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Everything posted by therfiles

  1. This may finally be the motivation I need to learn coding!
  2. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! This is amazing! Even for us non-coders!!
  3. I may try to find some different clone rifle effects. I think the shader effects are really messed up with that one...you can see the shots from anywhere in the map!
  4. Disc. What is a 'disc image'?
  5. I wish someone knew how to effect the entity's properties when you spawn something using the spawn command. Like "spawn fx_runner" does nothing because no one knows how to specify a targetname of an fxfile for it to use. Could you imagine the possibilities if someone figured out how to use the SPAWN command correctly? You could spawn any effect, make new triggers, in essence, it would be like a legit makermod for SP.
  6. One of my favorite maps to play Gunslinger's Academy in: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/JKA_Battle_of_Caretan;109605

    1. eezstreet


      I don't think I've played that map before, but it's an interesting choice nonetheless.

    2. eezstreet


      I don't think I've played that map before, but it's an interesting choice nonetheless.

  7. I'm pretty sure this works. Not sure about npcs though...
  8. I think I tried out RPMod once...and it was amazing! Thanks Soh Raun for the interesting interview!
  9. I tried modding Battlefront 2, but I just didn't find it as enjoyable as modding JKA. I think the way files are organized using the addon system and such is a bad idea and mapping with GTK is a heck of a lot easier than with the mapping tool for BF2. And besides, I think JKA has many more modding possibilities and flexibility regarding what he wants to achieve. I just don't think the bounds of Battlefront 2 is enough. Let alone that this is a JK forum.
  10. Yeah, scripting is very difficult to get a handle on, but after you get the basics, really there isn't much more to learn. Poke me with any qs
  11. Entirely possible with scripting. Your bolting idea is similar to one I had when I thought about making a Battlefront II mod. But yeah, no need for a custom map, you can also use the runscrtipt command.
  12. Not many. Me and Afi are taking a little holiday but we've still been making progress. Hopefully I'll get some up soon!
  13. Just got a Windows 8 Laptop.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. therfiles


      I'll try that...thanks!

    3. therfiles


      I think that did it! Thanks!

    4. ShadowDelta92


      VM errors are always fixable by running as an admin. Any other error is likely to be fixed that way as well.

  14. Hey dude! It's awesome to see your Boba project and your doing some great work! Keep it up and welcome!
  15. Hey man! Welcome to JKHub!
  16. Yeah, I'd have to agree with @@minilogoguy18 about focusing on one thing. Hone your skills on one area that interests you most. Then, all your other skills can supplement your project if you need them. For example, I'm scripting most of the time, but I still use mapping and cfgs to supplement the scripts.
  17. Hmmm...looks really promising! I think it looks really cool!
  18. Welcome! And like Mag said, please feel free to share your work!
  19. Sorry for the latish reply...of course!
  20. This, unfortunately, is unfixable. Other than modding the animation files, you really don't have a choice. You could play around more with the .efx files to turn the bullets and line them up, but I remember the emplaced gun being notoriously difficult to use. Not only does it have tons of damage, more than a deka would deal, but it doesn't draw properly. If you can find another gun, that would probably be best. Yeah. There is a certain point where you really can't do anymore with NPCs. Does it handle well at all in combat? Perhaps up the aggression and aim levels? Give it a rocket launcher? Just keep poking it. I think I knew this, but nice job! I don't use efxEd, the proper tool, so all I can really do is just blindly play with it.
  21. Sorry, this is mostly my fault. I've been trying to keep on top of this but I got sidetracked. Sorry about that! Thank you so much Masta for stopping the spammers. If you go to the wiki now, you will find that the "Recent Changes" page is also spammed - with me blocking them all notices.
  22. Wow....I never knew this! Great to know, thanks!
  23. LOL. This is so awesome. Haha! Nice work, man! You seem to be making some great progress! While that would be great, I think he is planning to use the E-11 for a player weapon, so having a huge bulky blaster poking out of the npc's wrist may not be the right way to go. I think you should be able to get him to shoot faster by just upping the firetime in weapons.dat. If that doesn't work, a script can always do it, but it may be too much work. I don't think it will be too big of a problem, my suggestion would be to then up the health of the npc to compensate for his lower fire-rate. As for the bryar pistol problem, replace the bryar's model (md3 and glm) with noweaps. This will make the gun invisible. Or, change some of the model entries in the weapons.dat. I would really like to use this idea, but wouldn't he have to use the blaster pistol? Or can it be any 2 weapons? Because it would be the same problem as before: having two guns jut out of it's cannons. Would it still use force and stuff as well? Keep up the great work!
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