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Mysterious Stranger

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Everything posted by Mysterious Stranger

  1. Ooo I see it now, thanks. But I still stand by my statement XD they have more files! Sorry Revian no cookie for you.
  2. I didn't go clicking every file but largely they are links to other sites.
  3. Your thread title is so trollish I don't even know if I should take the bait or not. That EU clan isn't hosting the files, they are merely posting a handy list of links to those files. Yours on the other hand, heh. But my 2 cents which I'm not giving to you, thanks for that link from them, I see they have more maps than your site, I shall go and get whatever I want from there instead.
  4. Someone needs to upload all the Christmas themed maps JKA has ever had...

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      (not allowed to operate on Facebook or Twitter either @#$%)

    3. Onysfx


      What are they doing to the internet!?! Government: "The internet has been lawless long enough! Know now, that we, are, the law!"



    4. Bacon


      maybe I should google before I post. Boonta's Eve

  5. That's a lot of reading I had to do :lol: I love the map btw. FPS or no FPS it's lovely for role-play. This is gonna be one of two maps I'm waiting for to release (Other being MoonDog's Ven Sultra or something like that lol). You have me itching for more...the only other purely ship map produced was some Pirates of the Caribbean ship that was all blocky and weird, but I enjoyed that all the same!
  6. oh joy, new maps to dissect. if only i had brought me laptop charger overseas.la

    1. eezstreet
    2. Circa


      He's talking about MoonDog's entity maps I believe.

    3. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      yup talking about moondogs map. using a iphone1 without mobile version here and its sorta screwing up my posting. (i hate mobile versions of sites)

  7. My original origin was taken from the roof of the second bar. Until i read somewhere yours didnt kill fps. Did try to use a spot nearby like +- 100 for xyz but it just never had the same good fps as yours T_T so I used yours. Did you make the stairs on top of the first bar? I liked that alot, but no one is ever gonna find me stealing their stuff.
  8. Suit yourself, always nice to see other peoples' work (I routinely go into servers and see what inspirations I can use - I mean default stuff people've made use of) but don't come crying later if others have ''stolen'' your work. I've ever opened up MoonDog's FFA3 - bloody hell lost it too now... - the only thing I ever took was the origins for the sky which I found to be superior to any nearby origins I've ever taken.
  9. fucking hell hypernia is such a bitch to deal with...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Onysfx


      Lol spior, I thought the same thing too!


      ...the jedi are taking ovah...

    3. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      i know they do, in terms of customer service ugh but this time its their system fault and they won't admit it :|


    4. eezstreet


      Yeah. They blamed my server for causing crashing in other servers. SEEMSLEGIT

  10. I don't like 2012 myself but that - and 2008 web edition - is the only Windows OS my Aussie host is willing to run. I have user experience (lol) with Win 2008, and if you mean menus being moved around like Windows 8 I'm fine with that. I'm just more concerned about IF jka servers run correctly, without any funky bugs such as unable to change timescale in Linux etc.
  11. Can jka servers run on windows server 2012 datacenter edition? What's the difference between that and windows server 2008r2? Anyone tried?
  12. Wonder if there's a limit to light radius. Else I'll use 10000000000

    1. CaptainChar


      might take forever to compile that

    2. MoonDog


      Are you talking about inserting dynamic lights attached to the func_statics like I showed you? Might not be wise. Go with a lot of them at low intensities.

    3. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      Yup. Hrmm, I gotta be careful not to use that much ents. I'm currently lighting up academy6.

  13. Here's to hoping MoonDog would repost thost tutorials he did D:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      Holy crap now I see them! I think my life has resumed! Hurray!

    3. Lamented


      Your life runs on an internet? ...

    4. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      Indeed. I stopped modding cause I needed his tutorials. Still missing an answer or two somewhere though. Something about lighting misc_bsps and scaling models *rattles on*

