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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Yeah, you can't really force it but it did just hit me that like literally everything being made right now has no LOD's since they're all just ports and models that are cobbled together.
  2. I had this issue for my AT-ST, when LOD's were made I stopped getting that error and the more LOD's I made the better the performance. I do find it hard to go down to LOD3, it looks so bad at that point you don't even wanna include it. It's good to know that the game uses the least detailed LOD as the collision mesh.
  3. JKHub logo is broken again...

  4. @@Psyk0Sith modelers will never be useless though, certain characters just aren't possible with ports and kit bashing, like the handful of characters I need for the DF2 mod *hint *hint. Kids on here are a bunch of crack heads though. All of the true greats have been forgotten while the porters/kitbashers are looked at as gods amongst men. Then these 30 page long WIP threads on them, like I have the time to even go through all that, I honestly haven't even clicked on one of them yet and the more time that goes by the less I wanna.
  5. Yeah, it would be nice if at least the forums could be restored. There could be a lot of useful information there, me learning how to get character animations in the game wouldn't be possible without digging up info on Lucas Forums.
  6. Those cut scenes are CGI rendered in some sort of 3d suite like Max, XSI or Maya (no one will know for sure) and are not game models or anything of the sort. If you want to make this you need to first get your skills up in whatever software you're using to make something like this, a lot of post processing and after effects are needed. I'm sure all the models you could ever want are free all over the internet, the polycount can of course be as high as your PC can handle. Making something like this takes a lot of time, you're going to have to model, animate and do a rough render in whatever software you're using then pull the movie into something like an Adobe or Autodesk suite for a lot of touching up then after that you worry about converting to ROQ which is just a movie file type that the game uses. Any time you see stuff that uses game assets, those aren't really cut scenes, they're just scripted events. Seeing the 3 Mon Calimari cruisers blow up that Star Destroyer at the end of the game, that's a ROQ cut scene. I just happened to notice again another modding assistance need is in the general modding forum, just saying...
  7. This would be better off in the Modding Assistance forum but as far as direction goes it has been some time since I've messed with guns. It generally depends on the origin in world or the tag_parent which is generally not needed since the origin of the model can be used instead. The view model is a MD3 but OpenJK can use GLM as well and the world model is a GLM model. The process is pretty similar to a lightsaber as far as the exporting to game with the exception of world and view model. View model is the model seen by the player while being held in first person view btw. If you have the plugins for 3DS Max then why not just import one of the games stock gun models to use as a comparison?
  8. The one by Psyk0Sith is in the downloads section, the port isn't worth downloading, the person who did it had no idea how to properly weigh the model which is why the butt is all messed up.
  9. The biggest amateur move is to modify the assets and ship them. There is literally no reason to even do this other than just being a moron as you can overwrite the assets quite easily using clever naming of the pk3. Anyone who modifies the assets is an idiot, no matter the reason, they should have been locked to read only out of the box.
  10. I have the games but I can't for the life of me figure out what files I need nor does Softimage import MDL files. I think there is a 3DS Max importer for KotOR models. I downloaded that pack.
  11. @@Circa I don't want the terribly done ports, I want the bare models from the games assets so that I could properly put them in JA complete with LOD's and caps.
  12. We aren't going to use the recycled junk out there. A proper model for any of the Dark Jedi do not exist, they're just reskins of poorly rigged characters. Every main character is going to get it's own new model, I have no plan on half assing this.
  13. I've recently installed Radiant and tried looking at some example maps but it would take some time before I'm to the point to where I can actually make a working SP level. My time is stretched very thin across multiple hobbies, work and GF.
  14. Well that would be fine and all but there are quite a few maps that would need to be made completely from scratch. We were also trying to look ahead and make a lot of textures so that the mod would be Rend2 ready. The AT-ST for instance if you look in the PK3 it has all the necessary files and maps to take advantage of Rend2.
  15. I'd rather not do that because I still hope that some people would want to help out to get the mod going again but the community doesn't seem to have anyone making original content anymore so I feel like I might be waiting a while. How about this @, help with the mod and I'll help with MotS, I wanted to do that next if this ever got finished. @@Kualan I also don't know what exactly you guys would want as far as models go, there really isn't a whole lot. The Kyle model was never finished, as well as 8t88 or any of the Dark Jedi. The only finished model was the AT-ST and I released that. The Lambda I guess is done but it's just a static model but I'm thinking of setting it up as a replacement for the base game like the AT-ST so it'll be a vehicle and map object.
  16. I'm normally not a mobile gamer but Star Trek Timelines is really fun

  17. There aren't any Blender based tutorials since everyone just uses it to splice models together.
  18. I don't have Blender anymore and I refuse to reinstall it, the software's UI is the worst I've ever seen.
  19. If someone here has KotOR 1 and 2 I'd consider porting things over since Disney says it's pretty much OK.
  20. Germany should stuff Merkel in a wood crate and ship her ass to Pakistan

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ping


      Fucking backwards 15th century brown people.

    3. minilogoguy18


      They could be a 3 stage color shift pearl but as long as they want to replace a democracy with a theocracy I have a serious problem with them. Religion has no place ruling a country or imposing any law. I cheered when Texas threw the case out that tried to get a Sharia system put into place.


      For you Ping lol

    4. Ping


      We should just bomb them into dust, not let brown people into our beautiful countries!

  21. If you make a new skeleton of course you can move them, I was saying this in terms of you using the X-Wing skeleton. Just like when you make a player model if you use a skeleton from another NPC you cannot re-position it from the root pose or you'll get transform errors. You just don't wanna move anything after setting key frames.
  22. Well then either your mesh's transform pivot's are not at 0,0,0 like they should be or you've moved the bones, one or the other.
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