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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. I used an official blueprint as a rotoscope. If you just google AT-ST you'll see there are literally tons of iterations of this thing out there, there really isn't a right or wrong way to make it but I followed the blueprints as close as possible without cramming too much detail in there. It's a little far along to be making mesh changes, especially with how complex the UV layout is, I really crammed everything in there tight.
  2. Yes, every time you merge an animation it adds it to the end, you wont actually delete anything in the _humanoid.gla, you'll just make the file bigger.
  3. You do not need an animation.cfg file to merge with the _humanoid.gla, just follow the video to the end. The CFG file is just a simple text file that tells the game what animation to play, when, how fast and for how long. Try opening up the different animation.cfg files in the game with notepad to get a good idea, you can make and edit these files in notepad, just change the settings during saving to all file types and add the .cfg extension to the end of the name. I may have to redo that video since I didn't realize until after I uploaded it you couldn't see me testing the animation out in game. Rate the video and let others know if you were able to follow it well or not, it was the first video tutorial I made so I'm hoping it was able to help people out.
  4. It's going to require both code and animation work even for SP because the gun stance is just an UPPER sequence that blends with the standing animation for the legs, it would need to be made into a BOTH sequence before it could be done which would destroy online play keeping it a pure SP only modification. The animation part is stupid easy, with my biped it could be done with a few hours of work tops to create all the animations like a few stances, walk and run.
  5. But @@Archangel35757 the weighing part has nothing to do with modeling itself, that's the part that comes later when it's time to take that model and get it in game. Any software can enforce a limit, in Softimage if you enforce a limit after the enveloping has been done it just takes the bone(s) with the least influence and divides it up evenly among the 4 with the greatest influence. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDBC873942D2C6132 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5F9205A527C17A9A @@eezstreet those 2 channels were in my tutorial thread, not those links directly but those are 2 playlists from the 2 channels that have pretty much the basic training, stuff like this can be found on youtube for all Autodesk products as well as other softwares. I honestly never used that basic of tutorials, you can really learn a lot just from playing around with the software.
  6. ^This is another thing I tell people, get to know your software, make a few models THEN worry about getting it in game because there IS NO SUCH THING AS MODELING FOR JA or any game for that matter. Modeling is modeling, I showed this in the tutorial videos I made, I took a model that Corto made for CSS and made it work in JA. I always see people say "how do you model for JA?" when there is no way to model for JA, you learn to model from the billions of tutorials out there then you learn how to put it in the game.
  7. Learn the software first, if you're good enough with the software of your choice you can follow any tutorial. I use Softimage and I've learned things from Maya, Max and even Blender tutorials, key mapping and UI may be different but a polygon is still a polygon. There may be some things that aren't possible to translate between programs just because some have tools that are unique for them but for basic low poly modeling you can use any tutorial once you learn the basic terminology of what people are saying.
  8. I use JPG and PNG, mostly PNG though because of small file size and it can do everything a TGA does.
  9. It's coming out awesome, can't wait to see more. Makes me wonder, do we have an AT-ST pilot character model?
  10. Right now it's just going to be a direct base replacement, model, textures and animations will be new, nothing more than that.
  11. My buddy just loaned me his entire DBZ DVD collection, gonna have to dust off the TV that never turns on.

    1. katanamaru


      You're a DBZ fan too?! Awwww yeaaaah! That's pretty sweet!

    2. minilogoguy18


      Yeah, I seriously contemplated making some DBZ characters for JA but only ones who wielded swords so that it would work. Future Trunks, Janemba and Dabura to name a few. Original Japanese mono only btw, none of that dubbed bullshit that all these kids think is cool these days.

    3. katanamaru


      Trunks is one of my favorites! Mainly because he used a sword!

  12. It's the tags, you have them wrong. @@Laisum, send me the Softimage .EXP file.
  13. The problem is your hierarchy, it's a really easy fix, you just need to take the time to look through it. If you watch the video I just posted on setting up the hierarchy you'll find your problem, you linked the model and tags wrong. You're caps probably don't show because you may not have properly applied a material to them in Softimage, something else I go over the in tutorial video #3.
  14. Darn, it loaded fine once and I thought maybe you guys fixed it but after revisiting it was stretched again. =(
  15. Just drag and drop the file into one of the viewports, the scale is huge in JA so you might be zoomed in by default. I just downloaded the file and tried it to make sure.
  16. Just worked for me since someone claimed that the file wouldn't import.
  17. I have video tutorials posted in the link in my sig, the final one will be made next week, not going to give personal lessons. You also need to learn the basics of the program first.
  18. Maybe try turning off any antivirus, file downloads perfectly fine. @@Circa I'm sure if we really wanted to the file could be uploaded here just in case that ModDB link goes dead since you can't seem to download this from Autodick's website anymore.
  19. What are you clicking on? How are you possibly doing it wrong? I just downloaded it fine.
  20. It's pretty unlikely, you're just going to have to take the time to watch some tutorial videos online, it takes time.
  21. NP, it must have been a bug introduced recently with an update of software since when I put that page up things weren't stretched like that until recently.
  22. Oh wow, I just posted a thread on this very issue haha, didn't realize someone did it for me. =p You could delete the other thread I made @@Circa. Hope you guys figure it out, doesn't seem to just be that horribly stretched one, the others on that page are slightly stretched vertically as well, maybe it has something to do with the formatting of that page.
  23. You don't even need to waste time messing with the trial versions of the full program, just go to ModDB and grab the Mod Tool version, it's all you need.
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