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Everything posted by LucyTheAlien

  1. Any way to reinsert the file separately as a PK3? If someone could do this I would be extremely grateful.
  2. My mistake, it isn't broken.
  3. I mean the presentation of the menus is ugly, as is the changes made to the opening crawl.
  4. Ultimate Weapon Mod- more than anything else for JKA and JKO.
  5. The presentation is also god-awful.
  6. Is this permanent or will I have to enter this every time I launch a JK game in the console?
  7. I don't understand why all of a sudden starting a new playthrough all the AT-ST's are friendly, it's easier this way but I doubt it's intended- any advice?
  8. Can't wait for this to be released, I wish you all the luck in the world!
  9. Anyway to get rid of them in JKII and JKIII? The overflow of 180 in 160 isn't as interesting as the status thinks it is, I'd like to remove these redundant messages honestly.
  10. That sucks, ultimate weapons is incredible.
  11. The problem seems to be with Ultimate weapons apparently.
  12. I'm having a spot of trouble where, everything goes swimmingly until I actually enter the game-then I get an error message about it not being able to find a weapon- similar to the Guoul 2 error, however it doesn't specify what weapon.
  13. Can you send me the Peragus Skybox? I think it would be neat if that replaced the Byss skybox.
  14. Can I request the red Mando skin separately?
  15. For some reason after I extract all the files it fails to run and I get an error about it not being able to find something?
  16. I've always felt that the Stormtroopers that follow Tavion should've fallen back on crappier tech, for all intents and purposes- it would just be very immersive to me if the stormtroopers used old worn armour perhaps from between the ROTS & ANH era, some maybe have some new armour reminiscent of Kotor 2- maybe the saber-less cultists should be replaced with Sith Assassins etc- higher ups should maybe model themselves after Marka Ragnos? Since basically they're a cult based upon worshipping a dead Sith Lord from the era of roughly Kotor/Kotor 2 (Yes I know he was dead by that point, I'm talking in terms of visuals.) It just seems like there's so much you could do to amplify that feeling.
  17. Any way to have these guys replace stormtroopers?
  18. I second this.
  19. Is there any way to use this so that in Jedi Academy it replaces all of the default hilts in multiplayer? E.G so whenever Rebels and Stormtroopers are running around fighting they're using vibroblades instead of lightsabers? Possibly so that it replaces Arbiter and Guardian?
  20. Anything similar for Academy?
  21. On the DS ending the rocks that fall on top of Kyle won't spawn- I have no idea why, I have a lot of mods installed but I fail to see what could be causing this.
  22. I'm not feigning ignorance just to annoy you btw if you suspect that. I know I come off dull right now but I could use a tutorial or instructions of some sort on where to find the code, what to open it with and what line needs changed and how.
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