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Status Updates posted by Syko

  1. Just made a Reddit post that got 1900 upvotes..feel kind of proud.

    1. Ping


      What was it about? Link pls!

    2. Syko


      It was in the TIL subreddit. http://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/2up5u5/til_that_in_2013_metallica_became_the_first_band/ I've made a few Reddit posts before but most of them only get like 2 or 3 upvotes.

    3. Ping
  2. RIP Mac Miller (my avatar)

    1. Bek
    2. 2BN350


      ye, i heard about this over 27.165 MHz, the guy was mistaken for eminem lol.


      i had to correct the report

  3. Got a Macbook pro 13 inch. @Circa would be proud. Retina display makes everything look 10 times better.

    1. Circa


      *tears up* Very nice. I'm about to get a 15 inch retina as well. I've had a 2011 15 inch since 2011 and I REALLY want a retina screen after having an iPhone and iPad with retina for years.

    2. Syko


      I would've gotten the 15 inch but the value per dollar for each model higher than the $1299 one is terrible. The next level up is $1499 and only has a slightly bigger SSD. $200 for a 256 gig SSD is a ripoff.

  4. Even young anakin turned to the dark side: Sith Lord Lloyd http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/nkluja2obtwhqgmljbec.jpg

    1. Futuza


      Honestly, he looks like Sebastian Shaw. Kind of wondering what it'd be like if he'd played Anakin in Episode II and III in his present state.

    2. Syko


      They should have waited 10 years to find out, and in that time George should have reflected on how shitty Phantom Menace was and learned from it.

  5. Kicked ass in Battlefront Beta today, 12 kills 4 deaths.

    1. Syko


      And to be clear, it can be accessed by anyone. The beta ends Oct. 12

  6. Compiler errors: 15 *fixes 1 error* Compiler errors: 50

    1. Bek


      And they say the butterfly effect isn't real lol.

  7. Barely have time for JKHub anymore. Work work work.

    1. afi


      Work is gud

  8. Literally never coming to this site again until I've seen Episode 7 to avoid spoilers

    1. Ping


      HATE spoilers.

  9. Does anyone have a link to the test version of the JKHub update?

  10. Does our lord and savior Caelum still offer web hosting? If the price is right I may indulge...

  11. Just upgraded from Photoshop CS4 to CS6. Liking it so far.

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