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Everything posted by ensiform

  1. A hub station wouldn't necessarily be needed for this.
  2. The only problem with coop mode is that SP engine doesn't have multiplayer capabilities at all. TBH you wouldn't even need to have playable as Kyle. Many games get away with just having 2 playable characters for CoOp but story wise there's only one. Even Cod now?
  3. ensiform

    seamless portals

    Will only be seamless for players using newest JA++ client where the prediction is added afaik.
  4. Is anyone else having issues where the level progression levels seem broke? I just did t1_rail and got to the point where you close the tooltip window for selecting force points. And then the mouse no longer works on the screen and opening the console results in HOM effect over the menu. If I press tab I can see the game again which obviously doesn't let you move since it disables movement at the end...
  5. Does this project have new menus already?
  6. This shows the customization here in a hub room. https://youtu.be/RdnPzavdyoc?t=3758 When you select a mission you're given the option to set the loadout you want to use of the 5 same as cod MP basically and then your upgrade since that's available. I'm also wondering at what point do we consider making the SP engine use MP as a listen server only which could enable coop play? In OpenJK then brought here. Black Ops 3 has accolades for every map which award bonus XP. Some are specific to all others are variants or time with variation based on how long it takes on a specific map or difficulty or performing something, finding secrets, and others. Difficulty also scales XP for kills.
  7. Would it not make sense to have a progressive level/xp system for campaign players? This would allow users to customize the character by unlocking weapons, gear and potentially force powers. Have a Create-A-Class system ala BO3 SP. This could offer users to replay levels with upgrades later too. Create a Class in BO3 SP: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/528417746336977369/669E2DDA17DFAABD7891B746CF5C073661DCAEEA/ Weapon Selection for a class: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/528417746336979910/9B9EAB47CB4DA843E8D9EAFDAA09FD63B719C2FD/ Character Power upgrades customization at hub map: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/528417746336981274/DECF05575308BA33946FC26519B0AF5A04A567A7/ Player customization / outfit at hub map/start: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/528417746337059645/6981B4B0B52F00A094BAA17A0088ECFE8C393501/ As it stands in JKA the selection screens are very poor IMO. You're locked to selecting something even if you can't for example or don't want to necessarily. I think a good idea would be: Primary Weapon 1 Primary Weapon 2 Pistol option (for jka or jk2 pistol) or none if deselected Melee option (saber, stun, or none selected chooses melee) Saber attachment like screen would allow you to choose saber type if available too. This way you can go through a map with whatever saber(s) you have available once unlocked. Weapon personalization would allow you to select your saber color(s) as well. Explosive Equipment selection
  8. But isn't there shadow troopers on the tram level too?
  9. Do you legitimately have OCD or are you just talking what people think is OCD? Perfectionism and being "anal" about order aren't necessarily OCD
  10. What is the problem with Steam? Its existence cannot be maintained by the community because then it would be piracy.
  11. You commented on another issue entirely I believe.
  12. Can, but isn't and you asked what it's using.
  13. Windows uses Visual C++ of course so not gcc/g++.
  14. It's possible that it might be related to 64-bit but I'm not sure. I only use Windows. Are you using new saves or did they come from elsewhere?
  15. The NPC files for stormtroopers aren't any different. It's either because jk2 maps are scripted to be that way from what I understand.
  16. Jk2 was the worst for Jedi Master difficulty, I agree. Jka was not that difficult at all.
  17. `seta` should be avoided (and `set` is preferred) on most cvars in your server.cfg unless they need to be saved across re-launch. If you've been using that already its kinda too late unless you nuke the jampserver.cfg or openjk_server.cfg
  18. Maybe you've got the parameters mixed up for those mods. I don't recall off hand what the order is for basejka.
  19. It's typically used for film making the_raven. I had a green screen map for ETF which got used for parts of extra effects in this video: https://youtu.be/ptKQxbyUWuQ Pretty sure the scene with the minigunner with the stats rendered in the screen was using the green screen, not sure what else off the top of my head.
  20. Yes but don't expect to see it right away. Could be a while. No those messages aren't part of that. This is part of the mod you are using or base. Consult the mod documentation to see if you're allowed to disable admin messages for forced renames.
  21. ensiform

    Scoreboard & Roll

    Those features require JA+ or JA++ mod not the openjk mod.
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