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Everything posted by Bane_Ross

  1. I should probably mention that the backstories are in the "screenshots" folder in the file.
  2. YAY! Thank you!
  3. Thank you, I appreciate it 'Tis true. Lol. In other news, I have submitted my file! Now just awaiting approval. ...YAY! ...I don't really know what else to say...
  4. 2,597 downloads

    Author: Agent_Ross File Name: Agent_Ross Skinpack Date: 12/17/13 Contact me: I would prefer it if you would first try to contact me through JKHub, but if that is not possible, you may email me at bane.ross@gmail.com ______________________________________________________________________________________ About this file: I've actually been working on this skin pack for a couple of years, but it was merely for my own personal use, and it has evolved as I used it to hone my texturing skills. I still have a lot to learn, but hopefully everyone who uses this file will enjoy it! ______________________________________________________________________________________ Installation Instructions: Drop rosspack.pk3 into your base folder. Remove the file to uninstall it. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Credits to Hapslash for his fabulous Anakin model, texturecrate.com (an awesome website with tons of free textures), Christopher Nolan for making The Dark Knight Rises, Tom Hardy (Bane) for having a face, Ray Park (Darth Maul) for having a face, and everyone at JKHub who eagerly anticipated this release! Thanks for your support! ______________________________________________________________________________________ THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  5. I love this whole thing! Your details are amazing! I definitely want to use this Vader skin for the rest of my life. Fantastic!
  6. Okay, thanks. I feel dumb for not already knowing that...
  7. Okay, idiot question time. Do I need to also include Hapslash's original readme, or is just crediting him in my readme enough?
  8. So, I admit, I got cold feet for a while. But no longer! I finally made myself finish those dang backstories (Which honestly took all of about 20 minutes) and now I'm writing the readme! So I should have my pack submitted soon, and hopefully it will be approved and released before Christmas! Sorry it took me so long, everyone! I really have appreciated all the support and feedback!
  9. I'm thoroughly confused, but intrigued all the same. I doubt anything I could contribute would be very special, but I think I'd like be a part of this
  10. A friend of mine introduced me to it years ago on Xbox. I immediately wanted to buy it, but I've never owned an Xbox and for some reason there were no cheap PC copies. But a couple of years ago I found it pretty cheaply on Amazon, and I got it. I'm sooooooooo glad I bought the PC version; modding is half the fun! Oops, so I guess I lied about playing for 8 years. Does dreaming about playing it count?
  11. Oooh, me likey.
  12. Well, here they are. I think I am done tweaking. (Probably.) The Guardian: The Hunter: The Vampire: The Statue: Bane:
  13. @: Thanks! I'm glad you like them! They are my personal favorites as well. @@Milamber: I never anticipated a meme from my work, but holy crap, thank you! That just made my day.
  14. I guess I'm the only one upset that a Darth Maul game was never made...
  15. @@katanamaru: Firstly, thank you! I put a lot of work into those outfits, I'm glad you like them. Retexturing can kind of wear me down sometimes. I spent basically a whole day on the outfit for "Bane"; regrettably, you can't see much of it in the picture. Secondly, there are two characters without masks in the picture. The Vampire has no mask. He has a hood. And in response to your question, the center character has a no-mask, no-hood option. I admit the masks all do look too similar. I simply had an idea and ran with it. But like I said in my previous post, I plan to spend some time tweaking my characters until I'm completely happy with them. @@DT85 and @@Omicron: Thanks a bunch! So, I forgot to mention in my last post that some time will also be required to make backstory screenshots for each character. Nobody has to read them or even look at them, but I don't want to foist these characters on the world without a little explanation of who they are. As I made each character, a story formed in my head about each of them, and I'd like to share it with you all in the finished product.
  16. Well, the gang's all here. I just have some tweaking and a bit more testing to do, and then I think they will be ready for release! I've really appreciated the feedback; it's nice to know that people are actually excited about my work! Thanks everyone!
  17. This looks exciting.
  18. Hey everyone! Just thought I should drop in and let everyone know that this project is still going to be released, eventually. I had a death in the family a couple weeks ago, so everything just came to a halt after that. But hopefully in the next few days I will have some new images of progress for you to drool over!
  19. I'm seriously in love with this. Best stormtrooper model I've ever seen. Great job!
  20. Thanks a lot, everyone! I appreciate it @@Botdra and @@Circa, I'm glad you like him! I think he's my favorite so far. I made the facial texture a while ago, but I really didn't begin to see him as a different character until I made his outfit and started tweaking his facial texture more. Now I definitely have ideas about his backstory.
  21. Update time! A few in-game screenshots of my previously introduced characters, and a couple shots of my fourth character. Guardian: Hunter: (Third character who so far has no official name...) And finally, the preview of my fourth character. He's a vampire. Yeah. Can't really come up with a good excuse for him. Oh well, enjoy.
  22. I really appreciate that!
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