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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. You can model each belt, just don't be lazy about it and add LOD's.
  2. Many may already know about it but I stumbled onto a soundboard here and there are actually a lot of sound effects that could be very useful to modders. Figured too now that Lucas Arts is gone they wont be so crazy about the sound effects being the highest held copyrights.
  3. I have nor HAD no interest in finishing it just because the flight in JA is terrible (that's why I mod SWBF2 for that aspect), I just told him if he found someone to texture it I'd throw it in game which he never did.
  4. The main thing that's really odd is that you can download and play TOR for free, why try to emulate it through this game when it would take loads of work to even come close? I could understand an action type game seeing as all other games like TFU for instance have horrible saber combat compared to JO/JA. Maybe you've already played TOR though and realized how it's nowhere near as fun as SWG was.
  5. Not capable of this atm but it sounds like a super simple problem with the .sab and .npc files, they're simple text files written in plain english, you just need to go over them.
  6. I still think you could lighten it some, even just a little bit.
  7. Well then in the nicest way possible I would say don't look forward to anyone picking this up, there aren't many modders which is why we try to encourage others to learn like we did to try to strengthen the community.
  8. I think they should be a bit cleaner, I liked in the OT movies how white stormtroopers are, yours armor looks like it has been in service for some time and has been a bit beaten up. The in game lighting with shaders applied makes them look a little metallic gray rather than white.
  9. You can always learn the skills, no one here was just born with it. That's the beauty of the human race, the near limitless potential once you learn to forget things like "I can't".
  10. http://jkhub.org/files/file/617-sith-stalker/ You didn't look hard enough. Ahh nvm, seems that the one you want has some darth vader knock off outfit.
  11. Don't import a hand, import another weapon close to yours and steal it's tags.
  12. Custom rig I'm building is proving to be quite a challenge.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. minilogoguy18


      Of course Softimage, I may wait til the rig is done before I show even what model it is.

    3. katanamaru


      I will wait eagerly and patiently.

    4. Omicron
  13. Doesn't sound right at all, stupidtriangle_off should be child to mesh_root and then your model starts under stupidtriangle_off, saying that stupidtriangle_off is linked to nothing is wrong. All the info I ever followed to get LOD's working and it only took 1 try using Softimage when the paper was written in 3ds max was the character importing tutorial that comes with the SDK written by Tim Appleby.
  14. Was the ST commander in the TFU games? IMO, I'm more of a original trilogy kinda guy, I could probably live the rest of my life hapily without even watching the prequels ever again.
  15. minilogoguy18

    Road Map

    No, I'm no coder, just a long time modeler/animator and I can tell you there are a lot of things broken in the base game. I think he meant like coding practice which I don't think it would be.
  16. ^For a simple stormtrooper the mirrored helmet doesn't matter, you'd have to go apeshit with scratches and dents to notice. Also since the stormies aren't colored like the clones it kinda doesn't matter there either. I honestly think that haps stormtropper is more than good enough to be used, the detail is about as good as it gets to be both good looking and not too high poly for JA. I'm also probably one of the pickiest people in JA and only want THE best of the best in my base folder which keeps it pretty empty compared to most people and haps stormtrooper has never left my base folder since the day it was released.
  17. Yeah should be able to easily edit the jedi_hm skin file so that it looks for the textures of whatever outfit your character uses and put it in it's own pk3.
  18. I actually used simple tools to do it, just selecting rig components, snapping them in certain poses at certain points in the animation and keying the rig. There's probably a faster way but since I wasn't too sure about how well a null skeleton to rig transfer would work I did this instead.
  19. My recommnedation would be to import the animation then say use my rig over top of it to recreate it, you'll have a much better end result and WAY more control that way.
  20. I don't get why no one does LOD's, I did some recently and it really doesn't take that long to do. Polygon reduction in Softimage doesn't ruin the envelope so all you do is copy, reduce and freeze modeling to remove the poly reduction operator and that's it. Of course some tweaking of the operator is needed but it's pretty quick using the sliders.
  21. Why have a blade? You can use some properties that are used for melee weapons to make it a solid object without a blade.
  22. The thing is too now that you'll have to remember is that you'll only get simple bones, you do some fancy snapping work to transfer the animation to the rig which I've done with a base animation otherwise you'll be animating by the bone once in the software. You can really make JA animations in Softimage, 3ds max or blender, Softimage and 3ds max though are the only ones with bipeds to make the animation process easier. JA animations in a professional program is nothing new @@tinny, been possible for as long as the game has been out.
  23. I can deel with non-live action as long as the CGI is the realistic type since I want something that say the series premier starts out with the rebel fleet retaking Coruscant and lets face it, the original trilogy cast is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too old to relive thier roles.
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