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Everything posted by Tompa9

  1. Althought I don´t like hair that face is quality. Great job!
  2. Hmm I don´t think we will remove dialogues. Taunts are really great addition to game itself. But I understand your point of view
  3. That is really well done! Good start. Face needs more improvements. I think less deformed. Eyes has too much space between and his jaw is too much deformed But overal quality work!
  4. Oh wait . Great combination. Could you please describe which parts have you combined?
  5. Yes, AI knows how to block. Our sabersystem is in truth Serenity 2.0 because its dev Jace Solaris is in our team too
  6. @@LucyTheAlien Name of this project Movie Duels is perfect because this mod is mainly about duels from movies. MB2 is movie battles because there are battles - gunners shooting not only duels. For me it fits really well.
  7. It is Star Wars Movie Duels 2: Remastered still can´t see your point. MB2 has also Movie Battles 2.
  8. Yes I would like to see some new models from scratch. But new models are done only by PsykoSith or Scerendo and sometimes by Kualan. And it isn´t too much . I would like to learn how to model from scratch in future but unfortunately because of work on other projects and "real life" I don´t have time . Like most of us.
  9. What is shit about name Movie Duels?
  10. If you haven´t seen it already there is short showcase of how new saberystem (hybrid of Serenity 2.0 and MD2 mod) will look https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOBxzkqMTwM
  11. Nice, I haven´t known that. Shame that people like Neomarz or Hapslash/Toshi aren´t still active
  12. What model has Neomarz extracted and from where? I know base model is in JKA and there was some updated by SithJCull.
  13. Great but maybe do it more white. Too much grey and shade on it
  14. Hello guys , for a little "promotion" campaign of our project I´ve edited some cutscenes and remade them into very tasty wallpapers. You can download them from there! Download Spoiler of some of them!
  15. I hope younglings would get some proper reskin in the future
  16. Why has Luke found map to Ach-to there? In movie it seems he hasnt learned anything on that island
  17. Great, Kua is back again! Please do Ahsoka from Rebels finally!
  18. Attention! You can follow our progress on official moddb page too! http://www.moddb.com/mods/movie-duels-2-remastered
  19. Darth Maul: Warrior of the Sith 2.0 - saturation and skin color was changed to not be so bright and red - skin effect of shader applied
  20. Hello. Is there any progress on that epic mission ?☺
  21. MB2 has quality one´s. If you know how to do it you can rip them from mod.
  22. Wait for TLJ rather to rip sounds
  23. Psyko is there any porting tutorial for blender?
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