes 25
    additional levels, a new story, vehicle levels, space levels, additional
    duels and puzzles, and customized interface (including a 'Chapters' menu
    that enables you to play any game level), on-the-fly saber upgrades, and
    three endings (that's right 'THREE' endings).  Your choices during the game
    decide your fate.
    Given the length of the game, I have eased up on the difficultly of the
    game a bit (just a bit).
    Nuff said.
    1. Remove *all* custom pk3s and mods from your base / GameData folder
    2. Remove *all* custom pk3s and mods from your base / GameData folder
    3. Remove *ALL* custom pk3s and mods from your base / GameData folder
    Failure to do so will likely result in the game failing to even start.  So
    please don't ask me why the game won't start if you haven't done this.
    To install this map, extract the contents of the ZIP file into the
    'GameData' folder of your Jedi Academy install directory. Double-click the
    batch file in the GameData folder and you're on your way.
    I've been running with the 1.1 patch.  If you don't have it, play at
    your own risk.
    Basically, the Sith have dominated the galaxy.  The good guys (called the
    Alliance) are threatened.  The game will feed you some hints that explain
    the reason for the Sith control.  Of course, you have to come to the
    rescue to save the universe from total Sith control (oh, unless you choose
    to become a Sith).  The rest of the story pretty much tells itself.
    Please note that if you choose to jump around the levels using the chapters
    menu, you will not get the entire story.  Just keep that in mind.  It is
    recommended you play through in normal game mode before jumping around.
    In all, there are 38 levels (12 cinematic levels and 26 playable levels).
    Unlike the traditional game (JKIII), your saber upgrades occur as you
    defeat your opponents.  Each level also offers your a chance to 'trade'
    your saber for one encountered up to that point in the game.
    Like the cool saber disc your opponent has?  Defeat him, and take it!
    It's that simple.
    There are two really big issues:
    1. level2_saber_shipment always hangs for me when it is *not* loaded as the
       first level in the game.
       ** If this occurs, you can use the Chapters menu to start a new game
          from this point in the game.
    2. After some time of playing, the game seems to 'hang' after about 90
       seconds from a save point.  It does not happen in the same level or
       in the same place in the level.  The problem only occurs after playing
       and saving for SEVERAL HOURS continuously (essentially the same game).
       Restarting and loading the saved game does not correct the problem.
       ** If this occurs, you can use the Chapters menu to start a new game
          from where you left off.
    3. My hard drive crashed and I lost *everything* associated with this game
       just a couple weeks ago.  Fortunately, I had already posted a V4 Beta, so
       really what you are playing is Beta V4+ here.  Everything pretty much
       works fine, but I lost all of the .map and script files.  So...  If you
       use the Chapters menu to start the ending levels of the game (Chapters 8
       - 11), you'll need to use the cheats to setup your force powers.
       ** Bring up the console then type:
            > helpusobi 1
            > setforceall 3
    There's other little detailed things, most of which you probably won't
    even notice, so it's not worth mentioning...
    Without these contributors, this game would not be.
    Beta Testers:
    Tester #1 ............................ Theos Burgess
    Tester #2 ............................ Captain Shuttle
    Tester #3 ............................ Mr11
    Tester #4 ............................ Chris Jackson
    Aayla Secura ......................... Mars Marshall & Dark_Cuillere
    Abbaddon ............................. El Cuko
    Asajj Ventress ....................... Monsoontide and Psyk0Sith
    BPPloKoon ............................ [BP]Plokoon
    Bain Elite v2 ........................ -=SOTG=-Bain_Elite
    Boba Fett ............................ Brian Jones (Bones)
    Darth Maul 1 ......................... mrdefender
    Darth Maul 2 ......................... broken_hope & Aaron Smith & Chesire
    Darth Omega .......................... KAZZZ
    Darth Savet .......................... Brejo Savet
    Death ................................ +]Nekroscop[+
    Egor ................................. Unknown
    FemOffee ............................. Mars Marshall
    General Grievous ..................... Mars Marshall
    Howler ............................... Light Ninja
    Knight ............................... Unknown
    Lamasu ............................... Crying Gods Germany
    Lizard Reptile ....................... Tps_sithrouge
    Mace Windu ........................... Aaron Smith
    Maddog JKA ........................... Maddog
    Magna Guard .......................... Mars Marshall
    Mandalorian Sniper ................... Innocent Hawk
    Neo Reborn ........................... Drakkan
    Ninja ................................ Tim & Jimesu_Evil & Shady-D &
                                           Satanmaster & Playingkarrde
    Noghri ............................... RO Agent Smith
    Olts Keldor .......................... OLTS /// Lord Vili ****
    Pit Droid ............................ Matt-Liell & Scouttrooper
    RAB-24 ............................... Chairwalker
    Raptor ............................... Thrawn42689 & Graves & LightNinja
    Razchrome ............................ Unknown
    Rodian ............................... Darth Algar
    Sabergirl ............................ v2 by Sabergirl
    Samus ................................ Kurtis 'KMan' Smith
    Shinobira ............................ Crying Gods Germany
    Sithress ............................. DarthVengeant
    Soulseeker ........................... Unknown
    Spawn ................................ Stingray
    Swoop Racer .......................... Nick Aikenhead (Kahn)
    Witchblade ........................... {EJA}DarthVengeant{S}
    Xian ................................. Unknown
    Yarael Poof .......................... Mars Marshall & PsykOSith & Nomad
    Yoda ................................. Darth Dizzy & Team Yoda
    Younglings ........................... Mars Marshall
    Zabrak Male .......................... Darth Algar
    Sound Effects:
    Enhanced Saber Sounds ................ Aryyn
    Grievous Sounds ...................... Kurt Libengood
    Voice Acting:
    Darth Maul ........................... Mr11
    Jedi ................................. Darrow Linder
    Jedi Master Nadoo .................... Mr11
    Jedi Master Savet .................... Darrow Linder
    Jedi Master Secura ................... The Light Side
    Jedi Master Windu .................... Mr11
    Mirala ............................... The Light Side
    Queen Mothma ......................... The Light Side
    Rosh Penin ........................... Darrow Linder
    Sith Lord ............................ Darrow Linder
    Sithress ............................. The Light Side
    Saber Models:
    Crystal Hilt ......................... {THC}ShovelHead
    CyberNinja ........................... Revan Dark
    Darth Maul ........................... Unknown
    Desann Saber ......................... CHoSeN ONe
    Dual Lightstaff Sabers ............... Red Sith
    Eclipse Saber ........................ +POO+Sigma
    Imales ............................... IMALES (Damir Berkovic)
    Light Disc ........................... Wolrajh/Xantcha
    Majestic Sai Staff ................... Tiri
    Punisher ............................. Darth Khan & Lord G-Spot
    Reborn Saber ......................... CHoSeN ONe
    Skywalker Saber ...................... CHoSeN ONe
    Star Wars Classic Sabers ............. Revan Dark
    TS Custom Sabers ..................... Trauma Sensei
    X-Saber .............................. Jon Hill 
    Custom Textures 1 .................... BerneyBoy
    Custom Textures 2 .................... Shaithis
    Water and Ripples .................... Sith J Cull (Arevas)
    Sith Command Ship .................... Sith J Cull (Ep3 Mappack)
    Rocket Effects ....................... Rhinen
    Concussion Effects ................... Spector
    Disruptor Effects .................... Spector
    Duality .............................. Manquesa, RaSiN_HeCk
    Sith Speeder ......................... Duncan_10158 & Monsoontide
    Speeder Bike ......................... Duncan_10158 & Monsoontide
    STAP ................................. Duncan_10158
    Menu Tutorial ........................ Red Sith
    Startup Screen Images ................ http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Lair
    HUD .................................. Chewy≤/Uber Noober≤
    duel_valley (modified and extended) .. Raven
    (all other maps were done by me)


