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Everything posted by ensiform

  1. There is somewhat of a motivation requirement to actually continue wanting to work on the "old one" too. And with the poor state of tools (and how time consuming it is to build new ones), there is little incentive for new developers or modders to come to an old out of date idTech3 based engine. Rend2 or not, there is still very little reason to continue efforts at making major new content because it is very tedious IMO
  2. I'm pretty sure it's by design that thrown sabers go through.
  3. You shouldn't be using any higher than 1 if your computer is old IMO. The rest will be taxing on the system with multiple player characters on screen. Unfortunately though it's not possible. Volumetric (2) is that way but not 3.
  4. Because your server isn't configured for "saber only". You've got melee and turrets/emplaced turned on too most likely. Which it still counts as not full saber only. You'll have to also disable the items manually by adding set disable_<item classname> 1The above to your server config. Replacing <item classname> with each of the ammo pickup classnames.
  5. I think this is just because the repeater alt fire in jka has the orb feature plus distortion and the distortion may be rendered several times because of number of passes for the effect. Turn cg_repeaterOrb cvar off and it should be the same as jk2. PS why "secret" mod?
  6. You'll need to do some coding to actually change weapon behaviors like removing the bouncing effect of the missiles. And in general no it's not okay to just rip and port modded content especially without permission from the original authors of the content you've taken/used.
  7. I'm at work I told you on discord so I can't play...
  8. 110 is not vc 2015 though. That looks more like 2012?
  9. But if you open a menu it will take exclusive input control and you won't be able to move the character or look around.
  10. It may also be related to where the map is chopped up into blocks for vis as well. (_blocksize) ?
  11. .... What? 'Adds 32 bit support' doesn't even compute because windows 16 bit is pre Windows 95.
  12. On the original copy it does too. They use a proprietary version of creative labs OpenAL with EAX support for the jk2-3.
  13. The Jedi outcast files aren't built unless you specified them to be in the CMake GUI
  14. Uhm the game includes it's own OpenAL, did you mean OpenGL?
  15. They can be scripted to move or triggered by the force but they can't actually move by the force that I'm aware of.
  16. Well there's a billion code issues that still should be resolved too I don't have commit access tho.
  17. That's because you neglected to open the "jkgalaxies" folder first. And put the contents of that within GameData. Which should obviously be mentioned in the instructions.
  18. OpenGL 1.2 is actually the minimum for GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE which is required and assumed now.
  19. No, you assume because you don't get answered immediately that it's dead? Maybe the folks who normally help with this kind of thing are busy. I'm assuming that's not the entire ENT file is it?
  20. What you prefer and what the realities of running a specific type of older game on an ancient laptop are two wildly different things.
  21. Not all entities and efx work 1:1 the same in sp and mp at a rough guess you could look for errors in the sp console about unknown entity.
  22. Upgrade to a PC with a real Nvidia graphics card ._. Laptops, especially older ones, aren't guaranteed to have decent drivers support to include proper OpenGL etc.
  23. 2010 is no longer supported at all by OpenJK I'm afraid. It uses too old of C++ specifications that are now required to build. I highly doubt it has anything to do with the trinary '?' operator. That's supported since ever.. MAX PATCH PLANES was fixed so I'm not sure how you're still getting it unless you're running a year or two old build. I tested it on maps people claimed it was still happening and it's not. Unless this happens in jamp/jasp too on that map I can't really verify it being still broken.
  24. There's no change in the notarget command! So I'm not sure what steps are happening to cause this. The toggle command also only works on cvars not other commands. If you get the text saying it changed then why try the extra numbers? Are you darkside ending where all NPCs are hostile?
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