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Mysterious Stranger

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Everything posted by Mysterious Stranger

  1. I looove Earth x SW fics! Please, continue D:
  2. Just ditched another test VPS host. If only I had the money to do this all the time...

  3. Whoa, niiiiice dog!
  4. I suppose KOTF has certainly set people's minds on things like this... My first bought mod was from the creator who was in desperate need of money and offered me his source code. Between ourselves it was a 'okay I have some money and a reason to give it to you' and he was the kind who didn't take money for free. Since then I've paid him for his time on some other projects. If I don't give him an incentive, he'll snail along and it'll never be done. Yes I could have done it myself had I forced myself to learn all the weird symbols that make up programming. But I don't have the time and patience. On the other hand, he's got no job and he can do what I could use. To me, this paying for things is a 'willing seller, willing buyer' thing, but perhaps such deals should be kept private otherwise we will have discussions like this eternally... Shoot me?
  5. As the title says. I have some misc_bsps in a map and they're rather dark...is there a way to brighten em up?
  6. Heh, I've paid for mods, and I don't see exactly how bad it could be. Hope you get your model done
  7. I think Caelum broke the View New Content <.<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fighter


      It seems to be working fine for me.

    3. Mog


      Works fine for me

    4. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      WHeni posted it I had just gotten sorry the content I was looking for was not found or something, multiple times :)

  8. Had fun terrorising a couple of newbies. D:

  9. Could have sworn MoonDog had released a T2_Trip map. Damned memory...

    1. CaptainChar


      we demand justice, we demand downloads! j/k

    2. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      knew I should have gotten it earlier!

  10. :OOOO Well...there's something annoyingly attractive about JK2 that running the same gametypes in JKA wouldn't be able to replicate. Hm, that's a disturbing thought - the possibility of jka consuming jk2 xD
  11. I've been real fond of CTY/CTF, Holocron and JM gametypes in JK2 and from time to time I host my own local server. Recently I'm getting bored (oh yes it's entirely possible!) of hosting JKA servers and I thought maybe I'd give this a try considering it takes up less resources. But how is the scene like in JK2? Xfire shows 112 servers, that's quite a fair lot and I don't want to insert in another empty server. Also are there patches for exploits and what mod(s) should I be looking at? Nothing ping-related if possible. I'm asking 'cause I have a bunch of fixes for my jk2mp.exe-run local server and that doesn't work <.< remotely.
  12. Heheheh I might just be the one making the most useless pages about dead, ancient clans and all that lol... Would a wiki take up much resource?
  13. Ah, fu JKA master list -.-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eezstreet


      JKHub's master recently crapped out due to a bug. It's since been fixed, so All Seeing Eye is functional atm as a replacement. You'll probably want to get All Seeing Eye while the servers aren't shown in the Raven source.

    3. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      I confess I've been lazy to download...but only servers that have set their master to it will be listed right?

    4. Szico VII

      Szico VII

      That is correct

  14. I'm using an SSD and it's supremely fast. But shitty thing as you said the storage aint enough.
  15. Ah. Awesome, thanks. I wanted to play 1.02 also but if I don't patch to the latest version it keeps crashing on startup. <333
  16. Ugh my Makermod server has swelled to 4.6 gigs...

    1. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      hard drive space. though, I left a makermod server unattended once and 3000 memory leaks later it was using almost 2gb RAM xD

  17. Hm, I was not aware that Kinder Surprises were......made in Poland :o

    1. CaptainChar


      knowing is half the battle, the other half is mercandising

    2. RancorSNP


      So that's why they are translated to Polish, when ppl are normaly too lazy to do so, and leave english names of food etc.

  18. The Christmas theme has vanished quickly D:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. spior


      What MoonDog said. I love cold weather. Only good thing about summer is no school (for us underaged people). Even the beach sucks now.

    3. Astral Serpent

      Astral Serpent

      If the overwhelming heat means it becomes winter here, yes, I do.

    4. MUG
  19. Have yet to read up on anything due to the holidays Would help if I knew how to do the spamming myself, but too bad I don't. Otherwise I'm snailing towards a custom fix since I have a billion dlls, got one done for model crash over the last few days.
  20. D: my .sh is spawning loads of jampdeds

  21. @@Tiger that seems to be what's shown only if you manually spammed rather than used a cfg or script. I thought Gamall's only protected against Force and /aaaaaa. Hm. @ I'll check it out thanks
  22. XD never had vista, so yea. Now it works, thanks guys <333
  23. Thought so too, but nothing else was running. Restarted the laptop still came up with it.
  24. Is it possible? I installed it fine, managed to get to the MP menu once but after that the next few times it keeps showing me vm_create on ui failed. It's currently in the x86 program files...
  25. Hmm, anyone ran a JKA server on Cloud? Wanna try...

    1. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      Cloud is cheap. There's a GSP that actually runs on it. I'm gonna try it and see how it goes.

    2. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      There are some hosting companes that run cloud like a vps...no elasticity, so to speak...

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