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    Thanks for taking an interest in my profile.

    I first played a JK game when I was just 8 years old back in 2002! That was JKII Jedi Outcast. I played it again a lot during my teens (albeit before I knew about the mods), and then decided to return to JK once again over 10 years later and enjoy it still all the same!

    JO is my preferable favourite over JA so I tend to focus and enjoy discussions more on that (I wish there was more modding focus on it). However, that's not to say I dislike or do not play JA - I really like that game too and played it a lot in my teens - for me they are different sides of the same coin, but in my humble opinion, JO is the shinier side of the coin as I just have greater memories of playing it :)

    I'm fairly new to JKHub (the closure of filefront brought me here), so please go easy with me and tolerate my Padawan-style queries. However, I have a growing desire to learn more about general modding for the JK series, so any help and guidance would be appreciated.

    May the force be with you!
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    General Modding
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  1. Thanks for your responses and for all the info. Only trouble is that I've been advised against using OpenJK with JK2 SP as it's buggy and unstable. I've already tried it with JK2 SP before and couldn't get past the main menu.
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