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Darth Sion

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Everything posted by Darth Sion

  1. Like what you've done with the shine! If you were to update the model, I would make the body parts on him more "refined/defined". Not so that they stick out like a sore thumb, but to make them somewhat more visible. At the moment, it makes his body just look like a shiny lump of playdough.
  2. Like what you've done with the shine. If you were to update the model, I would make the body parts on him more "refined/defined". Not so that they stick out like a sore thumb, but to make them somewhat more visible.
  3. Well, I've spoken to him again, this morning via Facebook (He replied and contacted me, actually) and he says he's been busy, currently working on some sort of VR project or something. But he said he'd be able to talk more, over the weekend. So I'll speak with him this weekend and discuss the plans. etc. I really wanna see this through and get this done. Whatever obstacle lies ahead..
  4. Wow! @@Barricade24 & @@Kualan, this is EXACTLY what you need to do to you Captain Phasma.. @@DT85, this would also work on your Ep. VII Stormtrooper, if you toned down the shine of the chrome a bit. To give the Trooper armor that shine it has in the movies.
  5. Do you think it'd be something you could help out with doing? I always found it pretty dumb (with this in particular).. How Raven coded it. There's literally no difference between Lvl. 2 and Lvl. 3 of Force Choke/Grip, at all.
  6. @@AuriusPheonix Are you looking to do these two, next? Jaden Korr Rosh Penin
  7. Ok, @@Asgarath83 @@Cerez.. It looks like we may have to take the "long way" 'round, here and go it alone. And also probably gonna have to do it the hard way.. Unless there's no way that something can be done, without certain aspects of elements. I'm not sure if James is busy with outside things, but I'm sure he would let me know, in some way if that's the case. So we may have to go ahead and do this on our own.
  8. Is there any way to remove the levitation effect of Lvl. 2? So that you still Force Choke the npc/enemy.. But are doing it on the ground, instead of lifting them up into the air? @@ensiform @@therfiles @@Cerez
  9. Going to try and contact James, again this week and see if there's been any developments or luck on his end, in regards to this.
  10. @@Circa These are the one's I like the look of.. *Note* The first and third images being by far the best one's.. *Personal note* Does my fucking head in, when it comes up and says "An error occurred. You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community." What sort of horse-shit is this?!
  11. A NEW bio on Jaden Korr.. This makes for an interesting take and the image shown in the bio looks like he's leaving his homeworld of Coruscant to embark on his Jedi training at Luke's Academy. This would've been moments of days before he met up with Rosh on the shuttle, at the start of the game. (Source: http://star-wars-canon-extended.wikia.com/wiki/Jaden_Korr)
  12. Are you talking about both Rosh and Jaden.. or just Jaden?
  13. This Jaden DOES look good! It'd be interesting to see it in-game and also to see what Rosh would look like, too. Always hated Rosh's look (especially his dumb hairstyle) and Jaden's hair looking gingery-red and not brown, as it should be. Both characters could really do with a major update. **Edit** I came across this image of Rosh Penin and thought it might be a fresh, interesting take on him. It'd give his look a much needed update and get rid of those awful looking "Jedi'esque" robes he's wearing. (Source: http://star-wars-canon-extended.wikia.com/wiki/Rosh_Penin)
  14. Emperor Palpatine!!! The Old Republic & Knights of the Fallen Empire had so much potential to be a great game, if it wasn't such a knock-off, crappy MMO with cartoon'ish graphics, published by the WORST company in the world; EA.. And BioWare clearly were not the ones to develop the game, either.
  15. You might aswell do Thexan, aswell.. Imagine playing JKA with Arcann and Thexan as replacements for Jaden and Rosh!!! That shit would be off the charts!!
  16. That's quite a nice HUD! Where'd you get that?
  17. As you will see here, this is how the Intro/Title Crawl of Jedi Academy should be and is possible to be done in 'JK: Enhanced'.. Hopefully, this is one change @@redsaurus will definitely implement into the mod, on it's next update. www.4shared.com/video/eUNA_eeWce/NEW_Jedi_Academy_Intro.html
  18. So seeing as how the Jedi Knight series (and I guess STAR WARS, in general) is about 2 factions; The Jedi and Sith (The Light Side and The Dark Side of the Force), I thought it might be an idea to throw in each faction's moral codes, as wallpapers. Obviously, all of these files are pulled from the web. But at least it gives you a general idea of what to work with. And of course, I'm sure you'll have your own ways of creating wallpapers of your own with them..
  19. In fairness, this sounds like an excellent idea! But also, not that different than my response. To be perfectly honest, it would be great to have larger levels.. Or should I say more "lore accurate", updated and more in-depth maps. It'd certainly give JKA a fresh outlook. Ultimately, you could keep the missions and their objectives the same or even rework them in a custom way, but it would greatly improve the overall quality of the game.
  20. So seeing as how the Jedi Knight series (and I guess STAR WARS, in general) is about 2 factions; The Jedi and Sith (The Light Side and The Dark Side of the Force), I thought it might be an idea to throw in each faction's moral codes, as wallpapers. Obviously, all of these files are pulled from the web. But at least it gives you a general idea of what to work with. And of course, I'm sure you'll have your own ways of creating wallpapers of your own with them..
  21. Well, who's released that version of The Emperor, then?
  22. Holy shit, dude! This is awesome! You should advertise this for a Single Player mission in the main game. Much like how Anakin stormed the Jedi Temple with the Clone Troopers in RoTS.
  23. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1723-tatooine-spaceport-ffa-remake/ I have this one downloaded, personally and from exploring it, somewhat.. I always thought this could be awesome, if it was turned into an SP map/mission of some sort. Which mission or map, exactly though.. I don't know. Originally, I was thinking of the main intro mission you go on with Kyle Katarn, on Tatooine and bump into Chewbacca, for the first time. Obviously, this is all down to someone being able to do the scripting and such for it. But I think it could well work. It'd certainly be a fresh and more updated take on Tatooine and in many ways, a lot more lore accurate (much like @JCulley3D's Coruscant map for "t2_rogue")
  24. Ok, So for those of you who are passionate about either the JEDI or the SITH and are interested in using some form of graphic, either as your Forum Signature or on your Forum Profile, to show your allegiance.. Then feel free to grab either one of these two .gif images I made and show your colours, today! The JEDI Code "May the Force be with you." The SITH Code "May the force serve you well."
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