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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. You had better download the program because if I were to make the video for people who have never opened the program in their life it would be HOURS long, my intention is to make one with the people in mind who have a grasp of the program and it's basic functions, mainly for those who already know how to use it to build their own models. It wont be teaching how to weigh models, while I will weigh a model during the video it will mainly show techniques on how to do it quickly and efficiently so people see it's pretty easy.
  2. I'm waiting on Inyri to texture my Kain model, was going to do a video tutorial for Softimage taking that model from start to finish, fitting model to skeleton, envelope weights, segmenting, heirarchy, export, compile and test. The thing is even with a video tutorial with narration it wont help a whole lot if you don't know the software at all so some basic knowledge is needed to start. The reason why there isn't such a tutorial is because you can learn all the things needed, they just aren't written for this game but it's still the same thing.
  3. Perhaps after Kain is finished.
  4. The only problem with Mod Tool atm is the people who once were putting models in game aren't around to clarify what exactly they did. I like said above use a free student licence so I've never had to rely on Mod Tool and I haven't been able to get certain models in game. I exported Inyri's geth model from the 2013 version to the game and imported that very same .XSI file into Mod Tool 7.5 and re-exported and it worked but when trying to export something made in that program I couldn't get it to work. Something is being overlooked like an operator that may be frozen which I beleive is linked to possibly the cluster that holds UV info since that is what is lost when trying to use Mod Tool so for now it's not working until I can go over some things with a fine toothed comb. On the topic though, Almighty_gir and Inyri made a great Malak, just needs to be put in game which I guess was my job but the model needed to be reworked quite a bit since it wasn't built around the JA skeleton and proportions. Maybe Inyri has some pics or you could probably search it on GF and find the old thread.
  5. ^Hope you don't think that there is a restriction on scale because there isn't.
  6. Yes, npc class is the main restriction in the game and not animation. Either with the atst class or the rancor class I think you'll be limited to 2 weapons, a primary attack and secondary.
  7. ^I USED to be like that, but after playing online and realizing SP no matter how high you raise the difficutly can never compare to fighting a real person.
  8. Why mod sp? Every sp based player I've ever dueled online was easier than the weakest cultist npc on padawan setting. Sp just spawns nub players.
  9. It compiles but will not merge with the rest of the animations. Will either have to remove the rest of the bones or recompile all animations, as simple as that.
  10. Well, glamerge doesn't like my file since it has more bones than the JA _humanoid.gla so either I remove some of the bones or attempt to recompile the _humanoid.gla file using the source files which for the most part has all the missing bones with animations while some here or there don't so some fixing needs to be done. Thinking of using MOTOR to transfer each sequence to a root pose skeleton and try to have all the _humanoid animations in a single SI scene file.
  11. Seems like I need to play Sonic Generations 2, like the classic remake of the Sonic 2 boss.
  12. This I found it essential to just build male and female nude models over and over again until I got the anatomy right before I started actually making something that I'd consider putting in game.
  13. I'd watch his walk in Sonic 2, should give you a good idea.
  14. You're still over thinking and not reading what I'm posting, any time you edit geometry including it's center (which is done by freezing transforms) you must freeze the models construction history otherwise if you look at the operator stack in the explorer the things that show up under modeling will be undone on export. 1 position to skeleton 2 freeze all transforms 3 freeze model 5 heirarchy 6 envelope weights I think the problem is you're attempting this with next to no general knowledge of softimage other than whats needed to build a polygon mesh which is like 1/10000000000 of the programs functionality.
  15. It's a start but lacks a good deal of motion, the legs don't lift off the ground much, the stride is short and the rest of the body is very static.
  16. I don't see how you can have so many problems, its so simple, you need to freeze the transforms BEFORE setting up the heirarchy and BEFORE weighing the model. Freeze the model THEN start setting up the heirarchy and weighing, can't count how many times I've said it, you're getting hung up on a step in the process that nobody normally has any problem with.
  17. If you're doing it in max I really can't help.
  18. ^IK chain behavior is very dependant on up vectors, the default up vector for the chain may not be good enough, may have to constrain the up vector to a control object so it knows which way the elbows should point.
  19. Why not just use actual pictures of Sam Witwer?
  20. It has no cheek bones and the ears are super jacked up.
  21. If you open any base model in modview you should find them either under the pelvis directly or the humerus bones. All of the base animations SHOULD have them but I've never played through them all.
  22. You don't mess with geometry approximation, that changes all normals on the mesh based on like a slider/value, use mark hard edge/vertex to make creases. You honestly really shouldn't need that though anyway for something like this, just need to grab edges and move them around to get the shape right. I model doing the plane method and extruding edges, takes some time but I seem to get a better end result. Not sure if you're using the mirrored clone mothod to build the opposite side or if you're just using symmetrize polygons but you should delete half, edit>duplicate/instintiate>clone single and type in -1 for X scaling to mirror and freeze scaling. Then with the clone hit '+' 2 or so times to make it into a lvl 2 surface mesh and edit the low poly by pulling edges and vertex's out while looking at the high poly clone to see the result to get a more realistic face.
  23. Restarting isn't as bad as you think, you'll find yourself doing it much faster than the first time. Even if you do keep this you're not listening to any advice, the back of the head and neck needs to change, it just looks F'ed up, same with the lips. Don't be scared to build a higher poly head, if you can make it with proper loops and good flow you can always go back and manually remove some loops to reduce the count without really altering the look of the model.
  24. ^Better capes are already possible, just none of the released skeleton files for Softimage or Max have the tail bones included but if you open any base model in modview and look at the bones you'll find 2 tail bones that could be used to weigh a cape to judging by the way the move. Seems like they shouldn't interfere with the legs. Also looks like that's what those bones may have been intended for but it seems to have been over looked for all these years.
  25. The neck and back of the head is jacked up, don't know why you're taking the time to UV and texture when the modeling isn't right. Also, what's up with those polygons on the lips? He also has no jawline. You need to start over, it's beyond fixing.
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