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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. Pretty sure they just keep reusing someones old shader that has ########## in it, from Scziio or from cantina_mo.shader etc.


    Would rather leave it there, it says line ignored now as well.  Scare people to pushing the map devs to fix it would be best.  :P

    ////// Starport //////
  2. Technically it is a detriment because while it appears on the surface to do no harm it is allocating extra shaders(*2 for the hash) for potentially being there.  Every time it hits one of those in your shader files.
    The warnings are were not put in place to protect against these types of incorrect shaders, they just happen to fall under the same category.  There are a few types of shader syntax bugs that can cause the rest of the shader chain to literally break which is what this is there for.  And why we really shouldn't revert totally back to archaic basic parsing with no syntax checking at all.
    The fact that it now displays the warning now shouldn't be that hard for someone to fix the shader files.  Its not like you have to recompile each map.

    So basically it's a case of the open sourced version of JAMP simply not being able to run the #### comments, and there being no known way to set it back up to how it is in JAMP?

    No that isn't hard just see above in this post as to why choosing not to for now.

  3. Can't we just count ##### as a 'legitimate comment' so it doesn't break existing maps?  And then make it warn about 'out of date syntax', but accept it anyway?


    Obviously incomplete but something like:

    if(token[0] == '#' && token[1] == '#')
      ri->Printf(PRINT_WARNING, "WARNING: Shader File %s contains out of date syntax, that does not comply with existing shader standards.  ## is not an acceptable form of comment, please use c style comments.", filename);

    And then the next person considers ** as a comment.  The shader code does not have a separate COM_Parse code anymore so its no longer possible to give it special treatment over the rest of the code which uses COM_Parse.  I do NOT want to make this a global acceptance across all places which use COM_Parse.  Also, once you make it treat as a regular comment there would be no warnings.


    That would no longer be valid, as it would already be past it if it were to skip internally.  Because COM_Parse skips over whitespace and comments.

  4. I'm guessing you mean issue #271, but this issue should no longer happen as @@ensiform reverted the commits that added the changed shader parser I think?



    Yeah players will always be able to do /connect themselves. You can also add the servers to your Favourites list if you don't want to save the IP addresses down yourself. Game servers already support up to 5 different master servers they can configure, so if one goes down, players can still check other ones.

    I reverted the derpy drakkar stuff, but its using the ioquake3 one which still does the syntax checks before stuffing into the mega buffer.  If it fails syntax checks (Which ####### does [ presumably because it lacks a { ], it drops the file and warns)


    https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/blob/master/codemp/rd-vanilla/tr_shader.cpp#L3825-L3861  I see no other way to really do the syntax checks.

  5. from #jacoders:

    Ensiform: cl_consoleKeys defines the console keys available with SDL backend

    Which by default is both characters attached to the English tilde key.  Shift+Escape is also hardcoded as a last-ditch resort for weird keyboard layouts.

  6. I completely understand if you don't want to use OpenJK, but would you mind telling us why so we can improve it?  I mean...from a technical standpoint its kind of like insisting on using Windows 98 when you could be using Win 8.

    Probably because it requires using the OpenJK UI mod to accomplish changing the master server listing in the menu and he wants to use <insert mod>.

    Futuza likes this
  7. I'm already noticing less players and activity now than before the master server went down. There's hardly anyone to play with now. Saying to just wait around or "theres nothing we can do" is an unacceptable response. I called ravensofts madison wisconsin office, but couldn't get through to a live person. That list was up for over 10 years, so that means that some live person was responsible for maintaining it and is capable of fixing it. Who can we contact about this? are you all just content with JKA dying out like this? it may be an old game, but it's still funner and more intuitive than most of the new crappy games that come out nowadays. No master server = less players. Why isn't more being done to resolve this situation? I'm not pleased by this passive inaction.

    The only person who can do anything about it cannot do anything about it right now (James Monroe), is too busy with other important things plus it is Christmas week still, so most of Raven is probably out of office until after Jan 1st.  The last we've heard is that it might be a firewall issue keeping the Raven masters down still.  Please use the alternate masters while they are currently up if they are not being DDoS'd.  See the thread below this one (http://jkhub.org/topic/5049-jkhub-master-server/) For how to use it as a client.  Not all servers report to it but that's not really our problem.  Tell the server operators to fix their config.



    P.S. Fuck you.  Get a better attitude or leave.

    Omicron, eezstreet and Circa like this
  8. It's still down, what are we doing about this? I don't want JKA to die it's one of the funnest games on the PC to me. We need to get that back up for the long term survival of the game.

    There's not much we "can" do about this until it gets fixed.  Until then, use OpenJK with multiple master support with the OpenJK UI mod.

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