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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. I just like private dueling but HATE when exploits like crazy strafing are allowed, I usually just join random lugormod servers, love everything about that mod so my input on this is biased but mostly just like to duel.
  2. Some mods allow for more .veh files to load, simply just remove some of them. Having that many vehicles really necessary? There was a file floating around that would extend the limit greatly but don't know if it's still out there somewhere.
  3. Figured I'd just start this thread here since the one on GF died but the model is being worked on again, textures are in the works, making Inyri do them since I'm doing something for her. =p Soul Reaver is at least in game which was the reason for my other thread abous sword trails.
  4. ^Read the other thread, they don't care about these old games anymore, the engines are practically the same, highly doubt they'd care.
  5. What's up with the line going down the center of the face, surely you noticed that before getting it all in game and everything.
  6. This thread is hilarious.
  7. Thanks cause I've been doing the same thing just adding and removing lines thinking something is conflicting but I can only get it to work through the console which changes all trails.
  8. Well like you said it has no envelope weights, it can be done but it wouldn't turn out good unless someone took the time to edit the model a bit, I wouldn't really mind rigging it if it fit better and had a little bit better topology.
  9. I made these forever ago for personal use but never saw them up for download anywhere so I'm going to assume no one has bothered. What I have is a full set of broken saber models for SP that work so that no matter what staff hilt you cut in half it use use an actual half model and also a mod that adds the hoth gear to the Jaden customization menu since I usually played as Jaden so I wouldn't be Kyle to a lot of poeple and had a choice of outfits if I got bored. If there is any genuine interest I might just upload them but they aren't very serious.
  10. What's your opinion of moderately expensive on a newer system with newer video card and loads of ram? I'd really like to know more about collision, the main thing that bugs me about this game is the bounding box's, a dynamic collision mesh would be far better.
  11. The only thing a .glm exporter is good for is weapons, unless you found some way to export while going around the compile process that was used by the very developers of this game which was .xsi 3.x->assimilate->.glm that calls for the _humanoid.gla. The only thing with 3ds max is that unless you have a student license it costs $$ and it hasn't been able to export a working animation since version 5 because of a watermark. Does the newer version of max even support dotXSI 3.x? I guess I could always install it since I have full legit student licences for all Autodesk 3d packages but have no interest in downloading and installing just to see if 2013 can export a proper dotXSI 3.x file.
  12. When I use trailStyle 1 I just get the usual sword trail, I guess I'll just have to overwrite the trail effect with the blur one to make it work only for this model.
  13. Gonna clean the base then and just run a solo game, hopefully I can get it to work, the Soul Reaver just woulnd't be right without using the blur trail.
  14. Exporter isn't that useful IMO, best to have a newer .md3 exporter and .qc file generator since you can just use md3view to convert to glm so that weapon models mainly will have a proper mesh when dropped. Whats the point of having one for 3ds max when I don't think there are really that many people using it anymore? With Mod Tool 7.5 and now a blender plugin you can mod this game solely with freeware. Maybe we can get some .xsi files that work properly? Currently trying to find someone to make a .md3 exporter and .glm importer for Mod Tool 7.5
  15. Not using any clientside mod, just playing on my own Lugormod server which shouldn't affect it. I can do it through the console but then it makes everything use this trail style.
  16. Tried it, no worky, here's my .sab file... soul_reaver { name "Soul Reaver" saberType SABER_SINGLE saberModel "models/weapons2/soul_reaver/soul_reaver.glm" soundOn "sound/weapons/sword/draw1.wav" soundOff none soundLoop "sound/null.wav" spinsound "sound/weapons/sword/spin.mp3" swingSound1 "sound/weapons/sword/swing1.mp3" swingSound2 "sound/weapons/sword/swing2.mp3" swingSound3 "sound/weapons/sword/swing3.mp3" fallSound1 "sound/weapons/sword/fall1.mp3" fallSound2 "sound/weapons/sword/fall2.mp3" fallSound3 "sound/weapons/sword/fall3.mp3" hitSound1 "sound/weapons/sword/stab1.mp3" hitSound2 "sound/weapons/sword/stab2.mp3" hitSound3 "sound/weapons/sword/stab3.mp3" saberLength 44 noWallMarks 1 noBlade 1 noClashFlare 1 trailStyle 2 noDlight 1 // bounceOnWalls 1 } Could anything interfere with this? No mods to saber effects, just some sound changes and I took the time to export working broken sabers for SP.
  17. I feel retarded =p Gonna try it out
  18. Cool but the eyes/face are reallly off, looks like it was based off the gweth model.
  19. What I'm basicly trying to find out is if it is possible to have a specific sword model use the blur trail without doing it through the console and changing it for all sabers/swords? I haven't tried recently but back when I made it a few things I tried through the .sab file didn't work. I just want this 1 sword to use that trail style.
  20. OMG, you need to email him back asap, if they still have info on the model compiler then they may have a way to properly decompile .glm and .gla files into say Softimage since the basemodels that were released by Keshire are all borked and import with no bones where the nonhumanoidmodels like rancor and such all import with full heirarchy, bones, envelope weights and animations. While with the source models files someone like myself COULD compile every animation with a model rigged to it into 1 file with each animation labeled in the mixer but it would take FOREVER.
  21. I could understand it being annoying if you are bouncing from FFA server to FFA server but when I would play on a few different lugormod servers I would just download the files that the regulars used. Would be best if there was just a script with a list pointing to all the base models and some way to randomize the selection, don't like the manequin idea since you'd just see a bunch of them rather than a bunch of Kyles.
  22. I took a look at the model and it needs work before going in game, it doesn't match the skeleton very well on the hands and the elbows and knees lack enough edge loops for good deformation.
  23. The model came from a mod for half-life called ESF (Earth Special Forces), you can probably contact someone there for permission to use their model and have someone else make it work for JA. http://esforces.com/ Mod has been in the works for many years but looks awesome.
  24. ^I'll tell anyone anything they want to know and I've been in the game since '04, all you have to do is ask. You should go for it, weapon modeling is incredibly simple, well maybe not simple to get super high quality art but the part of getting in game is a breeze. Start by actually learning the program and how to model before diving right into trying to get something in game though.
  25. If you keep an eye on that thread you'll see a video tutorial pop up eventually. Psyko is an OG, still got him on win live messenger.
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