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Everything posted by ensiform

  1. There is no actual breakable terrain, just the entity as @@Xycaleth described. You can't make a map solely out of them. Even if you could with a caulk hull, you'd still hit the entity limit pretty quick
  2. Too detailed causing you to hit the limit yes. @@Xycaleth can say more.
  3. You can make an ase model have a light emitting shader just fine.
  4. Just a heads up, taking code from RTCW or ET GPL projects is against the terms of both their GPL and the GPL version Raven released JK2 and JKA under. Zenimax released RTCW and ET under v3+ and Raven released JK2/JKA under v2 ONLY. They are not compatible technically.
  5. You sure about that? I don't recall having to add a clip to make them solid in every case...
  6. Who has a model that exceeds 500 verts when using stencil ? (IE it does not work) Would like to test before I push the commit.
  7. Not strictly speaking rend2 but I know people have complained about this issue: https://github.com/ioquake/ioq3/commit/c787cf3aef0daa32478f90a5f43fb794ff6b5313 Will probably apply to rend1 soonish. Don't think it applies to r2.
  8. On non windows, you can set cl_consoleKeys cvar, this won't propagate to windows until Windows also uses SDL2. You can use shift+escape to toggle it for now otherwise.
  9. Dismemberment code and cvars haven't changed in OpenJK. Still works last time I tried.
  10. The console keyboard thing wasn't really a bug, more like oversight on Raven's part of not allowing you to use numpad keys as numbers.
  11. The numpad keys seems to be a bug in SP. I assume it happened in base as well, we haven't changed any of the keys code there. Brought over the change from MP. https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/commit/e04792c33b0b206932c5ac01c4f80befb3d5995e I don't get crashes when changing the resolution at the main menu via console? You should probably avoid using vid_restart when running the game due to the separated renderer module can cause issues like that still. The white screen is unlikely to go away, we fixed every other case of it but it just doesn't go away. Cinematics and 2d are actually drawn at 640x480. And rendered at your resolution. Requires changes to mod code for 2d, cinematics were adjusted to be that way on purpose.
  12. You can also just press the scores key (TAB) to force them to load as well same as dying. This option was always defaulted we did not change it in OpenJK. It is there to prevent you from hitching when a player joins mid-game to load all their assets.
  13. OpenJK doesn't change any of the menus so you must have a conflicting ui mod / pk3.
  14. @@DT85 The version it is referring to is not related to VS Platform Toolset.
  15. What OS. What Compiler. MinGW isn't supported. just putting that out there. Looks like you have the code in multiple places. \original\openjk-master\ \mod - new\openjk-master\Both being attempted seems weird.
  16. Did you make them 32 bit? TGA Alpha Channel only works if the images are in 32-bit. Not 24-bit.
  17. Description is also false, there is a modified bsp. And uses duel10 not duel2.
  18. ._. Make a proper version. Silly server-side only remap mods.
  19. trigger_push won't do anything without one.
  20. trigger_push isn't intended to work like a conveyor. It requires the target_position to be at higher altitude. The conveyor spawnflag (32) on trigger_push only works in SP. Recommended to set relative spawnflag (16) as well.
  21. Nope. You think idsoftware put the division by 2 there just for the hell of it? It requires two times the amount of verts for shadows, ergo only 500 will be allowed for shadows to work. The / 2 exists in q3 as well.
  22. Only ones that are not part of the bsp can be affected regardless of option.
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