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  • Modding Interests
    General Modding
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  • Operating System
    Windows 10

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  1. Yep! Thank you man!
  2. Hey man, I'm so glad we got this done. It was a blast making him. And thank you for helping me out.
  3. Where'd you find the sounds?
  4. 778 downloads

    This is my first ever skin, it is ARC Captain Fordo. The pk3 is included inside the zip as well as a readme.txt and some screenshots of Fordo. Anyone can use this model as long as you credit the people in the readme and myself for the reskin. Free to use in videos also. NPC name: ARCFordo Playermodel name: ARCFordo, the model also has sounds added. Thank you to the JK Discord for helping me out with the making my first ever reskin, shout outs to Rooxon, Circa and many others for the help on my model. Also, if you haven't check out my new JK Machinima https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3MCUvmIQOXFMRnEPAJQApA
  5. A Tulak Hord model would be awesome! Luke Skywalker in Jedi Robes would be cool to.
  6. I recently tried adding neomarz1 Clones Ultima pack into KOTF and EOC and neither worked. I even tried the model type in the menu for Jedi Academy and it didn't work. So I put it into vanilla Jedi Academy and it popped up in the character selection for the teams. Is there a mod for Vanilla Jedi Academy that has an add/load system like KOTF or EOC? And does anyone know how to put these models like the ARCS Remade or Clones Ultima into KOTF or EOC? Thank you guys.
  7. Dude, I've always wanted a double bladed saber like this and even better it's Exar Kun's.
  8. How do you load these?
  9. How can you load this map in Evolution of Combat or KOTF?
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