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  • Location
    Canadian Territory
  • Modding Interests
    Jack of all Trades
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  • Operating System
    Windows 10

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Community Answers

  1. I'm already preparing myself for more secrets to find.
  2. Holy shit, that's great! Hope you make a big splash in the gaming development scene!
  3. This was the massive boost I was expecting when the source codes came out. It's a little late coming but hey; I'm still glad to see such a massive boost in numbers
  4. It's interesting to also point out that japro aims to make the game more competitive when baseJKA has already done that; and that's the vanilla game.
  5. Abusive admins wouldn't be an issue if the player makes the choice to stop going there to troll and be a general ass...*cough* Though really, JA+ did it's job well in keeping JKA going. It's long outdated and JA++ is generally better, but hey; I certainly don't mind JA+
  6. It installs things in other directories for some reason.
  7. Don't waste your time with KoTF. It's a massive file to start off with and there are honestly far better mods out now.
  8. Could be a nasty monkey looking for trouble
  9. Well, I guess I can live with it
  10. Don't want to give the monkeys any loopholes to work with!?
  11. Just to add for future references; if anyone is experiencing issues with JKA (ie: Crashing), using OpenJK will fix the issue 99.9% of the time.
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