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Everything posted by ensiform

  1. How would that work? Ragdoll physics would only be client side.
  2. Release a wip version without vehicles support
  3. Just install internet blocker
  4. Nope, new mod but with options to mimic JA+ for sake of community.
  5. It's technically not an improvement over ja+ but has most compatibility options with it as best as it can.
  6. Sabers should be ghoul 2 format I thought?
  7. It's the limit you get to be compatible with JKa.
  8. Because thats where moonbase labs is inspired from basically lol.
  9. Siege really needs some overhaul and improvements imo to revive it properly.
  10. Use a paste site or code tags at least
  11. If the HUD code allowed full parsing of menu files, you could have a cvar restriction for specific colored variants but they don't work that way in jk2 or academy.
  12. They're technically not supposed to be used for redistribution or making custom variants. The original intent is showing people example maps and how to make their own with specific examples for game type etc.
  13. Not sure. *uses Windows 10*
  14. cg_renderToTextureFX 0
  15. libjpeg-turbo is newer. It's just based on the v6 ABI and API and I don't know if this code is based on it.
  16. Nice of you to replace all of your posts with a period here.
  17. I think the list of words should be in a file so that it's not tied to a cvar which is length limited.
  18. reset cl_renderer is even easier yet.
  19. I can confirm that q3map2 and radiant work with win 10. But not sure about quark.
  20. Jka version would be nice too:p
  21. It does not store light positions at all. Unless the map was compiled to bsp with -keeplights they are stripped from the entity structure which is in the bsp. The only lights you would still have are the ones from shaders. You also wouldn't know if there were any light adjustments made during the original light compile either via scale etc...
  22. http://fontsgeek.com/fonts/download/Trajan-Pro-Regular.zip ?
  23. If I could download it I would look at it.
  24. JKA could use this too. Can you make the highlight glow for both of the custom resolution line when either width or height is selected for consistency ?
  25. Isn't there already a recreation project for sof2? @@KENNITHH ?
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