@@Archangel35757 like I keep saying, you gotta forget about transforms on tags, they mean nothing, you can alter the tags transforms any way you want in SI/Max/Max/Maya/Blender but as long as the tag is the same in terms of edges it will always have the same axis in ModView/game. Also, my tag axis match exactly with the base AT-ST in ModView which is why I'm leaning away from this being a tag related issue. You also seem to not know my workflow, I do not export a root.XSI and then each animation separately then compile them into 1 file with Assimilate. I found out a long time ago that it was unneccesarry. All I do is export a root.XSI file and just manually write out my animation.cfg file to define all the sequences and it works just fine. The only real advantage I see to exporting each sequence separately is so that Assimilate will write the animation.cfg file automatically which to me isn't worth all that extra work. I'm doing it how Rich is saying to do it with FBX, 1 file, compile then just manually write an animation.cfg file. I also knew about that IK was possible with MDX but for simplicity I just kept things FK that was being driven by a IK shadow rig, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay easier and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more control. Anyone who is animating the skeleton that the game is using is a fuckin dummy and I'll tell it to their face in front of their own mama. Not a single project I've done has a single keyframe on anything that is going to the game, it's all plotting, the devils magic. I would very much like to talk to Rich about a lot of things as far as animation, not to toot my own horn or anything but I've done a lot more than anyone in this area. Most people are using very primitive ways of doing this like dragon and just animating a simple FK skeleton into a simple pose. I'd like to split a lot of this into a new topic because this also interests me, like say starting with post #43. I also just fired up the game (JK2) and watched the base AT-ST, it of course behaves the same BUT it floats above the ground a bit where mine I messed with the offset in Assimilate to get it to sit on the floor, maybe the tags are beneath the ground causing the flipped behavior? EDIT Holy fuckin shit, @@Archangel35757 you were right all along with the foot bones, it is their transforms that control it BUT it does not change the tag transforms which means that the tags are just simply to compute collision but the bone controls how the feet interact with the uneven terrain. I totally missed this because even though I tried it before I was rushing since I was compiling files over and over again mainly messing with tags I didn't copy over the GLA file to the PK3, only the GLM. I also couldn't just match the transforms with the base model that I have imported into the scene because as you know the parent bones affect the children so it was just some trial and error but doing this has shown me the relative axis from Softimage to GLM/GLA. To get proper working feet in ModView your axis should be as follows... +Z=UP +Y=LEFT +X=FORWARD Translating that from Softimage to MDX it would be... Softimage MDX +Y +Z +X +X +Z -Y These are LOCAL transforms, NOT GLOBAL. (Doubt anyone other than you will care since only you know SI->Max transforms) It's finally fixed, I'll have to update the file tonight. I still wanna get some more threads like this started, like the things that many don't know about Assimilate/Carcass. Despite some thinking it can be replaced with noesis for now it's still useful and it would be great if some more functionality was added to it.