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Everything posted by Xioth

  2. I think you have to do it over a private message.
  3. @@AshuraDX @@Rooxon @@Psyk0Sith @@Jeff @@JAWSFreelao
  4. Yeah, make sure to open the .npc file with notepad, then add in a line. Example, this is one of my npc's: Warrior_of_Light { fullName "Warrior" playerModel WarriorOfLight weapon WP_SABER saber Braveheart saber2 Shield_of_Light saberStyle 6 FP_LEVITATION 3 FP_HEAL 3 FP_PULL 3 FP_PUSH 3 FP_SEE 3 FP_SPEED 3 FP_PROTECT 3 FP_ABSORB 3 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 3 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 3 FP_SABERTHROW 3 forcePowerMax 700 forceRegenAmount 150 forceRegenRate 150 rank commander reactions 5 aim 5 move 5 aggression 5 evasion 5 intelligence 5 playerTeam TEAM_PLAYER enemyTeam TEAM_ENEMY class CLASS_KYLE snd WoL sndcombat WoL sndjedi WoL health 3000 yawSpeed 140 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 } notice no "scale" in there, but by changing it. Warrior_of_Light { fullName "Warrior" playerModel WarriorOfLight weapon WP_SABER saber Braveheart saber2 Shield_of_Light saberStyle 6 FP_LEVITATION 3 FP_HEAL 3 FP_PULL 3 FP_PUSH 3 FP_SEE 3 FP_SPEED 3 FP_PROTECT 3 FP_ABSORB 3 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 3 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 3 FP_SABERTHROW 3 forcePowerMax 700 forceRegenAmount 150 forceRegenRate 150 rank commander reactions 5 aim 5 move 5 aggression 5 evasion 5 intelligence 5 playerTeam TEAM_PLAYER enemyTeam TEAM_ENEMY class CLASS_KYLE snd WoL sndcombat WoL sndjedi WoL health 3000 yawSpeed 140 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 scale 120 } now there is, and he'll be slightly taller when you spawn him in the game. Normal scale is 100, anything below or higher then 100 will change the default scale of that specific NPC.
  5. Well, I can see what he's saying though. Certain people have gotten upset at certain stuff being ported over, or even modeled for Jedi Academy, not gonna name names, but this was already covered in my "A Small Rant" thread.
  6. Everyone should be allowed to request whatever they want, anyone who says otherwise is just being douchey.
  7. Yeah, Sans would work too. Love Sans.
  8. Frisk: https://www.models-resource.com/custom_edited/undertalecustoms/model/19707/ Chara: https://www.models-resource.com/custom_edited/undertalecustoms/model/19708/ Sans: https://www.models-resource.com/custom_edited/undertalecustoms/model/12303/
  9. Who? Edit: Oh, this guy. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sidon_Ithano I don't remember seeing in TFA.
  10. Yes, he still gets knocked down. I wanna make it so that he can't get knocked down, period, so that no one can perform the downward stab on him.
  11. Erm... You do know that the choreography in every movie wasn't just INSPIRED by Kendo. Mark Hamill and many other people who played a Jedi in the movies had to learn and practice Kendo.
  12. From what I've seen, Kanos is WAY more commonly seen in his red and black outfit. Besides that, Carnor Jax looks more like this: His outfit doesn't really cover his body, it just looks that way in some pictures.
  13. His robes aren't really... robes, they're a cloak.
  14. It's not more interactive, its block, attack, block, attack, mindless hack-n-slashing, and occasional blocking, being more fun is subjective, but you can definitely do a lot more in JKA when fighting with sabers then you can do with your sword in Rising. Can you show me a lunge from Metal Gear Rising? it might look different then what I'm thinking a lunge is. You can lunge without doing a combo in JKA. I don't really want super flashy combat like that, it seemed kinda silly, awesome at times, but kinda silly.
