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Everything posted by ensiform

  1. Looks fine to me. It's meant as a shift of air in the area IMO.
  2. I typically just watch the new content link for posts lol.
  3. Means the buffer size is too small for some sort of string. Could be a filename or anything. ent can look more at his code probably to give a more precise location.
  4. Perhaps JKE/and OJK should add a cvar explicitly for that effect so it doesn't toggle everything else?
  5. I don't think most of those cvars work with JA++. Seta is advised against using with jampded too.
  6. The q3map2 _targetname trick is that you can attach an external misc_model entity to a mover and have the model move with the mover. You'd have to search the q3map2 documentation for how that works.
  7. Is this for SP or MP? misc_panel_turret doesn't sound like an MP entity to me. You might be able to attach the turret entity to the mover with the q3map2 _targetname trick as well, I'm not sure. The documents seem to claim its only for misc_model but it may work for others.
  8. You really shouldn't be jumping between snap grids in most cases IMO. I try to stick to a specific brush width for the map if possible. The compiler also generates a file which will show you the leaks if imported into radiant. Another way to do it is: Caulk hull each room as structural. And then all of the textured brushes within the room are details. If you need an example I can provide an example .map file.
  9. But the fact that you have leaks is because either you aren't using snapped grid brushes, not caulk behind patches, or an entity is stuck in a wall that's about it.
  10. What did you think the highest difficulty does to achieve 50/50 max? Lol
  11. What exactly is so terrible about radiant? It's better than using hammer.
  12. It also occurs if you aren't using fully up to date jk2. Ala 1.02
  13. You shouldn't really need the extra hack to use it. The analog mode should work to a degree when turned on in the console you just need to also bind keys.
  14. Modelscale can be achieved with Lua scripts or commands.
  15. Set is preferable to seta unless it's a cvar you absolutely need in the jampserver/openjk_server auto gen file.
  16. Which kind of turret are you thinking of? And I might have an idea but it's kind of late so ping me later in the day Monday and I'll see if I can come up with a solution for you.
  17. Circa, get a copy of visual studio 2015 community and use xaramin which will let you make both from c#. I don't know how to get them to the app store though.
  18. Maybe @@Didz would/could write something? Wouldn't necessarily even have to be php.
  19. You do not have the drivers installed for your video card with correct OpenGL. Will need to find out what if any graphics card you have in the computer and download the drivers. GL_VENDOR: Microsoft Corporation GL_RENDERER: GDI Generic GL_VERSION: 1.1.0
  20. Map leaks also happen when entity is in a solid. You may also have built the hull with details if that option is on by default to create detail brushes.
  21. It's q3map2 that has issue, not radiant. Probably bad model file?
  22. Looks like an invalid jpeg image being used.
  23. The link on right goes to last post, the hidden image is to get the unread new posts so if there were 3 new posts it'd go to the first of the new ones you didn't read I believe where the one on the right would go to the most recent post as a whole.
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