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Everything posted by ensiform

  1. Play with r_gamma 1 instead maybe.
  2. No but that might mean that it's a hidden error or crash that happens from something we might have fixed.
  3. You've got some kind of bad or wonky patch bevel in your map. You have developer enabled so it shows all the attempted files loading with all possible extensions until it found the right one.
  4. To my knowledge there isn't a cheat code to do this. You would need to add WP_NONE and remove weapons through an icarus script some how.
  5. Saber style is independent of lightsaber defense in this game compared to outcast.
  6. http://opengameart.org/content/free-keyboard-and-controllers-prompts-pack My thought would be it might be cool if we could eventually hook the menus.str entries for the joystick buttons to some specific character which represents a joy button kinda like how emojis work with unicode but we don't support unicode per-se. And map those characters to a special font with the button glyphs depending on which controller is being used in font rendering.
  7. Are they jpegs? You might have an incorrect JPEG encoder in your gimp that the old game doesn't like.
  8. Any update on making the radar look matching to the new HUD? @@AshuraDX
  9. Well I don't know about getting it to walk at a certain amount of stick movement though.
  10. Okay I just didn't see you had confirmed that already since @@Xycaleth had asked at the top of this page.
  11. You didn't confirm fs_game OpenJK or not as asked above.
  12. Is the source for JA Unlimited available?
  13. uix86.dll is 100% not part of OpenJK engine. It is the mod portion of the OpenJK project which means fs_game should be fs_game OpenJK.
  14. If you're playing with a mod or the original base version of the UI module then the fix cannot be applied. The one from openjk-x86.pk3 must be used in order to have this fixed. It's not part of the OpenJK engine that fixes this.
  15. There's no hard limit in OpenJK. It was expanded for dynamically growing species list I thought?
  16. Unfortunately it won't be getting too drastic of a change besides basic support in game because the menus aren't designed to work well with controllers or joysticks.
  17. RMG stuff didn't actually work in JKA afaik.
  18. I'm investigating some improved gamepad support for the future. The ingame portions will be easier to handle than the menus because we want a legacy menu support if possible.
  19. Do you have the map file for the level or just the pk3 with bsp? If no map file then not likely especially if it's just a plain wall.
  20. The only taunts that work in MP without mods to enable them outside of duel gametype is the plain old 'taunt' bind.
  21. I assume the hud_wide version is designed for 16:9 resolution? @@AshuraDX
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