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Darth Sion

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Everything posted by Darth Sion

  1. @@DT85 might be able to give you a hand with that. Seeing as how his work on the Ep. 7 Stormtrooper is basically the same as Phasma. Plus he wants to stay away from anything that's skin related, so with it being armor, it shouldn't be a problem.
  2. To be honest, that last character would be far more suited to being a replacement for a modern day Rosh Penin and replace his in-game model. I might just do that, in my game, once this skin is released. It'd be interesting to see. Base game Rosh just doesn't entice me as a character, mentally or psychologically. His overall attire/garments really aren't that great, either.
  3. Well, see if you can get permission.. And get that RoTS/RoTJ model uploaded!
  4. Is there anybody here, that's good with editing images (More specifically .gif images)? I found this image (below), online via http://mashable.com/2015/06/05/history-of-the-lightsaber/#mHQt2bvrakqm I'm wanting to turn the blue glow of the saber to a red glow (as shown below); The only problem being, is that the red blade version was saved as a .jpg image. I have a selection of text to add to it, via an online meme and was planning to use the new .gif image. I spent about 4 hours, last night, trying to get this done (but didn't really know what to do).. If anyone can help and lend a hand, that'd be great! Thanks!
  5. 1983 - 2005 (ROTJ, TPM, AOC, ROTS) looks so much better. Is that your Emperor model, @@dark_apprentice?
  6. Looks good.. Still needs some work, but is still a WiP. So it's ok.. But for the love of Palpatine, do something with Rosh's hair. Also had a thought, that it might be worth editing some of Rosh's lines in the game (unless he's gonna be replaced, entirely). But you could simply edit him, so he's not so annoying and whiney.
  7. Are you referring to JK Enhanced? I'm talking about redsaurus updating his version of OpenJK to the current version, when he gets 'round to updating JK Enhanced.
  8. This will be interesting for @@redsaurus to see, all the updated features of the newer version of OpenJK, to use for updating JK: Enhanced.
  9. Certain files do have.. But isn't this the same as what @@MrHeisenberg is trying to achieve here?
  10. Well, that'd be the only way you could've really done it. So you don't have a problem, there. The "Movie Battles II" mod has done exactly that. All the sounds compiled in that mod is ripped from the movies, they're not made from scratch. The only thing is, they are edited to fit the cause and purpose they serve. All you have to do is (If this is even required also) is to just give credit to people like Ben Burtt and LucasFilm. etc. for their original creativity. That's exactly what I've done in my sound mods and they're uploaded on JKHub. So get them as accurate to the movie as you possibly can, include their names in the credits (if you must) and upload it.
  11. @@DT85 I don't know how much this will help, (if at all).. But thought I'd throw this in here, for any help you might need with the Stormtrooper's armor/shine/shaders/shading. etc. Unless of course by now, you have The Force Awakens Blu-Ray. I just got mine, today, from HMV. (There was 2 versions available; A Dark Side Limited Edition and A Light Side Limited Edition. Only difference is the cardboard sleeve. And randomly, I was swaying towards the Light Side for some reason.. Which is odd, because I'm much more of a Dark Side person: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDvY9Ke1CQs Hope the YouTube vid helps..
  12. And we also need the power-up and power-down ("saberon" and "saberoff") sounds, too. Your best bet for the "saberon" sound (if you can get it right and fine-tune it), would be this segment, where Finn ignites the saber, against Kylo Ren. Sound is at 0:23 (Watch in 1080p for best experience) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TV6sjwqCQ2M Finally, on another note, once you've managed to make them, it's always worth testing them out in the game, before you upload them. So they sound right and don't sound louder (like they're sounds running outside the game, via Windows Media Player or something). Good luck, @@MrHeisenberg!
  13. @@eezstreet will tell you the specs they need to be, to work in-game and your best bet would be to use a FREE sound editing program like Audacity. Then you compile them into a .pk3 file (via WinRAR or other program) and voila!
  14. It was due to ease of access. In JK Enhanced, it's just set to one button/key "`" or "¬", which is much better. Plus, there's also certain control configurations to take into account. Just makes the whole mod/package a lot easier to work with, when other aspects are involved.
  15. Wow! You actually updated it and did some of the sounds, too.. I like it! I haven't seen the blade yet (in the updated version). Is it still the same as previous versions and are you looking at improving it for the next update? Great work and pleased to see you're back, working on it again.
  16. What saber blades are you using there? I wouldn't mind using those myself at all. I'm trying to get a saber blade mod that's as close to the one's shown in this link (below), as possible.. https://jkhub.org/topic/7538-lightsaber-blade-request-for-anyone-whos-good-with-colours-and-blades/
  17. Hey people.. I know there's a few lightsaber blade mods flying around, out there.. But I was wondering if anyone who's good with designing lightsaber blades and their colours, if someone could do these high-quality blades (shown below) (From Star Wars: The Old Republic). I will say one thing about that game.. I'm not a fan in the slightest, but the CGI trailers BioWare and EA made for them are sublime. For the blade trails, you could add them in, if you feel it would add to the effect, but I use "JK: Enhanced", so luckily I have my movie sabers effect. Thanks! P.s Just as a quick question, is this something you could do @@kalamaray? Once you've finished your "Force Awakens conversion mod", do you think you could have a crack at this, @@GPChannel?
  18. Had this idea, @@GPChannel.. You know what would make this entire mod 10 times better?! Using OpenJK and the SFX Sabers (The ones that you get in the "Movie Battles II" mod). If you can find the code for the lightsaber blades, it would just add to the whole movie experience. Definitely something to (seriously) consider. Plus, you could even add other little mods to it, too. Such as holstered lightsaber hilts and what not. Also, it's fair to say that the Korriban map/mission really needs a new Skybox. Here's base game Korriban: Here's the NEW, improved and more "lore accurate" Korriban:
  19. @@Langerd Whilst I'm not opposed to the sheer blue sky and clouds of Bespin, in your current version. How about switching it out and using the orangey yellow sunset of Bespin. This is the current look you've gone with, which is great! How about, just for time of day reasons and such and dealings with the Empire (which in TESB, was more or less evening and all the Rebellion/Empire confrontation happened during this time).. How about something like this: Just an idea..
  20. Only this Bespin is much more realistic and much closer to the "real world" or Bespin than the one in JK2.
  21. Can you use this to replace the base speeders in the game? Like, on that one mission/map for example.. Where you have to use the speeder bikes to get from one end of the map to the other?
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