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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. ^The SP campaign in JO was 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 times better than JA. If only JO had the 2 extra 2 handed styles it would be hands down a better game.
  2. ^This, SW themed counter strike is only fun for a small time, then it gets repetetive. If that team had half a brain they'd just simpley remake the MP side of JA rather than a mod that is only appealing to some, hell I'd help them if it weren't based on MB.
  3. I love JA, there isn't another game out there that comes close to it's style of saber combat. Also, what made you mention SP DT? I could care less if SP was never modded again, it's quite boring compared to playing against a real person.
  4. DL'ed but will have to test tomorrow. I'm surprised some of you coders aren't trying to enhance the engine already.
  5. ^Well then why not have someone who can code remove that little part?
  6. ^I'll have to hit you up on steam sometime and attempt to run a home based server of this mod but on FFA settings and a more appealing map than the other servers are running which is one of the things leading me to beleive why there is no traffic.
  7. ^That would be good since a server could say start with a "blank" map and use commands borrowed from lugormod to place merchants and items where the admin sees fit. Also, are you guys doing anything to "fix" NPC bahavior in the MP engine? I think it would be very benficial to have properly working NPC's in a mod like this since the amount of players per server is serverly limited compared to a traditional MMO game. Adding NPC mobs that drop loot would be great.
  8. I just have to bump this for clarification. The MP engine does not allow a player to use an animation bank other than _humanoid, that I believe is something that cannot be changed. Custom skeletons are possible on all engines but are restricted to the npc classes as far as animations and how they behave. All you have to do is look at some of lightninjas work to see all sorts of models using skeletons and animations he made.
  9. So is it's 3ds max's fault or the dotXSI exporters fault for adding the MAXSceneRoot parent? Oh yeah and what about Maya? I know for the older versions there was a dotXSI 3.x exporter and someone way back when even posted pics of a character that they put into JA using it but for the latest versions it may be hard to find or just not exist at all. Maya is overlooked a lot, I'd choose it over max.
  10. I don't know, I feel like I'm beating a dead horse saying it but as far as base JA maps go t2/trip and mp/seige_desert are the best for lugormod, large, open and very flexible. Most SP maps in general are good, it's the MP maps that are too small to be any good. I also get what moondog is saying, so many maps I've seen on lugor servers seem to only have things built for the hell of it, like most things on the map have no real perpose. I enjoy a map that has been altered in a way that it feels almost like it's a stock map, no crazy effects all over the place. No one there was helpful, I was killed by mercs pretty quick every time I spawned unless I found a hiding spot which is no fun. The bank and quests should really only be open to those who are leveling up, once you're maxed out in levels there is no point in amassing wealth. Your text mod is also still broken.
  11. Tried it out, was kinda a mad house, felt more like JA+ with people running wild. Seems like it would be difficult for new players to level up when everyone who is maxed out in levels just waits for them to get near any area where credits could be had like a pack of hungry wolves.
  12. You'll never get the freedom with TFFA, that's why I think it's a terrible idea. It should just be FFA and let people group together on their own with people they know and enjoy playing with and not restrict it to 2 teams when it could be a handful of small teams. Honestly, I played it for a bit and some features were pretty neat but if it stays TFFA I'll probably not play, too restrictive.
  13. ^The reason why the shading and colors are so bad and far off is because he's using this terrible reference found on page 4 You can't paint a texture based of a reference of someone standing under next to no light. It also seems that the only person who likes the look of the model is therfiles.
  14. Well then I'll probably start playing there since I've been looking for an active server to play on.
  15. Just seemed pointless to replace a perfectly good walk animation with one that isn't good, I'm sure there are other animations that could be made that will actually build on the game. For that it just seemed like the animator made that for the hell of it just because they felt like they could. Why the hell is there no official server? Terran gaming used to have a couple of JA servers if I'm not mistaken, one good Lugormod server too but I think it went away when they all decided to hop on the TOR bandwagon. The terran gaming site is absolutely horrible btw, wont go back there after they changed it from MF->TG, ads galore and none of the links take you to where they're supposed to unless you're a member it seems.
  16. I downloaded this for shits and giggles and something right away bugged me big time, the walk animation that seems to have been made for no aparent reason to replace the base walk animation with one that sucks. I'm sure I'll find other things if there were people online to where the TFFA match would actually start which leads me to why the F would you choose TFFA for a MMO based mod? FFA would be far more appropriate for the servers to run.
  17. It's nice to see more lugormod servers but could you maybe either fix your font mod that is auto downloaded or get rid of it completely? Having to do /vid_restart every time you connect gets repetetive.
  18. ^Not at all go right ahead, usage of mods can be seen on the right window where it says file information. Just give credit to me in your readme. I may have to update it though since the sabers kind of need proper names in the menu, didn't care before since they were solely for cutting reborn's staffs in half and I didn't actually use them.
  19. Some dialogue suggests that he made it and some suggests he found it but it's never really clearly said which, probably to let it be up to the person playing the game to keep it like it was meant, a character whos story could be shaped by the player.
  20. The cg_turnanims catches my interest due to my recent walker model, I made turn animations since I saw that the AT-ST uses them but in game they don't work, care to shed some light on perhaps why there is code for turn animations, actual turn animations for models but they don't seem to play ever?
  21. There are many Taris maps out there and this is by far the best. 5/5
  22. Might have to fix the link for the Hoth Fix, I updated it already with icons that match the pose of the others so it looks more like it was something that was meant to be there.
  23. ^Pretty sure his plugins are on the site but it could use a good video tutorial on how to use them, I couldn't get things to import right but that might just be because I don't know anything about blender. Oh yeah, does blender like not have a triangulate feature? Or is that what you mean by doing it manually? Cause that'd suck if you had to go through and draw all those edges.
  24. Oh yeah Mug, any chance of an update on the base customization? The only thing I noticed was that there is no info on the selection for the species name like Human Male, Chiss Male, Mandalorian, etc.
  25. ^Funny thing is I just uploaded that but since it has been something that I made for myself like 5 years ago now that I just submitted it for fun it makes me want to make the icons match the others in terms of pose. I see we have the missing JO sounds which is something I made myself back when JA first came out but what about adding all the JO reborn base color variants? They even have names like Fencer, Acrobat and Boss.
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