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  1. Question: What are your guys views on brutal honesty and translating it into legitimately critiquing others' work. I.E. Models or kitbashes?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Xioth


      ...get offended by polite constructive criticism to the point they try to suppress it, and that isn't right.


      Not naming names.

    3. Cerez


      Yeah, criticism requires a mature outlook, and, unfortunately, not everyone is truly ready to give or to receive criticism. One does need to grow into it, and be ready for it. Which is why in the early days we made the rule that if someone does not wish to receive any criticism, only encouragements, they should say so in the original post, and people should respectfully oblige.

    4. Cerez


      When you're starting out and don't have much confidence in what you're doing, criticism can be really hard on you, especially if it's true and harsh. To go all-out critical on a person who's starting out with brutal honesty and advanced expectations I deem elitist, and a form of cyber-bullying and abuse. Beginners should be given more encouragement than harsh criticism, as a general rule.

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