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Everything posted by Xioth

  1. Did you get his ponytail in the back?
  2. Yeah, but his hair is grey, and Kenth has a puffier face.
  3. Maybe Kenth Hamner? All it would take was making a head, and then hapslash robes, because thats what he usually wears.
  4. Why did the one who did it just not finish it? :/
  5. No offence, but I don't see a point in posting a download link unless you're actually able to use the file already. Did the guy just give up and not wanna release it no more?
  6. Anakin was in his 40's when he died, not nearly close to this age.
  7. On a related note, have any interest making him?
  8. The Grandmaster of the NJO for a time, Kenth Hamner is a powerful jedi. Reference Image:
  9. The place where Luke Skywalker and Darth Krayt fought Abeloth. I know Mara Jade is blocking the way, but in the background is the Lake of Apparitions. Clearly all red would get annoying, so the way I'd interpret it, is... A Blood-Red Lake with darkness all around the area, neverending darkness, with the Lake getting up to their ankles/knees, so they're still able to walk and don't have to swim.
  10. I dunno, if someone could answer the question, we'd know better.
  11. Xioth

    Zombie Skinpack

    In all honesty, these look pretty creepy. Wherever you are, Phonock, as well as Buffy the Sith Slayer, good on ya!
  12. So, I've tried using Blender, and I couldn't figure out how to do anything. I tried opening up the model glm whatever the hell it is, to no avail.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Xioth


      Went through blender's help file, dunno how to do anything still.


      Is it worth mentioning that I was in Special ED through-out my schooling days? Special SPECIAL ED?

    3. Psyk0Sith


      To DO things, you watch tutorials. To UNDERSTAND how things work you read the help files. It gets even worse when you CREATE work from scratch: you need artistic skills! :o

    4. Xioth


      As I said, watched the tutorials, still dunno how to do anything.

  13. In my honest opinion, they handled the ending to Elite Squadron better.
  14. Can we get this? This is awesome.
  15. Basically, he's holding a second saber, but can't use it in combat whatsoever. This is what I have: darth_krayt{playerModel darth_kraytsaber jedisaber2 jedisaberColor redsaber2Color redweapon WP_SABERsaberStyle 6FP_HEAL 0FP_LEVITATION 3FP_SPEED 3FP_PUSH 3FP_PULL 3FP_TELEPATHY 3FP_GRIP 3FP_LIGHTNING 3FP_RAGE 1FP_PROTECT 1FP_ABSORB 1FP_DRAIN 3FP_SEE 3FP_SABERTHROW 3FP_SABER_DEFENSE 5FP_SABER_OFFENSE 5rank commanderreactions 5aim 5move 5aggression 5evasion 5intelligence 5playerTeam TEAM_ENEMYenemyTeam TEAM_PLAYERclass CLASS_JEDIyawSpeed 140walkSpeed 55runSpeed 200snd jedi_sithspankisndcombat jedi_sithspankisndjedi jedi_sithspankihealth 1200dismemberProbHead 0dismemberProbArms 0dismemberProbLegs 0dismemberProbHands 0dismemberProbWaist 0} darth_krayt_unrobed{playerModel darth_kraytcustomSkin default_unrobedsaber jedisaber2 jedisaberColor redsaber2Color redweapon WP_SABERsaberStyle 6FP_HEAL 0FP_LEVITATION 3FP_SPEED 3FP_PUSH 3FP_PULL 3FP_TELEPATHY 3FP_GRIP 3FP_LIGHTNING 3FP_RAGE 1FP_PROTECT 1FP_ABSORB 1FP_DRAIN 3FP_SEE 3FP_SABERTHROW 3FP_SABER_DEFENSE 5FP_SABER_OFFENSE 5rank commanderreactions 5aim 5move 5aggression 5evasion 5intelligence 5playerTeam TEAM_ENEMYenemyTeam TEAM_PLAYERclass CLASS_JEDIyawSpeed 140walkSpeed 55runSpeed 200snd jedi_sithspankisndcombat jedi_sithspankisndjedi jedi_sithspankihealth 1200dismemberProbHead 0dismemberProbArms 0dismemberProbLegs 0dismemberProbHands 0dismemberProbWaist 0} I tried comparing him to the JediTrainer npc file that also has saberstyle 6 and 2 sabers: JediTrainer{playerModel jeditrainersaber jedisaber2 jedisaberColor purplesaber2Color purpleweapon WP_SABERsaberStyle 6FP_HEAL 2FP_LEVITATION 3FP_SPEED 3FP_PUSH 3FP_PULL 2FP_TELEPATHY 2FP_GRIP 0FP_LIGHTNING 0FP_RAGE 0FP_PROTECT 2FP_ABSORB 2FP_DRAIN 0FP_SEE 2FP_SABERTHROW 3FP_SABER_DEFENSE 3FP_SABER_OFFENSE 3rank commanderreactions 5aim 5move 5aggression 5evasion 5intelligence 5playerTeam TEAM_PLAYERenemyTeam TEAM_ENEMYclass CLASS_JEDIyawSpeed 140walkSpeed 55runSpeed 200snd jedi2sndcombat jedi2sndjedi jedi2health 400dismemberProbHead 0dismemberProbArms 5dismemberProbLegs 0dismemberProbHands 10dismemberProbWaist 0} But nothing has come of it.
  16. Is that the only thing you're stuck on?
  17. I feel like he'd be a great edition to the JKhub library. (I know someone already made him, but its based off his action figure, rather then the actual guy)
  18. Xioth

    Ben Skywalker

    Ben has more of a Theron Shan hairstyle, and a younger face. Good job though!
  19. Someone's making X2, and next Adas possibly. All I want now is Ben Skywalker and JKhub will be heaven.

  20. You do realize they did make Battlefront 3, only downgraded to the PSP right? There were 2 exclusive battlefront games released for the PSP. Battlefront: Elite Squadron is Battlefront 3, and Alvar007 said this "I did a low quality one with the psp model but since there is the free radical model is much better."
  21. Where did you find the PSP models? Me and Seven were in a discussion about X2 and he said he couldn't find models of the PSP version.
  22. "Play_MBII.bat" Where?????? Where would I find that????????? Its not in my zip or pk3's. Or should it be somewhere in the PK3's?
  23. These models are something else.
  24. Shouldn't we focus on Rebels Tano being made before her sabers are? :/
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