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Everything posted by ensiform

  1. No, it exists in MP. You must be using the cgame module provided by OJK to use it. Or JA++ client, or the upcoming MB2 client. It is a gamecode addition thus simply using the OpenJK replacement engine will not do anything in MP.
  2. I'm not very sure what to do really. I assume, you would need to use a relay as the target pointing to it and then script the relay.
  3. If the light doesn't actually have a "targetname", it will not be a light that sticks around, it'll be stripped from the bsp. script_targetname doesn't count.
  4. Portable switch is an option you can set during the compliation of the OpenJK code. To make it not use homepath at all. This will never be defaulted on the main builds. The ordering that dlls are loaded from with OpenJK are as follows: fs_basepath, fs_homepath, fs_cdpath. In jamp it was just fs_basepath, fs_cdpath. So, going with your most recent attempted changes try this: Don't have any of your game DLLs contained in a pk3 within the mod folderMake sure there are no game DLLs within the mod folder.
  5. Or have too many that causes them to not get loaded.
  6. Well he's referring specifically to the json files for session that aren't working for him.
  7. Should be very possible to make the server add chat or cp lines. I don't know where it would be best to do it on a timer though. Every x minutes also sounds a bit harsh. Why not once per client connect to newly connected players (?) And map loads
  8. Right, as Raz0r said it isn't doing anything differently other than using fs_homepath for ALL writes. If you have dangling dlls in the GameData/mod folder it'll still try to use those though. FWIW, I would recommend getting the value of fs_basepath and setting fs_homepath to that directly instead of using the "." shortcut. Not all things know how to actually do proper comparison on "some path" and "."
  9. This is a re-upload of the original transparent flags that have existed for many years.
  10. Which has all kinds of trackers and google analytics
  11. I know most of the basers aren't interested in using OpenJK on either end but the auto demo feature on the server could be helpful for creating a collection of all demos from everybody in all your matches. http://www.jactf.com/demo-archive This contains age old demos plus ones that are automatically uploaded now from all the CTF servers hosted using OpenJK.
  12. We need more details otherwise it becomes difficult to help you track down the issue. You've established now that the server was JA+, but what was the gametype? When exactly did it crash? Was there any loading at all? Do you have JA+ client side installed?
  13. What are the specs of your PC? And OS version?
  14. ensiform

    Master Server

    So it seems they have not moved the DNS records to the new services as the game is reporting WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL (thus not resolving)
  15. Sorry, they'll probably get updated better once the Unified SDL merge happens. Some things changed within that branch regarding the order/locations the game tries to load from.
  16. We will be trying to bring back original save compatibility starting with JA then looking at JO, as such saves from current OpenJK or in the past OpenJK may soon be not compatible again.
  17. Unless he's trying to run SP without the jagamex86.dll in the base folder.
  18. ensiform


    That can be done without those changes.
  19. Whats it crashing on in SkipWhitespace? Did you ensure to use the proper parse session stuff always with COM_Parse and its relevant functions like SkipWhitespace? These are required in SP. Look at SP vanilla renderer.
  20. ensiform


    Uhh... SP has a max of 1024 entities too...
  21. The ent limit is 1024-2 fwiw. 4096 is the absolute limit by radiant that you can have of ALL entities even ones that get stripped out during compile. AFAIK there shouldn't be a limit on misc_models that get compiled into bsp. But misc_model_statics may be significantly lower in JO than JA. We upped the limit there to 4k from whatever it was in JAMP defaults if using our cgame client mod or JA++'s
  22. Fixed in https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/commit/60072ca08353db3e82cd068880775c4fda734ace
  23. Get rid of the scepter weapon all together, or put it in your items.dat lol.
  24. Printscreen just puts the screen into the clipboard for you to paste into a tool like paint.net or mspaint etc. Binding screenshot will do no good if the console is up. You can still put the game on steam with a non-steam shortcut and it will have access to steam screenshots.
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