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Everything posted by ensiform

  1. You didn't know about the pre-made builds? http://builds.openjk.org/ I'm not sure if the latter will be possible when generating the installer via CPack.
  2. Mumble support probably will come to OpenJK at some point. VoIP support could be added down the road, although it will be pretty basic implementation wise in terms of not having a ui for it. And it will require use of client and server. Backwards compatible possible hopefully.
  3. ensiform

    Mystery Shadow

    EVGA (NVIDIA Geforce) 460 GTX v2 Not newest drivers.
  4. ensiform

    Mystery Shadow

    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=404340813 This screenshot doesn't really do it justice but yea. http://i.imgur.com/OCV8t6D.png http://i.imgur.com/Yfiqruk.jpg 1
  5. ensiform

    Mystery Shadow

    I didn't get an issue with Luke after yavin2 or kyle when starting tatooine...
  6. You should put it in your own pk3 mate not change ours.
  7. r_inGameVideo is 1 and dynamic glow is turned off? ??????? What shader files in fabulous_openjk.pk3 That's just for the MP game dlls.
  8. It applies to all surfaces not just models, and in order for the limit to be increased fully you must change q3map2 as well.
  9. Sure but we're not going to in OpenJK if that's what you are wondering.
  10. 1000 is the maximum amount of vertexes that can be passed to the tesselator backend of the renderer. Technically the limit is 999 as the last one is reserved for internal use.
  11. You were never required to stay up to date. The launcher did have a way to convert to never version or at least attempt to. Large companies also still have the option of paying the full license like previous UE3 but retain ability to update.
  12. It still wasn't a terrible idea to have a fee seeing how much they are giving access to.
  13. The vehicle file information is loaded on each client based on the npc vehicle name from the server, so probably not
  14. That means it won't work with all mods / base. Or any others really.
  15. Not at all, hud rendering is still cgame. Even still, this is just simple menu file changes with new assets. That won't magically add support for kill feed.
  16. And how would he add this without code modifications in the cgame.
  17. Only if you attach it with a misc_model via the q3map2 trick in the other thread or with model2 key on entities that can be toggled to be hidden and supports model2.
  18. It ONLY works with misc_model with the q3map2 _targetname trick. It merges during compile, so any special entities like misc_model_static or misc_model_breakable would not work. These are gamecode specific.
  19. Bots aren't designed to sit in spectator. I think with JA+ and JA++ there's a way to force not names in a cvar or something. Why not put this info in an auto message plugin with JA++ (shows up at intervals in chat or center print)?
  20. With OpenJK you would only need one bind. bind SOMEKEY "toggle cg_fov 40 100"
  21. More likely he has a TV that is being picky about the non widescreen resolutions and specifically like 640x480.
  22. The animation is not part of the model, its in _humanoid.gla
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