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Posts posted by the_raven

  1. But - Emilia Clarke & Thandie Newton were only chosen because of their huge popularity in HBO's Game of Thrones and Westworld. (instead of trying to find someone who could act the role, they prefer to use the cash-magnets) Emilia for example just couldn't bring out that frightened, beaten & used- persona in her character. She's too pretty for the role, someone like Mila Kunis would have been more convincing at that. Didn't much like that droid either, it was really annoying to be honest. But my biggest concern was that the Solo film was really not that different from TFA, R1 and TLJ, there was a strong sense of 'Marvel way of making films'- about these Disney StarWars films. They look the same to me, a few ha-ha moments here and there but.. none of these films really stand out, y'know? The best scene in Solo, the one that I liked the most, was when Chewie met Han for the fist time. It showed a deeper layer within the StarWars universe, and especially later on in the movie, the audience could see for themselves, just what happened to the wookies after the Clone Wars and the Rise of the Empire. So that was nice, but Darth Maul in the end? Really??

    You'd think I would be extremely happy about this, but I'm really not. He's the coolest Sith right after Vader, but somehow seeing an older Ray Park as Darth Maul, just... didn't feel that good.

    Funny that you talk of cash magnets - just yesterday, i read that the movie isn't doing as well as expected in the box office department.

    Not sure about Mila, i mean i respect her because we're almost co-nationals, but i really don't think she could have pulled it off (nor do i like half the movies she acts in, but that's beside the point)

    I agree with you that most of these disney action movies, be they marvel, or lucasfilm, or otherwise, are pretty much the same, just in different wrappings, but i suppose that since they're at least entertaining, we can, in theory let it slide. At least they're better than contemporary russian action movies (trust me on that).

    As for Maul, can you believe that some fans actually think it was he who trained Qi'ra the Teras Kasi? And that he's gonna make her his apprentice? That's just such a load of dung, i can't believe people actually believe it! Worst thing is that lucasfilms (or whoever's responsible) will probably make it so just to grab onto the cash.

    Yes, i was glad to see Maul too, but once i saw the movie itself, i was kinda left wondering.

  2. Just watched the movie. I must admit, I was not disappointed, not even with the leads, despite me complaining about them all the time. Now, if only they had the right faces... -_-



    I kinda expected the Kessel Run to be something different, but it was good, definitely worth boasting about, even if it wasn't done in less than 12 parsecs.

    I wonder though, why does Woody Harrelson always have to play the resident smart-ass? It's just getting a bit chewed-up, I think. Was also glad to see Paul Bettany - always good to see him.

    That feminist-droidist droid was annoying as fuck, but I suppose (and am glad) the entire SJW budget went on her :D

    Otherwise, my only complaint is not that the movie is "low-stakes" or "predictable" - who even cares? it's at least entertaining! - but that they pilled everything Solo's known for from ANH into one single incident, it feels a bit lazy.


  3. They did a stunning job with Tarkin in Rogue One. Leia too honestly, since that wasn't even Carrie. They could've kept Alden and done a bit of CGI work on his face, just to give him a bit more of likeness to OT Han. But I personally had no issues with him. I thought Lando's robot was the most cringe in the whole movie. Everything else was tasty.

    Tarkin? Dude, Tarkin was just terrible! Leia worked because she remained mostly still, but Tarkin not only looked fake as shit, he also looked really evil. They also did the whole revisionist thing - in ANH he was a calculating and cold character, a proficient professional, if you will; in Rogue One, he was turned into an actually evil, sadistic bastard.


    Nowadays everything is CG for some reason, but it usually looks really fake (cartoony), the actors don't feel their environment and can't act in it (maybe they're really not very good actors then?) but the movie production costs actually turn out higher than they were with practical effects. And this is a problem not just with Star Wars, most contemporary fantasy/ sci-fi/ monster movies have this issue - too much CG, not enough practicals. Only thing I did like about TFA (maybe TLJ too) was that they used a lot of practical effects.


    But anyway, if people say Alden did a good job, I'll go along with it, at least, until I watch the movie and make my own opinion :D

  4. We see him sitting down with his hood on. He then leans forward taking down his hood. Then he Force grabs his saber from his right side. He then stands up with his mechanical legs, and ignites his saber in a menacing way.

    But what's the purpose of him doing all this? Is he a major character in the film? A secondary? Is he at all relevant to the story, or just a hologram someone's randomly watching?

  5. I still didn't understand what all this was about. You're making some kind of major overhaul mod, or just a (yet another) Kylo hilt, but with added effects? What of the photo in the OP? Looks more like a real life lightsaber recreation.


    Also, no need to 'close case', if you were looking for an answer, you had to be ready not to like it, ya know? But i do get your opinion on the vents, it kinda makes sense too.

    Rooxon likes this
  6. So, How is this movie ? Is this worth to watch ?(Unfortunately I have to wait since no theater in my country shows has hollywood movie)

    Where are you from? On the other hand, maybe it's a good thing they don't, Hollywood just ain't what it used to be.


    I was told it's good but not perfect.


    I really hate it when the company (disney? lucasarts? whatever) make local premiers in one town, and everybody else has to wait for a month or two before it starts showing in other locations. They did it several times with the new Rebels' seasons, and now with Solo. Fucking annoying is what it is.

  7. Anyone heard about it? They're making a reboot of Hellboy, but without Del Toro and Perlman this time. I was kind of worried, but the news seems pretty good, considering the team and the photos. Plus, they're saying they'll be making it R-rated and will use practical effects with dashed of cg, the latter is especially good by my book.
    Read up here! https://nerdist.com/everything-we-know-so-far-about-hellboy-rise-of-the-blood-queen/

    Smoo likes this
  8. I still didn't get it to work, it's just invisible in game when I click on the icon.

    Maybe there's some issue with the image extension. I don't know why it happens, but sometimes, when an image is in .tga, the game won't display it, because it's supposed to be .jpg, or vice versa. If i remember correctly, the files in the archive are .png? You might need to re-save those as .jpg or even .tga. At least, that's all i can think of :/

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