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The Punisher

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Everything posted by The Punisher

  1. Excellent! Thanks a lot!
  2. I think I got it... I tried different settings form other models hood,*offtorso_robe_hoodd,*offhead_robe_hood,*off but they didn't worked (just changed the face to face without shadow - head_2) until i changed torso_robe_hoodup,*off to torso_robe_hoodup,models\players\galen_adv_robe\hood But now, it doesn't use the backhand saber and I get female sounds. Don't ask me why. I honestly don't know what I am doing, I just followed some of the examples from the skins I mentioned above. I think the idea is make it use something that doesn't exists. Maybe this helps. Fixed the sound by adding a sound.cfg with galenm Still don't know why it doesn't use the "backkhand" saber (he just points the lightsaber down).
  3. I wish I could be of any help but I have no idea. Maybe if you unpack the "outfit pack" and compare with the suit there? It has both options. "Starkiller (Galen Marek) Jedi Adventure Robes 1.00" from RevanKnight and Xeby's "Dark Apprentice" also have versions with and without hood. Maybe reviewing those files can give you an idea? in the worst case scenario, create separate folder for each version: galen_adv_robe and galen_adv_robe_hood. Just a thought.
  4. Thanks for the clarification! The industrial suit also needs SP menu support, at least for me it doesn't shows (along with the dark blue "armor" suit).
  5. Hmmmm...maybe I am confusing the suits, I mean the other suit that looks like a mix of x-wing and tie pilots suit (gray/green)
  6. Excellent!!! Thank you very much! I can just repack the outfit pack without that particular skin or justbremove it as i only downloaded it for the jedi adv., the tie pilot (which doesnt looks as good in jka) and the industrial (which doesn't shows in the selection menu either) skins but still would appreciate the menu support!!! Would be great if someone reworks the industrial and tie pilot suit too!
  7. on the menu selection: It doesn't show on the menu selectionIt shows in the menu selection only if I include the outfit pack but then it shows exactly the same as the previous screenshot.
  8. Already did, same results.
  9. Without the outfit pack, it doesn't show at all. OK, it doesn't shows in the menu selection but I can call it manually and loads fine.
  10. ah...I was forgetting the imgur part...as I mentioned earlier, I'm brain dead after a long stressful day. Screenshot uploaded! As you can see, robe has no texture and the rest of the model is invisible. On the character selection menu, the face has texture but choosing without hood still shows the hood on (without textures). I even temporary removed all other mods to check if another mod was causing the issue but no luck.
  11. Thanks! I already have the screenshot part, what I can't seem to find is the upload button.
  12. Sorry, noob here...How do I upload a screenshot? The image option only gives me the option for a URL. Basically if I use it with dark_apprentice's "Starkiller Galen Marek Outfit Pack for JKA", I see the face, the robe textures are "white-and-gray" (no textures). The arms and legs are completely invisible. If I don't use "Starkiller Galen Marek Outfit Pack for JKA", I don't see it at all.
  13. It is not showing now in SP at all so I am not sure if the sounds for this particular mod are working. I see the icon in MP, but OpenJK MP crashes for me and since I don't play MP, I never cared to fix it.
  14. Animations and sounds are working fine (at least from other mods).
  15. Yep, I have some mods (Luke Skywalker replacement, Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren light saber, CJPJourneymanCustomizationI ans a few Luke TFA mods from JKHub). I tried removing some of them one-by-one but the issue still remained. I came earlier and couldn't find your file, now I see it again as a new version. I tried it again but now it doesn't show in SP. I had a long stressful day so I might be brain dead.
  16. Sorry, my bad...I was reading multiple posts and confused myself. I am running JKA. Never mind....
  17. Hi Seven I am using OpenJK and still have the transparent textures issue.
  18. didn't worked for me (SP) Edit: works in SP when starting a new game from scratch (doesn't works for games already in progress). However, the stamce is applied tp every model with a single saber, even Kyle. Also, doesn't works with dual sabers.
  19. looks great but I only get the robes, every other part shows transparent.
  20. Awesome! I tried it but I got the following errors: couldn't exec openjo_sp.cfgcouldn't exec autoexec_sp.cfgCould not open string package 'CON_TEXT'
  21. I have the exact same problem. Plus the industrial explorer outfit doesn't shows for me. I fixed the (female) sound by adding a sounds folder from another model (and renaming the folder to match the sound.cfg file) but I still can't get the Industrial Outfit to show in SP.
  22. I like the Tie Fighter Pilot suit but there is something weird. It is supposed to be a "jumpsuit", yet the bottom of the torso does not match the legs making it look like a jacket instead of a jumpsuit.
  23. Looks really awesome! However, for some reason when using this mod, some characters (like Trandoshans) can spawn in SP.
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