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Everything posted by ensiform

  1. This is single player only you know. And only rough support for the feature. Eventually you'd want to have it disarm not so easily map placed ones of course. Detpacks in the map will not be removable as those are scripted events anyway. Why should there really be a challenge, just because splinter cell had a challenge especially for your own personal placed explosives. They are only able to carry a limited number of them at a time. But you can place infinite numbers of them in the world now instead of just 10.
  2. Jk outcast doesn't indicate when there's an item to be used and I think the idea is to keep it that way so you have to learn the puzzles etc.
  3. Unfortunately swapping out the pictures won't magically make the map look like the reddish hue though.
  4. You'd need to have the ttf or otf of Aurabesh to make it available for console to port it to the console glyphs still. It's different from what's used in the game font rendering. Hack font is best. I also use it for MSVC and now IRC too.
  5. Well it really makes most sense that it works automatically for your own, I mean you planted them they aren't encrypted with the enemy's passcodes or whatever.
  6. I didn't say specifically in JKA but it is canon in general. I also don't see the purpose of having to disarm your own ammo. You should just be able to regular use it and pick it back up. Same thing works in armed trip mines in CoD zombies even.
  7. The jedi don't use ciphers to open doors. They use the force or saber locks.
  8. I only like that idea if its for the map ones and not your own placed ones. Your own placed ones should just be usable since they're well yours.
  9. Sure but it would likely just be a simple use "pick up your trip mine" at least for your tossed ones.
  10. I think this would be a good idea to have for SP so that you can pickup and "disarm" your placed trip mines and detpacks and reclaim them if they don't go off. Alternatively it would be cool if you could disarm the world trip mines too and obtain the "weapon" and an ammo pickup from it.
  11. Note: Make sure you don't have the OPENGL32.DLL in the gamedata folder for using with OpenJK.
  12. What graphics card, and do you have latest drivers? Did radiant set the desktop compositing to disable aero or is it like that always? Which version of radiant was installed/downloaded?
  13. Have you given OpenJK a try yet with the new drivers? What about trying with +set r_fullscreen 0 in the launch parameters ?
  14. Looks decently hot yes, but I don't really like the look of anime stitched on to a stormtrooper model, it doesn't fit.
  15. How are you still on a card that is before things got re-branded to AMD? Upgrade to a new PC, its 2016 not 2003.
  16. Oh god please no kawaii anime... :\ Proper female plz
  17. You should not be installing 3rd party opengl dlls at all. You should install proper drivers from your graphics chip manufacture. IE nVidia, AMD, Intel. OpenJK isn't fancy stuff at all. Just a community replacement that has fixes and minor enhancements.
  18. Ill consider adding a command like MP that lets you open menus by the menu's internal name (not file name). Edit: But I just realized that it still must be in one of the text files for that to work.
  19. Unfortunately I don't think that would work too well because most of the time the enemy spawns are triggered by an event or just waiting for them to become in PVS or line of sight maybe.
  20. Added by @@mrwonko
  21. JKE is JKE (Outcast version) and JKE Academy version from red.
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