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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Bummed that the Taris Horizons one didn't make it in. =( I bet everyone woulda voted on that one.
  2. Instead of a few of us making animations for everybody I think more people should just try to learn to animate instead, way more beneficial to the community.
  3. Eww, the env_chrome shader, get rid of it. The model should only have a VERY SLIGHT specular shine on SOME parts, a dirty ship shouldn't be glossy. It's hard to tell if that's lightninja's AT-AP or not, I'm gonna ask him and see if he'll just upload his himself here.
  4. Yeah, I have seen some of the college types come out and they only things they could show off were the things they made for projects in school.
  5. Still, a lot of people here could easily learn how to model themselves, not a single modeler in JA was a professional, a few became true industry workers but they had already put out handfuls of models long before they made a career of it with ZERO formal training for most. All google taught. The only 2 I know of that made a career of it was Almighty_Gir and Psyk0Sith and both had learned how to model long before they made a career of it.
  6. The distance in which it switches LOD's depends on in game graphics settings, a coder would have to answer that. I've never had UV info messed up from using the polygon reduction tool. I swear, how do all of you miss this tutorial that comes with the SDK? http://psyko3d.50webs.com/tutorials/spacemonkey/jk2.htm It outlines all the basics, read the LOD section.
  7. Not just that but you have to add the _1, _2 and _3 to every part of that corresponding LOD, tags, caps, everything. The rename script in Softimage's netview will help you change it since when I create LOD's I just duplicate stupidtriangle_off and everything under it but the conventional naming system will just add a number behind each copy so you'd want to say put 1 in the search box and _1 in the replace box. Make sure you check multiple matches and preview it before you go through with it.
  8. The base stormtrooper I'm looking at in Softimage has 3 LOD's plus the main mesh making 4 total.
  9. Well from what I've viewed from a lot of your models is that they're usually pretty high poly because there will be so many wasted polygons all over the model, if you remember that part of the tie facility you sent me I sent it back with 1/2 the tri count just from cleaning up the model. You should stick to the guidlines in the SDK, around 3k at the highest LOD, you can go a little over but you need to be making 3 LOD's along with the main model leaving a total of 4 to keep performance up. A lot of your trooper models you could have easily just modified either the base trooper or hapslashes and probably come out with lower poly models.
  10. Who made that model? Why didn't they bother to weigh the fingers?
  11. Could have swore it got released, anyway, the AT-AP was made by lightninja and I believe the textures were Cuillere, the walker is 3 legged. Never shown in the movies but was from the CW era. Got a picture of it? Pretty sure the WIP thread was on lucasforums which doesn't seem to be responding.
  12. I probably wont be making it into a vehicle considering JA's TERRIBLE flight system, I did however make it into a vehicle for SWBF2 but abandoned it because it was too large at proper scale to take off from the stock ISD hangar bay. Even though Chalk may be making a Lambda I'm sure DT will agree it's best to have as much our own custom content as possible, only using base models if not ones made by those working on the mod.
  13. AT-AP was made by lightninja, it's on jk3files or it was at some point.
  14. Originally made for SWBF2 but I since started altering it into a static model for JA. It's UV mapped mainly but needs the rear turret modeled on still, needs some textures too since I never finished the ones I started and looking back they aren't very good.
  15. There aren't enough modelers to fulfill the requests of the masses, that's why there are still ports.
  16. Is it too late to suggest maybe changing the theme similar to the one on massassi? Seems that dirty, dark, greenish tinted look works really well for Nar Shaddaa. I also just realized I made a Lambda for SWBF2 that looks way better than JA's that we could use in the mod. It's of course modeled over official blueprint images, similar to the base AT-ST the Lambda in JA is very inaccurate in terms of proportions and details.
  17. Also, not a main character but important, Dennis Lawson voiced himself in Rogue Squadron 2 as Wedge Antillies.
  18. http://youtu.be/LmKu72Aabas?t=11m50s This is probably the best scene from the entire movie since he looks like the Sidious I like since they ruined him in ep3 but I really liked this location and would like to see some sort of map made using the hangar with some other rooms in the castle and maybe an outside area looking out onto the works.
  19. Why does it seem like the swings have been slowed down quite a bit? I couldn't stand that about MB2.
  20. Ma name's Alex! =o I'll have to try it out even though using Softimage I have the luxury of knowing getting stuff in game is pretty fool proof. I may download Maya just to try it out on a model from it.
  21. G2 and MD3 source has been out for some time, I've been wanting some Softimage plugins like GLM import and MD3 import/export but can't get any interest.
  22. Cockpit view is possible, I'm pretty sure lightninja's AT-PT had a first person view.
  23. I can't update someone else's tutorial. No offense to him but mine will be way better when finished, someone who just learned how to do something shouldn't be teaching others right away.
  24. http://www.moddb.com/downloads/autodesk-softimage-mod-tool-75 After Autodesk changed the site recently they never added a link for it, not sure if they're dropping it or making a new one since I have heard from someone within Autodesk expressing that they would like to see a new version of Mod Tool made. That tutorial or mine doesn't show how to model, just how to put a model into the game, you can learn the basics of the software and how to use it from a variety of places, I listed a ton of useful links here. I also started on video tutorials, I just need to find the time to finish them. [sharedmedia=tutorials:tutorials:90]
  25. Epic bump, wondering if anyone who has dealt with .ROQ files could do this??? Only person I know of who's made a ROQ is Inyri. =/
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