Thanks everybody! I have tried to put as much detail as I can into each skin. Whether they'll still look that good on everyone else's games, who can tell? Unfortunately, as I start introducing the other characters, you'll probably see a lot of similarities. Most of the other heads have minor facial changes. To me, the changes look big, but that's because I've worked on them and tweaked them for years. I do have one face that is completely different, but...he's kind of a secret right now. I'll release pictures of him when I'm further along. @@Omicron: no, I didn't make the hilt. I have no modeling skills whatsoever. Also, no money for the programs. I just reskinned that hilt to my own personal taste. If you want to know what hilt it is, I'll have to do some research for the original file; I'm afraid I can't remember the file name at the moment. But I'm glad you liked my reskin of it, anyway! I think I'll leave you all with another picture of my second character, who I forgot to say is called the Hunter. He also has a couple of different head options.