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  9. Man Hunt Mod

    Uploaded by @Omicron.
    An attempt to e-mail the original authors to get permission to upload the mod was made, but received no response after some weeks.
    e-mail sent:
    Put basically, Man Hunt was more of an experiment than a mod. Just a few ja+ players wanting something different to do rather than the usual duelling and ffa’ing. We stumbled upon talents we each had to help towards making our dream sort of gametype called ‘Man Hunt’. This basically consisted of ‘Hiders’ and ‘Hunters’ similar to a siege type gameplay. That was what we were originally intending. However, the mod shunted towards a more ‘co-op’ style of gameplay. You get to play Jedi Academy single player levels with modern warfare weapons and technology. It is heavily based on teamwork; with a full donate system, sharing ammo, health packs and shield packs. It is essential if you wish for you and your team to survive to keep supplying each other with supplies since you do not respawn until the map is restarted
    With quite a more advanced npc AI. You have to work with your teammates to reach through obstacles until the end of the level. While the AI moves in and out of the level to try and hunt you down.
    The mod hasn’t been fully tested properly. There will no doubt be bugs (More so from the current buglist that we have found), since we are amateur modders and this is our first project, The source is basically the same one as from when we started 2 years ago. We are expecting quite a few problems, since our own tests don’t always go so smoothly with some random crashing once and again and issues.
    We have decided to release because of the lack of work and activity in the mod. The code is a mess (Due to recent hard disk failures) and without the ability to change much in the code, we got bored and the mod got slower and slower. We only just recently decided to release what we had to the public. There probably will not be a 2nd version since we will be starting on a new mod very soon.
    Original author(s) may contact the member who uploaded (linked above and in readme) or JKHub staff here.


