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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. I do it similar to crimsonstrife, start with a single quad on the bridge of the nose and extrude out the model from there, the face takes the most time, after that the torso, the rest comes quickly after that.
  2. Yeah since she was the true Jan Ors. You don't really need a good rotoscope, you could just build a basic head then tweak some verts in local space til you get the shape you want.
  3. This is the same method I tend to use, just make sure to plan everything out so that when you go to fill in areas like the temple and cheeks the poly flow remains consistent. Just need to rework the upper eyelid some, it should have a slight fold from the center close to the outer corner.
  4. Hey, everyone has gotta start somewhere, no one is born with knowledge.
  5. Sorry about the incomplete tutorial series, will finish them once I move, hopefully that happens some time this month.
  6. Must be something on your end inside of 3ds max, should get to the bottom of this since whatever you're doing could be applied to other 3d programs as well to stop the seams.
  7. Sorry, just being real, the shape is very off, doesn't really seem fixable, curious to see a wireframe overlay.
  8. I personally don't need them in FBX but like mentioned others may be interested, I was kinda doing this just cause, it's most useful for other Softimage users since I have all the animations named and such. You can even blend or rearrange them how you want using the mixer, like say combine an upper and lower animation that wouldn't normally be combined in game to make something.
  9. Well I have it already started, just like I said, kinda repetitive work, gets boring pretty much copy/pasting and organizing at the same time. What I did was I took the base skeleton, stored it under a Model object, then created another Model object, drag/dropped the dotXSI file under the second Model object since with Model objects you can have things stored under them with the same names as another Model and not have any conflicts. http://softimage.wiki.softimage.com/xsidocs/bk446001.htm#Rbk30992 I would then go to Action>Store>Transforms - All Sources to store all keyed transforms as a clip with it's own mixer under the Model containing the imported animation. From there I would of course properly name the clip to match it's name in the animation.cfg file as well as give it it's proper start and end time then just simply drag/drop it to the unanimated skeleton to it's animation mixer that it had stored. Since the naming of the bones were all the same everything transferred over seamlessly, the only problem I had at first was some of the files used bone chains where of course the heirarchy would be different which would mess up the transfer but I found a way around it. EDIT: Oh yeah, I also have a connection mapping template set up since quite a few of the animations are JK2 ones so naming doesn't match like for the left hand tag bone so it automatically fixes that. I also forgot to mention that this skeleton has ALL of the bones from both since it seems that the games animations were originally done on a JK2 skeleton with a renamed hand tag bone then they just didn't weigh the models to all the bones causing them to be ignored on compile. What a waste.
  10. That head needs to be scrapped, the mouth is really messed up, the jawline is wrong and the ears are too far forward and not part of the same mesh.
  11. Yeah, they all import just fine to Softimage, I started a while back merging them, it's just time consuming since I don't know how to write a script that would do it for me but I pretty much took the base skeleton and started transferring all the animations 1 by 1 and storing them as clips in the mixer. I of course was naming the clips to match the respected animation and they're in order so it plays the animations just as they would in ModView. Dunno if anyone would be interested in it but I could continue work on it, you'd pretty much have the full _humanoid.gla in whatever software you wanted to view it in.
  12. This is a nice turn of events, Rich obviously knows what he's doing in terms of format conversion so if he's on board to help get a better system going then that would be awesome. What I'd really like to see is a method of choosing a GLM as well as it's matching GLA and being able to convert it to FBX so that the mesh is weighed to the skeleton with all animation applied. I'm also going to look at my models exported out from Softimage about the UV seams, crazy that you now aren't seeing them, but it generally requires lights to be at the right angle to notice them as well as a shader applied. They're most noticeable in cut scenes where the face and head mesh meet.
  13. Oh, could have sworn the wip thread I saw was Corto's model with your textures, guess that one hasn't been uploaded yet.
  14. minilogoguy18


    Ask Rich that No it cannot open GLM/GLA together to view a model with attached animations, they're 2 separate files, this is what ModView is for.
  15. It did not officially, the closest thing would be Corto's boba fett as he was on the original team and the model he released recently was more than likely a revamped version of what would have made it into the mod if I remember right. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1516-boba-fett/ There is also this reskin of the same model that looks pretty nice too. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1518-boba-fett-reskin/
  16. minilogoguy18


    Why was this uploaded when it can be downloaded from Rich Whitehouse's website?
  17. Noesis will import .MAP files from HL2, not sure how different it is from Q3 although the valve source engine was based on Q3, it may or may not work. If it does from there you should be able to export out to .ASE.
  18. I thought you could spawn ASE models in lugormod? Have you tried?
  19. The surface limit is 32 I believe, you have a lot of room to work with.
  20. Hope you'll be able to get the same effect for rain as the vanilla renderer, the part where the droplets burn up when they hit the saber blade.
  21. This is a technique that seems to be rarely used now a days, it can get you off to a start but a lot will have to be done in the 3d views to really make it look right. It doesn't line up because the front view her head is tilted to her right, rotating the image may fix this, you also have the depth of field making the ears in the front view smaller. 2d rotoscope will only get you a basic start, most people who rely on it start to finish usually turn out with heads that have poor facial structure especially in the cheek area.
  22. @@Circa, quit breakin shiz.
  23. I really don't think it would work well at all, he was designed to use a custom skeleton with his own animations to be used an an NPC that would only be seen in the level. His proportions do not match the player skeleton.
  24. I'm always interested in high quality movie characters. A normal map and working shader for rend2 would be awesome too for down the road usage.
  25. Maybe it can be played with some to get a happy middle ground between the 2, I thought that though the main reasons for redoing glow was because of the performance hit the vanilla glow has although newer machines probably don't notice it anyway.
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