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Everything posted by LucyTheAlien

  1. I removed everything from the Base Folder except; assets0, assets1, assets2, assets5 and assets99.pk3 - but I'm still getting the error message.
  2. Every time a large area is loaded or several assets.
  3. Any way to make this work with the setup that comes with JK Enhanced- that being specifically the ability to make your own coloured saber.
  4. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2623-classic-jedi-project-cjp-journeyman-customization-i/ Could someone fix this please so we don't get broken textures with this on the Hoth level?
  5. Precisely, but don't stress if it isn't possible.
  6. Yup and the effect that happens whenever you move your lightsaber into someone, for instance Chewie- and in the base game it's some little sparks- but in this game it's ridiculous blood sparks that shoot everywhere. But it seems if I remove them the blood stops entirely in every other way as well.
  7. Gore/Dismemberment Mod After some playing I've realised that this isn't really to my taste, the red smoke is fantastic though but the sparks of blood replacing the light sparks when you strike someone are unsightly. So I was wondering if maybe @@Lancelot could help me in finding a way of tweaking this mod so that it essentially just adds that gorgeous red smoke, with a little blood splatter but no blood sparks.
  8. I keep getting this error message in Jedi Outcast, I'm not entirely sure what it means but it does cause a slitch hitch here and there and is a visual annoyance. Sorry for being bothersome. Solutions? Message in Jedi Outcast; "com sprintf overflow"
  9. WARNING For me this modification makes Jaden disappear in cutscenes.
  10. Yup, worked perfectly but now you've got me in the mind to try removing certain things that irk me from other mods too now LOL For instance the NPC heads in JK Enhanced that you can select in SP that are of characters ingame UGH.
  11. Would it be bad to upload that to JKHub for other users? Even if we can't contact the OG creator.
  12. Incredible, love it- but hate people referring to the Exile as Meetra- the name reminds me SWTOR exists which makes me feel ill.
  13. Is there strings and a new name for this pistol?
  14. https://jkhub.org/files/file/687-bloodplus-goredismemberment-mod-v15-v31/ I'd like a version of the 3.1 that doesn't overwrite NPC models, for instance if I wanted to use both this and say; https://jkhub.org/files/file/1695-dt-stormtrooper-rotj/ together, there's a problem in that the blood-mod switches the models back to the default or doesn't work at all- depending upon how I organise it.
  15. I was unaware of this, I'll let you know how it goes.
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