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Everything posted by Tompa9

  1. Yes thats the one mission we have in plans. But we don´t know yet if it will be separated or will replace current mission. We will see
  2. It looks like you haven´t noticed that there was V1.0 of my Kit Fisto downloadable on 1st page of this thread long time ago! This old version is used in MB2 officially also. You can check it... EDIT: Look at this, you have even liked it LOL https://jkhub.org/topic/7917-tompa´s-wip-thread/?p=138096 EDIT2: I have even commented your WIP thread that Fisto was already done this way! https://jkhub.org/topic/6061-jaws-skins-ish/?p=140649 But I can forgive you your effort
  3. You´ve showed great creativity and imagination good job!
  4. Update: New version 1.1 of Kit Fisto pack! His body textures are now accurately converted back to HS´s Obi-Wan model, menu support and LOD´s were added. It also fix wrong sabercolor in MP! https://mega.nz/#!EN0n0RrB!UcMTtKHUuUTItbMXXJlo0TBrn65NyPTTXnGhaQeK1t4
  5. Funny, suprising and creative work continues with new model of my Obi-Wan AOTC! (TPM face is used with addition of facial hair and hair from my original release)
  6. What is Mamma Boucher?
  7. LOL Why would we? This is different project. KOTF and MD2R aren´t same projects. There would be some similar things but both mods aiming on something different. We are strictly SP only and combat and missions are mainly based on saber dueling and KOTF is more whole saga project, it would have SP and MP with all characters and maps to recreate biggest battles. But both mods would be unique to each other. Let´s be patient and you will see that it would be fun to play both!
  8. Snoke from PreFX is all I need for that model
  9. WOW your own creation?
  10. It would be better if you upload ingame screenshot. It really differs from what we see in Modview
  11. I would like to suggest you Darth Bane, creator of Rule of Two
  12. New Obi-Wan Kenobi TPM with reskin of face by our new member Patches
  13. 1. Open zz_zkylorenreplacement.PK3 in winrar/winzip 2. Go to models/players/kylo_ren_nomask folder 3. Edit model_default_tljb with wordpad or notepad 4. Find line torso_cape_tlj,models/players/kylo_ren/cape.tga and change it as torso_cape_tlj,*off 5. Save
  14. Very good GPC! It could be nice to compare it with new release of DT´s together in future
  15. Yep, thats the thing that is really missing for most of models. My packs are always complete
  16. Hello I would like to suggest if someone could make new model for Admiral Ackbar and Raddus. These two were importnant admirals during war with Empire. Gial Ackbar was already created for JK2 but he certainly deserves better clothes and Force Awakens outfit. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Raddus http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Gial_Ackbar
  17. Yes that resolution. It needs high quality
  18. Great! Thank you a lot. I hope it works
  19. It was already created! https://jkhub.org/files/file/3275-ezras-lightsaber/
  20. Don´t forget that 90% of that work is original Plasma´s model. I have just added/edited new hood
  21. Unfortunately not. These tutorials are only for basic frankensteining not when you download external model and want to fit him on jka skeleton and weighth it.
  22. Hello , I dont know if my request could be in this section but I would really welcome some youtube tutorial how to port models to JKA in Blender. It would really help lot of people there that are making requests for ports. These requests could be limited and im sure people will make some on their own with proper manual step by step. Thank you
  23. Great improvement ! keep in good work and make new models!
  24. One last update...I´m sorry guys but I was still unsatisfied with whole shape of hood so I´ve tried to edit Toshi´s Luke hood instead and I think it looks really realistic now DOWNLOAD
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