  15. JKA isn't wasted potential, Rising is fun, but it's very basic when you get down to it, JKA has far more in terms of options. I don't want super flashy sword attacks, I want a sword fight that gets at you, and gets you nervous about the fact you're going to win or not, something that raises the bar, which, I'm sorry, Rising simply doesn't do. Rising is difficult in the beginning, but the game becomes overwhelmingly easy, because, like I said earlier, once you learn to block, the game loses all it's challenge. I'm sorry but blue style attack IS proper lunging, in my opinion, and you can't do any of those things in Rising either, you're actually very limited when you really think about it, all it does is make you able to cut stuff better, swordplay is different, it makes you feel as if you're fighting with a sword, I like having unsure blocks and parries. Rising has more awesome story moments, QTE's, etc. It has some pretty cool combat as well, but while it's combat is "cooler", then JKA, it doesn't mean it's better. Blade Mode and the ability to cut anything doesn't make it better then JKA, I want to feel like I'm in a fight, not be an unstoppable dominant juggernaut. The basic attacks are cool, but Jedi Academy always feels fresh whereas Rising's lack of variety can wear you down.
  16. Not that I've seen, I went searching all over the place for this and found nothing.
  17. It's very easy, all you do is port the weapon, I personally can't do it, but I've seen people who can make very good, functional weapons in about 10 minutes or less. I actually love how swords work in JKA when they are ported. Even when the swords are modeled, it works very well, and I've had 0 issues using stuff like this: https://jkhub.org/files/file/671-assassins-creed-weaponspack/
  18. But that's just one aspect of Rising, its basically just flashy hacking and slashing away at everything. Not to say there isn't thinking involved, but there are so many things to learn in JKA because of it's very robust physics engine that allows the hacking and slashing of Rising, but with way more options. You have multiple styles that have different attacks, with each one having their own benefits. Revengeance is also just a lot easier to learn and to master, once you figure out the blocking system, you can game it so that you'll never be hit, Jedi Academy just gives you a way more tense feeling during battle that I really wish Rising could give me, alas, it couldn't. I guess thats my own personal experience, but once you learn how to block, which honestly should take long before you even beat the game for the first time, you can cheat the system and you will never be hit, not once, whereas even though I consider myself decent at dueling in JKA, I am ALWAYS in danger of death in a one-on-one. But it's not luck or anything like that, thats holding me back, its my own self, maybe I missed an attack that an opponent did, maybe I got caught in a saber clash, etc. Many things that are my own fault will be my death if I'm not careful, and that, to me, is what makes Jedi Academy one of the best swordplay games ever, instead of using the same moves and fighting the same way over and over again in Rising, gaming the block system and losing all tension, I'm in this very huge tension-filled drag-out fight where I never feel safe, as if I could die at any point. I've seen even high-level players die to NPC's in this game.
  19. A lot of people (including myself) HATED the one-hit kill system in JO, using a DFA attack to down your opponent in one hit was annoying, it became less a duel of skill and more of "who will hit the DFA first". Sure it should be about fun, but there's no real skill when all it takes is one DFA to down your opponent. JKA still has DFA but it's VERY slow meaning its unlikely to hit anyway, and thats good. Sword fighting in JKA has always felt very visceral and epic, the awesome clang of swords and shields hitting up against each other while you and your enemy are jumping around the map, its just an awesome feeling, in my opinion. I don't wanna fight enemies and just keep whacking them over and over, I want something that freely allows me to fight pretty much any way I want, this game does that, I could turn this game into tons of different games completely with the mods that have been released. Mount & Blade has a fantastic combat system, but its very, very difficult to learn, that game also has a great physics engine, however, its still not quite as free-flowing. It's good for stuff like the famous GoT's mods, a World of Ice and Fire, a Clash of Kings. But it just wouldn't look right for superhuman characters. (Btw, the game's full name is "Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance", its a great game, check it out if you get the chance.)
  20. Base JKA has lunging, parrying, thrusting, it just doesn't have a dedicated block button.
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