       (4 reviews)



  10. Desann Warrior

    Author: Darth Dizzy
    New textures: Yes
    Bot support: Yes
    Team support: No
    NPC: Yes
    New sounds: Yes
    Well this is a skin of a 'Desann Warrior', my first skin.
    If you wanna use it in SinglePlayer just type in console 'playermodel desann_warrior'


       (1 review)



  11. Bespin Mining Station

    Author: Claxon


    Submitted by: Barricade24

    Based on the original Mining Station map
    from Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight
    This can be a fun map to fight in, with many
    different areas for the action to take place.
    This map was made to duplicate the original
    version, although there are some differences
    in details and traps.
    -Playable on all multiplayer game types
    (altough duelers may find it too large)
    -Bots supported


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    1 comment


  12. HapSlash's Sandtrooper

    Author : HapSlash
    Description: Here's the Sandtrooper version of my Improved Stormtrooper. I've added the backpack and ammo pouches over the model and retextured it accordingly.


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  13. Keshire's 3ds max Biped Rig

    author: Keshire
    Installation: Install to the directory of your choice.
    The file set I use for creating custom animations.
    This is only useable with 3ds max and character studio.
    I've included the following:
    The max file with the jka xsi skeleton constrained to a character studio biped. (Animate the Biped and export. That is all there is to it. Compile it to a new gla, and use ASK's merging tool to merge it with the _humanoid.gla)
    I've inlcuded the carcass file I use to compile. (this will set up the animation for merging with the main humanoid gla or alternatively for a single player cutscene)
    The model/mesh xsi I use for testing purposes. (alternatively a JO model could be used to make your anims JO compatible as long as every bone in the JO skeleton was weighted to something.)
    I've inlcuded several biped motion capture files to help you along the way.
    There are:
    The root pose (needed at the beginning of every animation)
    All the saber stances
    And the standard crouch
    Clone Wars Rocket launcher holding.
    Movements and attacks for the Super Battle Droid.
    A crouching rocket launching anim for mandolorian rockets
    a 180 degree force push
    and dual weilding blaster anims.
    enjoy, and some of these Biped files may not have been the final versions. But at least you can edit them for your use.


       (3 reviews)



  14. EFP^Lightsaber

    Original Author: TiM
    New Saber:
    -The EFP Lightsaber Staff, converted from JK2.
    -New Sound effects
    -Custom Break off model
    Time taken to make: Approx 2 or so weeks
    When I first made the EFP*Saber for JK2 last year, I could only dream at how cool it would be if it could be used as a staff (Ie both sides active and fighting in that style). Now after JKA came out, that dream came true. And so conversly, I converted the saber (Fixed up the texture, added another tag) for use with JKA.


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  15. Flamethrower Blaster

    Author: Rhyaan
    This is a mod, which changes the blaster rifle to a flamethrower. The damage is the same, but it fires more faster and there is more ammo.


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    1 comment


  16. New Ninja

    Author: Phonock
    Reskin of the Ninja Skin made by Kamikaze Elite and you can download the original file at this link http://jediknight2.filefront.com/file/Ninja_Skin;5075 .I also make new sound to fit the character.
    Credits : Any credit would go to Kamikaze Elite for the original skin and thanks Kamikaze Elite for the great skin.