  14. I'd love to play siege with you guys and see how things are I suppose a modified saber throw (less force cost, longer range maybe) might solve the mines...
  15. Pfft what's a team game without friendly fire? It'd be so easy then. I like how FF forces players to somewhat work together. Sucks when it's off and people run around with game objectives. That weird bug that I had in CTF was 'fixed' when I changed model. Don't know about Siege...
  16. Okay you asked for it, I haven't played Siege on OpenJK (or OpenJK for the matter!), though I'll assume we're talking about default Siege on mostly default settings (g_Forceregentime 200, g_friendlyfire 1, dmflags 0, maybe g_siegerespawn 10) here. I'll also assume you want to make Siege more difficult. The following observations are made in 8vs8 games. Disregard those that OpenJK already fixed. Hoth: Defending is harder than attacking. - So easy for AT-ST to cross the first stage. Just by walking through the mid and the turrets usually don't get enough time to stop it. - E-web overpowered, can destroy turrets and shield generator. - Dark Jedi can simply jump over hole (maybe that was devs' intention but it makes it too easy, everyone could go DJ & activate bridge) and cave/ ion control station paths are barely used. - The famous force-field spamming by Defending team. Though usually mitigated by E-webs. - Force pulls from Light Jedi gets everyone into hole but Dark Jedi during that passage from droid head area to dropoff point. - Lift-spamming. Bugs, aside from those already mentioned: - AT-ST invisibility bug. - Vehicle bugs after leaving AT-ST, small drone floating around, funky animations etc - Stuck in your own Assault Sentry gun. (same for Desert) - Droid head can be sabotaged to float up to the ceiling and never return. - Cloak is buggy. (same for Desert) - Staff/ Dual sabers, when switched to fast style leaves a invisible blade in the air that deflects blaster fire. (same for Desert) - Probably not a 'bug' but proximity mines explode when allies go near. - Also the detpack-win happens in Hoth too. Desert: Defending is harder than attacking. - E-web overpowered, breaks down walls fairly quick. - Half of the Defending team dies from fall damage (assuming you have it on) cause taking the lift is too long. - Swoop bikes can open doors from a looooooooong distance. - Light Jedi can simply jump through windows to retrieve droid parts instead of using conventional ways, harder to defend. - ^ Same for control tower... Bugs: - Team-less player. I've ever seen (been myself too) a Kyle running around with a Lightsaber, not on any team. Might not be Siege-only as I've had that happen in CTF. - E-web visual bug (E-web stays in-game if someone has been using it and reconnects) - Famous swoop bike bug if Spectating, player's screen spazzes like you're on drugs. - Rancor invisibility bug via Force Rage or Protect. (Same for Korriban. Also a spectator bug where if someone spectates a player being eaten there's a Kyle inside the person being eaten as well) - If you return 2 or more droid pieces at the same time or within a short time frame only one is registered. (I seem to recall a standalone fix somewhere) - I've ever seen a team spawning in a previous stage's positions. No idea how it happened. Korriban: Defense is again disadvantaged... General: Most people don't place mines properly and it blows up in their faces killing themselves. And once Crystals are gotten they are near-impossible to get back especially if carrier is a Jedi Healer. - As mentioned, Jedi Healer overpowered. Have 2 or 3 healing each other and they are unstoppable. Plus they have a REALLY quick run speed. - Blue Crystal incredibly easy to get with Protect (assume it's mined), then Mind Trick and Absorb. Then roll to mitigate fall damage and lava stream. Also once the lava stream piece of land is pushed, most people can walk past with Absorb and not be pulled into lava. - Green Crystal also easy to get, I can run into the corridor that has the crushing mechanism as Jedi Healer, stand IN one of the fires with Protect, wait for the thing to lift and run through. Everyone usually avoids the tunnel like a plague so it's clear. Or use Absorb and roll over the middle pushable land piece, assuming someone has pushed it. Or stand at the entrance of tunnel on the edge overlooking lava, then turn on Absorb and jump sky high or roll down to opposite area, clearing lava stream. - Red Crystal hard to defend cause it's a big area. - Past the Crystal collecting stage, the bridge leading to the Scepter room is barely used because people can just run by the sides. - Dark Jedi 'medic' usually useless, cause you have to stand and point at a exact point in order to dispense ammo. And dispense ammo is all you can do cause Team Energize doesn't give much benefit to certain classes. And you can't heal yourself. It's easy to kill a Dark Jedi medic. - Possible to do insanely long strafe jumps with Light Jedi Demolitions, bypassing mines. Others: - If I spectate the highest scorer and enter the game, I will begin with that person's score. It's damn annoying. -Though may not be due to the gametype, sometimes map changes but player constantly 'falls through a hole' and sees a loading screen / last thing he sees while console shows that people are entering the game. - Nothing to stop sabotage. I could carry the damn items and run round and round the map. - Sound glitches. Don't know how it happens but it does. As you can see someone obviously loves the Light Side, which is proven in ROTJ ending, SW books, default JKA ending...
  17. Make it harder imo. Siege is quite easy >.<
  18. Holy crap 400 ping to China JKA servers..!!

    1. Onysfx


      Makes me wonder, is it the distance, or the great firewall of china causing that?

    2. eezstreet


      Were you expecting any better? I mean, they're practically in the same region as Australia, and Australia is known for getting really bad ping in multiplayer games.

    3. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      Doubt it is the distance. I get 40-60 to Hong Kong (and its just next to China) servers and 150 to Australia ones. So it's wonky.

  19. Hi guys, I'm in need of some opinions. I'm currently running 10 JKA servers averaging 16 slots each on a VPS that has 2 cores, 3.2ghz. Only one is used to its max capacity, the rest usually have only 2 players at night. It doesn't lag in the day but at night I usually see little spikes (Note that my night would be the equivalent of day where this VPS is located) and sometimes CPU % gets pretty high. Obviously some other client is shitting things up. Now Christmas is coming and I want to organize a big gathering and this can't work out with the 30% chance that some other noob is gonna overuse their resource. I have two options, rent a proper gaming server from Markmods with no guarantees that it won't lag (hell yea I've seen it lag!), restart without prior notice, zero support AND no secondary .exes. My other option is to upgrade the VPS to a six core, 3.2ghz. Once again there's no guarantee it won't lag less. I'm thinking it might actually lag more because my VPS would be put together with other people who do video converting etc (why else would anyone need such a big VPS). Downside is that I cannot downgrade the VPS after Christmas. What do you guys think? Price of both options in the short term is the same. RAM is no issue here. I wish it were cause it'd be cheaper to resolve.
  20. Jka. I used to play MB2 but bad ping everywhere so I stopped. Did you had a JA+ server? I recall playing in a HK server, JA+ and MB2 many months ago.
  21. I was laughing when I saw this haha xD I'm sure everyone is welcome, heck there's another thread out there that asks if any Aussies around or something and TS didn't get arrowed. Unfortunately non-Asians get a shitty ping but no one is stopping you from joining his servers.
  22. Over here! *waves* I've seen your servers. Most of the time it's empty though.
  23. I bought a second IP for one of my VPS and I can't connect to my JKA server when I use +set net_ip to the new one. Is there more that needs to be done?
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