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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Yeah, Rich seems to be the best bet considering his knowledge of code when it comes to 3d formats, he may have worked directly on the carcass program based on the things he knows.
  2. I thought at one point @@Archangel35757 had talked to a former Raven employee or someone who may have worked on the game during it's development, it would be awesome to be able to get the carcass source code for many reasons.
  3. Not sure if anyone's gonna use it but taking the time to make a JK2 skeleton for Softimage.

  4. Not sure about SoF2 but in JK2 and JA the seams are there, just mostly only noticeable if dynamic shadows are enabled or you're watching a cutscene with a characters face close up like the first JK2 mission for instance the opening scene in the ravens claw you can very clearly see the seams dividing kyles face from head object.
  5. I got KotOR 2 working just fine on Win 7 x64. Even playing with the restored content mod and a widescreen hack that I found that enables true widescreen resolution.
  6. Ah, I forgot about that, in that case though couldn't Assimilate be used the same way we use it now just using your compiler rather than carcass?
  7. It may be a widely used format but it seems like it would require the least amount of effort to just have the compiler accept a newer version of dotXSI like 6.0. I don't know much about coding so I could be wrong but looking at the files in notepad there doesn't seem to be any real difference between 6.0 and 3.x, the compiler could be refusing to take it simply on the header alone.
  8. Hard to find the will to even want to make stuff like that when there is already so much out there on the net, it's how everyone here who knows how learned.
  9. Well for the MD3 support, IMO is not a big deal, we have a MD3 viewer that does it's job. I've never used the animevents in ModView, in game I know it's just a config file that tells the game when to play certain sounds based on what animation is playing, I'll have to play around with that sometime.
  10. Way too early to even start with ep7 material, for all you know that could just be a concept that doesn't make the final film.
  11. Holy google translate fail batman! I tried to read and understand but it makes no sense, it's like I turned the CC option on youtube on a Hot Version video.
  12. Would it be possible to add like an "index" feature to the animations similar to how a help file works? Like a box above the list where you can type in a animation and as you type it will go to the nearest match without you having to even type out the entire sequence? This would make a lot of things easier since there are times when you want to view a particular animation and it's one long list to scroll through. Maybe also fix the floor too? Characters seem to be floating way above it, if I'm not mistaken floor should be where model_root is located or if possible make the model interact with the floor as they do in game using the bolt_l_leg_foot and bolt_r_leg_foot not able to pass through the floor. If the bolt interaction isn't possible then simply just moving the floor up to meet the model_root object would be more than good enough. Oh yeah, is adding MD3 support still happening as before? Seems like it would be tough since MD3 format's axis origins are rotated differently as I showed in another thread.
  13. Any interest in a JO skeleton similar to the one I released for JA? Easy to view, no clutter and everything organized into groups.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. minilogoguy18


      Never as far as I'm aware.

    3. Boothand


      Yeah, would be interested :)

    4. Archangel35757


      @Xycaleth -- sorry, I guess I meant JKEnhanced.

  14. I haven't read this whole thread but I can easily put it that no matter how much work you put into AI a computer controlled character will never match the skill of a real, live, breathing person that can be totally unpredictable, especially when backed into a corner. I played JA online near daily for years a while back and the game on the hardest settings could never match real people that were only about 1/4 as good as some of the best players I've played against in a 1v1, no force power (except jump) duel. It taught me that there is no such thing as difficult AI, the only time they can be a challenge is in mods like Survival Mod 2 where you're fighting 5+ npc's using the reborn boss class with 5x or more health. If you've never played in a serious online duel you should try it out, a bit of advice though that new players tend to do, don't use those "kata" attacks, you'll die within the first 5 seconds.
  15. Pretty sure md3 and glm have the same limits but I do have some stuff I may post since another one people don't realize is that tag axis is not the same between md3 and glm.
  16. Normal maps aren't even fully implemented in the actual game so why worry about the viewer? As far as other shaders we all know what the basic ones look like and I know how to set up realtime shaders in Softimage to mimic what they'll look like in JA. Implementing rend2 is definitely more important.
  17. Yeah, I agree, ModView is fine for now, as long as it can load a model to ensure that it will load in game then that's good enough.
  18. No matter how powerful the user's PC is the game WILL lag. 500 is the most you want to do for any segment, higher than that will work but the model will no longer be affected by dynamic lighting. There's no reason to up the limit of the engine, newer games aren't much more intensive, they're just more efficient and use various forms of displacement maps to gain more detail.
  19. I can't help much with 3ds max questions but the shadow rig opinion is the best way for any animation in a game. One thing I do notice though is that your model is through the floor which could potentially cause transform problems in game of your animations.
  20. The only thing complex facial bones are really useful for IMO is cutscenes which use their own GLA and don't really need to be mixed with the player used animation bank.
  21. The rig itself is a shadowrig, it has all fingers and toes, it's just that the base skeleton is what's constrained to it but the JO skeleton can be constrained to it to have the ability to animate the rig and export the animation to whichever game you want. I'll constrain the JO skeleton or if you want a hybrid between the 2 and re-upload the file, they'll be stored under different Models in Softimage so that there will be no naming conflict and you can just export whichever of the 3 skeletons you want.
  22. Fixed, there is a thread in the WIP section of the forum, if there are any further issues or suggestions for improvement please post there as I'm much more likely to see it.
  23. I'd also like to add some more to this thread, would it be possible to have gender specific animations? Females and Males do not walk, run or have the same posture, it would be neat to at least have a feminine walk or run to be used on female characters.
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