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Everything posted by Xioth

  1. what's blender? :/
  2. How would I go about doing that? :/
  3. I ask for Trask because I already have all the other KOTOR Characters. I offered to release the mod, but its someone elses work who literally doesn't exist on the interwebs, no name, no identity, nothing. I posted about it in my "I dunno about this" thread. I've tried watching a few tutorials and I have no idea what the hell anyone is talking about half the time. Plus, I can't even draw well, let-alone make a 3D Model, I wouldn't even know what programs to download, I don't even know how to use photoshop, in all honesty.
  4. Because he's awesome, and an important character. Without him, Revan would have died on the Ender Spire.
  5. I would pay someone to make this. If I only I had money. XDDD
  6. ...Why what? I tried, but Internet Explorer Edge or whatever the hell it's called won't let me post images, no matter what I do. It doesn't let me log in on chrome, or firefox.
  7. Ok, so I have a mod I wanna upload, but its done by another person, and this is all I could find on it, I changed a few VERY small things, removed some stuff, so it isn't cluttered, and added some weapons. It's worth mentioning that the link no longer works and redirects to the "Escapist Magazine" website. This is the actual link: Kotor siege complete make over - GameFront Forums forums.filefront.com › ... › SW:JK3 Modding, Mapping and EditingAug 20, 2005 - 8 posts - ‎5 authorsI thoght it would be realy cool to overhaul all the seige models and make a mod the replaces all the seiged models with models from the best ...You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 7/7/16 The PK3 file itself is called "Z_Kotor_Models_Siege_Replace.pk3" It includes most of the characters from KOTOR 1 and 2, I also included Slaughter's vibroblade as a weapon for the non force sensitives, and I don't know how to get in contact with him. But only his vibroblade.
  8. Could we get a Trask Ulgo Model?
  9. Never mind, it worked. I just needed to tweak the NPC file.
  10. I tried using OpenJK, Valkorion doesn't work for me as a model or an NPC. >.< But nice death watch gun model.
  11. I tried it, it didn't work.
  12. Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
  13. No, because the model is called "vibblade".
  14. An AT-AT, since I haven't seen one modded yet.
  15. So, I took the vibroblade from Slaughter's Rovas Galen model, and tried to use it for some bots, problem is, no matter what I try, it absolutely refuses to work, and just goes back to the default Red Lightsaber. One of the things I tried it with: { name "Sith Soldier" model sithsoldier color1 0 saber1 "vibblade" personality /botfiles/sithsoldier.jkb } ​Is there something I would need to change in the botfiles jkb? I have the right stuff in all the folders, including the ext_data folder. I have the model in that folder, I have everything where it should be.
  16. I mean, yeah, but you see the hair is different, and the face is VASTLY different, imo.
  17. I don't have a mediafire or dropbox account. I don't have a mediafire or dropbox account. No, right model. I even checked.
  18. Valkorion { fullName "Valkorion" playerModel Valkorion weapon WP_SABER saber single_9 saberColor red saberStyle 1 saberStyle 2 saberStyle 3 FP_LEVITATION 3 FP_PULL 3 FP_PUSH 3 FP_SEE 3 FP_SPEED 3 FP_ABSORB 3 FP_HEAL 3 FP_PROTECT 3 FP_TELEPATHY 3 FP_DRAIN 3 FP_GRIP 3 FP_LIGHTNING 3 FP_RAGE 3 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 5 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 5 forcePowerMax 300 rank commander aggression 5 aim 5 evasion 5 intelligence 5 move 5 reactions 5 playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER class CLASS_LUKE health 8000 snd Valkorion sndcombat Valkorion sndextra Valkorion sndjedi Valkorion }​
  19. Well, the most accurate model that we have is from the finished PSP game, but again, its your model.
  20. The head needs a bit of work. Eyes are too open-ish, his eyes were grey and beady, his face had a lot of wrinkles, his skin was whiter, his hair was blonde, but also grey-ish. Unless you're using the NDS version which I haven't exactly played. Its your model, but if you are gonna make a direct adaptation of him, I'd stick with the in-game model as inspiration as opposed to the artwork. ​
  21. It should be considering the project wasn't immediately shut down by Disney like every single other project that Disney Shut Down. Plus there is still new content coming out for it. https://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/comments/3xgs2u/is_anything_from_swtor_kotor_canon/​
  22. OpenJK didn't work for me after trying it. I think he just simply isn't functional as an NPC the way he is, sorry mate.
  23. I didn't even know what OpenJK was. I just installed base JKA off steam and that was that.
  24. Mate, this is the error I get when I try to use him, even as a model, by him, I of course mean Valkorion. "Ran out of transform space for ghoul2 Models. Adjust MiniHeapSize in SV_Spawn Server."
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