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Everything posted by ensiform

  1. Trigger multiple -> target_give -> weapon entity you want to give
  2. Using the word still is a bit strange though, as given, you won't see it in MP without a server+client mod. And SP would need a code mod as well. It's not hard to implement the movement per se, but you wouldn't have great animation fluidity.
  3. Ladders do not work in Jedi academy at all without proper mod code to take effect. The ladder surface however is there, just doesn't do anything but be solid.
  4. Hmm seems like a possible security hole though.
  5. spawnflags of at least 8 (TOGGLE) on the door itself should make it stick. (but can still be toggled again), -1 wait on the door will be a 1 and done.
  6. Doors have special trigger when you don't place it that allows the door to remain open as long as you are within the bounds. This is only possible without a manually placed trigger
  7. Rend2 hasn't been updated to feature fixes and changes to the renderer API still. To revert to vanilla: `reset cl_renderer` To go to rend2: `cl_renderer rd-rend2`
  8. Rend2 hasn't been updated to feature fixes and changes to the renderer API still. To revert to vanilla: `reset cl_renderer` To go to rend2: `cl_renderer rd-rend2`
  9. Hammuer only supports importing the source material, this is using the existing compiled bsp. Intended for supporting existing maps while also supporting the ue formats.
  10. https://gfycat.com/BetterVibrantAzurewingedmagpie Just throwing this out there. ET bsp rendering in ue4. Very early wip from someone I know in an ET channel.
  11. Are these projects going to get anywhere before being shut down by Disney?
  12. It's not possible. You'd need to make a saber that's a sword instead. MP doesn't use a weapons.dat file therefore it doesn't need an invisible model entry. The player model is of course still used in SP. The invisible model just isn't rendered, thus you only see the player. Also, no weapon in SP is not the same as melee in MP.
  13. Melee does not use a special model, it's just the player model. No invisible one.
  14. You would have to do this externally with shell scripts.
  15. No way at all, MP doesn't use this file.
  16. You need both team_CTF_blueplayer and bluespawn and the red versions as well. In siege you should probably be using the siege spawns but I'm not sure what those are off hand. info_ something I think.
  17. You can't, it only works with the models that are split up like Jaden with different heads/torsos/legs. It randomly selects from the jedi_hf, hm, zf, tf, kdm, etc. Which is controlled in the code. Or combination of code and something in the file.
  18. Jedi random relies on the different parts of a | split skin though (ala Jaden)
  19. Why couldn't you roll your own npc file which is a variation of the ones you want that removes the color or enforce the color you want. Have you tried setting the team key on all of the possible NPCs to be the same string? I'm not sure if this feature works for triggered NPCs or not
  20. I can't really take the OP seriously when your metric is based around sabers being the only feature of the game. >CTF&Siege "but then game will depart from its features - amazing and unique mechanic of saber combat (none of sword fighting can show anything like that) " Simply put, it's average at best, and even then, it's not the only component of the game. CTF arguably is the most wide variety since it offers powers, weapons and saber as opposed to just saber plus capturing the flag is the main goal.
  21. There's no difference in network settings. Sounds like you never accepted the Windows firewall pop-up on first launch maybe.
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