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Everything posted by ensiform

  1. To the best of my knowledge the source being open for OJP does not make it free to use and be modified especially with the GPL license unless all people who worked on the Open Jedi Project (OJP) allowed it to be relicensed as such. This is a technicality of GPL vs the SDK.
  2. DLLs in there aren't used anymore afaik Raz0r. The temp ones get used if extracted.
  3. Commit to fix was pushed 20 days ago, idk when last build was.
  4. What engine was the original ? NVM it was an in-house engine.
  5. It means you are using an older version of JA++ with newer API OpenJK.
  6. Tessellation is used in rise of the tomb raider for places that make sense like the craggy climbing walls, brick surfaces deep snow with tracks where things were walking in and probably others that I'm forgetting.
  7. Which looks like what in the target box?
  8. It's always been cl_renderer
  9. Huge difference. OpenJK isn't even a mod. Nobody is detesting that its cool or not, we aren't detesting that is cool fwiw and never were. The problems are of legal concerns is all. Please stop pandering the author simply because you are a player of the mod and do not understand the issues at hand.
  10. It is more likely to have come from OJP mod than OpenJK. OpenJK saber system is no different from basejka.
  11. Well the original DFmod really couldn't because the source was not available at the time
  12. Repurposing other people's packs with their readme in tact... The readme should be there yes but did he take the time to read them? I bet most say no taking without permission or at least some do. Model packs aside, the issue with the whole project still exists. Serenity Jedi Engine or w/e and I assume the EOC which uses it are now known to be in direct violation of the GNU GPL v2 licensing. While you can claim lost source, died hard drive etc, that is really not of my concern because it is only out of laziness that you continue to release a project after which the source is lost and it is also only out of laziness that one neglects to actually use github or other source control hosting. Sure maybe not knowing how but that is your own fault for not seeking help to set that up if you full well intended to make a released product which in this case they did.
  13. Of course I would only like to see that extra line about if I forgot... if you make an effort to actually credit enough in the first place.
  14. IMO disable the crappy wall sticking though, but keep the moves.
  15. I'm not sure I understand. Why can't the arms and hands from the player model get used?
  16. I'm wondering though... Wouldn't it make more sense to be able to have the hands from the player model? CoD does this nowadays.
  17. I'm also going to suspect its a very old version of OpenJK
  18. My take is this, all credits should be given and at the very least should be making attempts to secure permission before including it. And in the readme a simple "If I forgot someone and you see your work, please let me know because I didn't intend to and may have forgotten" is the most courteous option for people making this type of mod.
  19. He had a trello board a while back. Weather and surface sprites don't work yet. Flares don't I know for sure.
  20. Well the dark forces mod was already quite complete for the content that it has right? Just not all of the maps. One thing we'd like to eventually see with OpenJK engine is to move as much code to mods as possible so that you aren't restricted to specific weapons or binds being forced via the engine like force powers are currently too.
  21. Well then I doubt you're actually using it (the engine portion).
  22. Unknown cmd which means you're using jamp rather than OpenJK same goes for treating it as chat without the /. Shouldn't matter in general as to why your issue is happening, just mentioning that those changes are specific to OpenJK.
  23. I always prefer playing q3 engine games in windowed. Used to be all games I could but now that I have a better PC I try to run most other games full screen.
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