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    1 comment


  17. Lightning Saber Mod

    Original Author: BoBnoGG!n
    How should i say this.......i like it, you should like it and then were all happy..... this mod makes the lightsaber into a bar of instable energy....and instead of a slid bar of light emitted energy....you have a negative unsolid looking bar of electricity and stuff.........i dint think long on this....so moving on, this chanes the trail of the saber aswell as the saber itself to electricity sparks and stuff and there is also a new menu tartup screen and in game menu but........yeah have fun.......also i hav other mods out there like the perfect saber mod.....and the flame saber md which is also really cool......ok cyas hunni


       (0 reviews)



  18. Nirenne Station: High Orbit

    Originally submitted by Ceres
    Title: Nirenne Station: High Orbit
    Author: wedge2211
    E-Mail: 06jps@williams.edu
    Web: http://wso.williams.edu/~jshoer
    -- General Information --
    File Name: nirenne.pk3
    File Size: some MB
    Date Released: 2 Sep 2005
    In the far future, a space station is constructed in high orbit over the gas giant Nirenne. This station serves as a research hub, maintenance dock, and loading/offloading facility, with many modules constructed for widely varying needs. This map covers an upper level of habitation modules and connector hubs as well as a lower level with a small maintenance facility and manipulator arm.
    Gametypes: FFA, Duel, PowerDuel
    -- Map Information --
    Brushes: 6000+
    Entities: several
    Custom elements: New textures, shaders, and models
    Music is Samual Barber's Adagio for Strings
    'Majestic' textures courtesy of www.shaderlab.com
    Other textures courtesy of NRG or public domain sources
    A very tiny number of textures created/edited by me
    Build time: Three weeks.
    -- Notes --
    You can ascend and descend the vertical shafts just by walking into them. On the bottom level, you don't need to jump or Force-jump; you'll be propelled upwards if you walk straight into the shaft entrance. I'm sorry to say that only the large "rear" shaft seems to work flawlessly for me...you might only be able to drop down the two smaller "side" shafts.
    Gravity is a bit low on Nirenne Station. Enjoy the longer range on the repeater secondary fire!
    This map is my entry to Map-Review's Mapping Challenge #3: JA Geometry Competition. Maps were limited to 1024x1024x2048 mapping space and 10 non-system, non-skybox textures, these were:
    Note on shaderlab textures ('Majestic'):
    All content copyright © 2000-2003 Randy Reddig.
    Usage and redistribution policy: Textures may be freely downloaded, modified, and used in free maps, mods or total conversions provided this copyright notice is left intact and a link to Shaderlab is provided in the credits or read-me file. Other non-commercial applications are considered on a case-by-case basis via e-mail. All other usage requires written permission.
    Bulk redistribution or archival of the textures in any medium, digital or otherwise (except mapping packages for mods) is prohibited.


       (4 reviews)



  19. Transformers Frenzy

    Author: Lightsource


    Uploaded by Barricade24 (Fitting isn't it?)

    DESCRIPTION: It's a Frenzy model from the new Transformers movie, he has team, bot and npc support, and also a few cool taunts and sounds from the movie.
    BUGS: well If I got things right there's none. Only a little bit of clipping because of the strange shape of the model.
    COMMENTS: well it's not the exact copy of the movie version, on the movie he has a lot of more details than this, but well this is the best that I can do for now.
    If you want to spawn the Npc Frenzy:
    -npc spawn Frenzy ( normal Frenzy )
    -npc spawn Frenzy_dual ( you get the point )


       (3 reviews)



  20. JoClad Danva

    This jedi is the character which came out to "star wars episode2".


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  21. Hoth Siege Modified

    Grampa Horton
    Same old hoth map we all know and love, only much, much more challenging for imps. Added extra turrets, emplaced weapons, increased health on just about everything and decreased length on hack times. Perfect for when the teams are stacked. Have fun.
    This game should not have any bugs whatsoever since the modifications I performed are quite trivial.


       (1 review)



  22. Jedi Academy Single Player Demo

    This is the official demo that was released before the game went on sale. It features the rift level as well as the tatooine level.


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  23. Arena of the Rancor

    This map is a mediumsized FFA map which consists of an arena and spectating level.
    In the arena 2 rancors are imprisoned behind bars,but on the seal is pushed,the gates open and they will kill on sight. Also,there are 2 rooms with each 3 tauntauns,health and some trip mines.
    This map is great fun to play in a team,trying to defeat the rancors has been proven to be quiete challanging.
    I hope you all enjoy the map as much as i enjoyed making it.


       (2 reviews)



  24. Anchorhead

    Author: Monsoontide
    This map contains support for FFA, Team FFA, Holocron FFA, CTF, CTY, JEDI MASTER,
    and the hidden game mode SAGA (Which is an objective based gameplay mode for two teams).
    BOT support is included.


       (1 review)



  25. Jedi Academy Press Kit

    This is the official press kit released for the game when Jedi Academy was announced. It includes a variety of content, such as the original press release, a wallpaper (see screenshots), various screenshots of the game, concept art, and the logos for the various developers and publishers of the game.


       (4 reviews)



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