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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. JO actually had some different underwater effects, yavin based SP maps had green underwater for some areas for example.  Might of just been some code they took out or probably something they had setup that could be read in the shader information for what texture to utilize for underwater effects.


    JA they might of felt it was a waste of effort less perhaps it's still left in game just not used at all.

    JO has no underwater effects at all.


    The screen effects were added explicitly to JA, and poorly.  What you are asking is simply not possible.  The only information you get is the contents flag.

  2. I've tried using centity renderfx rf_lighting_origin but it changed nothing. I'll try refent. I'm guessing the origin issue is why the misc static & ghoul aren't displaying stencil shadows in certain areas in a map when the player + NPCs do.

    Simply setting the flag doesn't do anything, you must actually supply the lightning origin information in the struct as well. :)

    Tempust85 likes this
  3. I'm mapping in single player mode. Like I said, it works fine in JKA base. :)


    Seems like Raven added a "2048 or 256" for any spawnflag at the lowest left of the spawnflag choosing area as any entity with a spawnflag in this spot gives the same issue of the spawnflag and thus rendering the entity unavailable in the map. This would explain why it works in JKA base and not in OpenJK, which only uses 2048 in that spawnflag spot.

    But the code never changed in OpenJK.  And there is no reference to 256 in the original code release for trigger code or func_breakable code either.





  4. I makes me wonder, because I didn't touch OpenJK. The files are exact in the folders. All works well in jasp but not OpenJK.


    As for making logs, I don't know rightfully how to make some. You can tell me how to make logs and I will gladly send you.  :)

    Well you probably have a conflict.  I cannot know without seeing your files list.




    Windows gives error reports with at the very least the offending module and addresses (exe or dll) when you see the crash dialog (for me anyway).  The only other thing you can really do is try with logfile 2 and checking the qconsole thing.  Or run with a debug version of OpenJK which I will not be providing.

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